The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 898: The best in Poland pocket

And if at this time, the Austro-Hungarian Army and part of the Bavarian Army counterattacks in the direction of Lviv, then there are not two army groups and enough reserves, so can the Russians rest assured? This is 1.5 million troops! In addition, in the Transcaucasus region, there are also Turks to contain, the Russians deploy at least one group army, and in the Baltic region, the Russians have another group army. In this way, the Russian troops have reached their limits, and they have no more front-line troops.

"I did not intend to completely tear off the Russian defense line from Poland. This is inefficient. The Russians are not stupid. They know to build a series of fortresses and fortifications on the borders and deep areas of the two sides. Even if it is crappy. , Is always an obstacle for the offensive troops."

"So, my breakthrough is here!" The prince clicked the direction of Riga Bay on the map with a putter, and then drew a circle!

"Since the Russians on land are offensive and obstructed by terrain, why don't we open a gap from the sea, bypass the opponent's border defense, and insert directly behind the enemy?" the prince asked rhetorically. "In order to achieve this goal, I need the support of the Navy!"

In fact, in history, Germany did have the idea of ​​the Gulf of Riga. The first action was relatively unsuccessful. On the one hand, it was because the Russians made mines more powerful. On the other hand, Germany did not act resolutely. The second time, it was famous in history. The Albion operation was a partial success, and in the eyes of the prince, this operation was a bit late, because by 1916, the two fronts were already very close to the Gulf of Riga, and the offensive resistance was relatively high. But if it is activated now, the effect is completely different!

The reason is simple. The main Russian troops are on the front line of Poland and Silesia. There is an accident in the Gulf of Riga, and it is too late for the Russians to mobilize troops! The only possibility is the reserve team in the St. Petersburg area, but a group army came over and the German army with the cover of the high seas fleet smashed? What do you think? !

After the successful landing, the German army's knife was equivalent to directly slashing the Russians' most vulnerable neck! There are almost no large Russian corps in the entire nearby area, and the Russians can act casually! The next step is to target the Russian railway lines and railway hubs!

Don't ask for occupation, just destroy! If the railways in Western Europe can be described by the railway network, then what is the description of the railways in Russia? Just a few lines! The entire Russian army's maneuvering and logistical supplies are completed by these lines, and they are overwhelmed. If they are temporarily cut off, the frontline troops basically rely on their legs to maneuver... . Maybe it's a four-legged horse or a two-legged person!

It is true that at this time, the encirclement was not completed, but how is that? The Polish region cannot supply millions of troops for consumption, and the latter cannot be shipped. Do you want to retreat? Either the railway is destroyed or there is no car. Want to walk from Poland to Belarus and Ukraine on your legs? What do you think?

Because the initial goal of the German army after landing was to destroy the railway network, some smaller, high-mobility units could be responsible for this task, which can be undertaken by the Bavarian Army, such as motorized units and cavalry. Add bicycle.... (Don't laugh, in history, there were really well-established bicycle brigades in Operation Albion.... This is much earlier than the Silver Wheel Corps in the second battle.)

To operate in the Russian rear without any heavy protection, it does not require too strong attack capability. Then, as long as it can destroy a few important railway lines and some military stations, then Germany must have an advantage in the race against the Russians. ! In the process of retreating from the opposite direction, kill the exhausted Russian army one by one! What a touching thing this is!

Moreover, there is not much military risk in such an operation. The Russians have broken away from the field fortifications and fortress system, lacking sufficient supplies, and are engaged in field battles with the German Army supplied by sea? The idea is very good. Give it a try, who is the grandson!

There are two key points for the prince to realize this plan. The first key point is that the German Navy must be able to quickly capture the Gulf of Riga and concentrate a sufficient number of merchant ships. The Baltic operations laid a foundation.

The second key point is that the German General Staff needs to deploy additional troops to perform this task! The prince’s Bavarian Army, Bohemia Army, and Mackensen’s Army are not enough. If possible, the Prince hopes that the German General Staff can be assigned an additional army, about 250,000 to 300,000 troops, and a large number of vehicles. In this case. When the battle was launched, the total combat power level of the Allies was a level higher than that of the Russians. The confidence of success is greater, and the possibility of closing the gap as soon as possible is also higher!

"So you mean to add an additional army at the right time, and have command of the German High Seas Fleet?" The Kaiser said after listening to the prince's explanation At the same time, he began to figure out if this is the case. The total number of German troops on the Eastern Front.

The Bavarian and Bohemia legions are now 500,000 troops, and it is possible to rise to 600,000 in a while, because the Bavarian legions have captured a large number of prisoners, and Bohemia and Moravia are going deep. After the captives provided a large amount of labor, more manpower can be converted into military power. Then the Mackensen Army and the fortress area forces to 250,000 are no problem. This is 850,000 German troops, and the prince needs another one. The group army, which properly exceeds one million, has not yet calculated the strength of the high seas fleet.

"Is this force a bit too much?" After the Kaiser finished speaking, he glanced at Xiao Maoqi.

"This force can be considered, but I want to know what the Empire can get after such a battle is over?" Xiao Maoqi asked.

"We can defeat at least 5 Russian Army Groups, and then the Baltic Sea coast, part of Belarus, and Western Ukraine will be brought under our control! After this battle, the Russian Army will not be able to pose a big threat to the German army. , And one thing I need to explain is that with the current deep mobilization, our military strength will continue to increase. There are now 7 Prussian group armies on the Western Front and only one on the Eastern Front. Isn’t that justified?” The prince said carefully.

The Kaiser and Xiao Maoqi couldn't help dripping two drops of cold sweat when they heard this. They didn't expect to come so soon!

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