The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 903: Tear Force One of the British Admiralty

The Betty fleet was attacked, and the battlecruiser Queen Mary sank! The princess sinks in battle! General Betty’s flagship, the Lion, sinks in battle! The Betty fleet has been destroyed!

Lieutenant General Jeram and Major General Hood have joined together! We have eight battleships! We leaned in secretly and launched a surprise attack! The Saxon is on fire! The Germans began to adjust their formation! We are shooting against the Germans! The Erin Aes was sunk! The German fleet is killing! The Indomitable was sunk! The Germans surpassed the killing of gods!

The teamfight was over, Betty, Jeram, and Hood played gg....

The whole process of the war is simply like this. Starting from the first telegram after the two sides opened fire, the First Minister of the Navy and the First Minister of the Navy did not receive a positive and positive report! From the lines of the telegram, both Churchill and Fisher could feel that in this battle, the British fleet was hanged and beaten.... This is something that hasn't happened in hundreds of years. When did the British Empire fleet get hanged in a larger naval battle? There was neither the Crimean War nor the Napoleonic era. I am afraid it will be traced back to the Anglo-Dutch War, right?

Perhaps the last time the Royal Navy’s larger fleet was defeated was the Battle of Texel on August 21, 1673, right? This tm happened more than 200 years ago, right? Moreover, that time was a failure at most, and it was not considered a hang. There was still an essential difference from this defeat. This time, the slaughter had no room to fight back. In a trance, Fisher seemed to see those Royal Navy ancestors who were already in paradise saying to himself: "Baby, I'm desperate for your performance!"

"What's the situation?! The most elite warship of the Royal Navy was harvested like straw!" After receiving the news of the British fleet's retreat, the angry Fisher slapped the telegram in his hand heavily on the table. On, his face is full of anger, helplessness and a trace of panic?

"A group of cowards! Betty, Jeram, Hood! They have failed the trust of the British Empire! They have tarnished the glory of the Royal Navy! They should all be tried!" Fisher made no secret of his anger, high and radical words Sounded in the Office of the Admiralty.

"Arrange people immediately and block all news. We can't just let the media and people know about the Royal Navy's defeat! Also, immediately contact Admiral Jericho. We need all the parties involved in this battle to be present.... Meeting, um, meeting.” Just as Fisher vented his anger, Churchill on the side knew what he should do.... He needs to wipe the **** of the British fleet now!

"Do you even conceal the Prime Minister?" the officer on the side asked.

"You can reveal some news. The result of the loss is yet to be determined. Well, just like that, those people in the parliament should not tell them for now." Churchill said calmly. It is not the first time that concealing failure has been done. Churchill had already concealed the fact that Xiong directly killed the ANZ troops in two divisions. This time, people obviously have experience!

What's more, it is not only the navy family who concealed losses from the parliament and the people and praised the great war nations, the army is also doing it! As a politician, if you can't even conceal, what kind of politician would you be? Besides, the confirmation of the results of the war is a very troublesome thing. Some mistakes are inevitable. Can it be concealed? Is this normal?

"No matter how big the problem is on the battlefield, we must at least ensure that there are no major fluctuations in our rear. Sometimes, gossip is more terrifying than the defeat on the battlefield." After the war, when the media interview was called " When Churchill was a liar expert, the latter defended himself in this way. Of course, this is something later, so I won't mention it for the time being.

"Sir Fisher, don't you think the most important thing we need to do now is to communicate with the generals of the navy to understand the reasons for the failure of the battle, and then make remedies? Mere resentment and condemnation will not help." After Fisher had almost vented, Churchill stepped forward to comfort him.

In Britain, the status of the First Secretary of the Navy is higher than that of the First Secretary of the Navy, and when Churchill made this proposal, Fisher could not refuse it. And as he said, the British Navy needs to re-evaluate its opponents across the North Sea from this meeting and formulate a new strategy!

"Not only the fleet commander, but also the person in charge of the intelligence department will come over. The failure of this battle is not the problem of the fleet itself, but the problem of the entire Royal Navy. The intelligence department, the fleet, the command and decision-making organs are inseparable. I It can be said responsibly that the internal problems of the navy are bigger than the external enemies!" Fisher's words properly meant that "the enemy is in the Admiralty"...

At this time, on the special train to London, Jericho and his fleet commanders were also preparing for the upcoming meeting. In addition to collating relevant information, the fleet commanders also began to explore the reasons for this failure. According to the nature of human beings, all the generals participating in the war have a common idea. The intelligence of the Admiralty is simply too bad. I don’t know who the commander of the fleet is. Not very conspicuous, but even the size and formation of the fleet that participated in the battle was wrong. This is correct, and the battle is not half lost! And another feeling is that I can't beat it, and I can't beat it all! Absolutely can't beat it!

"Do you feel that our shells hit the German warship like a stone hitting a and the other side's armor-piercing shells against us, like a hot knife cutting butter?" Betty finally said that everyone If you agree, the biggest shock that this battle has brought to the British is that, in a nutshell, a warship of more than 20,000 tons went up to pk and exploded after ten minutes. Even Major General Moore said that he could The biggest reason for surviving is because of two points. The first is naturally the almighty blessing of God. The second is that the opponent’s and one’s own battleship artillery skills are a little worse...

"Our lions and tigers have no effect except for their speed, and Sir Fisher has made great contributions to it." Betty continued. After this sentence was said, although no one catered to it, it was because of Fisher's high position, but in fact, it was true. Although the speed was fast, the combat effectiveness was still poor.

"Well, if you have something to say at the meeting, everyone pay attention to your words and deeds." Jericho interrupted. "Let’s take a break, everyone." The ultimate side spoke to the book friends. Yesterday, the author's subscription hit a new low in the past month--! I lost nearly half of my subscriptions--! That's called a sad reminder in my heart--! It's cold in my heart--! Well, although the war is over, don’t do that, everyone. Let’s spoiler you. In the next few days, we will talk about some dark history, and at the same time will lead to the next important role. Today is the first three updates, please subscribe for support!