The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 905: The tear of the British Admiralty III

"Do you understand? When the fleet of Lieutenant General Jeram and Major General Hood merged, our fleet successfully used the background cover to get close to the German fleet. In the case of 8 to 7, we have the first hand advantage. Of course, we The force of the fleet is still weaker than that of the opponent, but after the opponent adjusted slightly, it took less than 45 minutes to kill our three battleships, two of which were ultra-dreadnought battlecruisers. It's not too much to describe it as a dish!" Jericho did not target anyone, subjectively speaking, he did not intend to help Betty or question some of Fisher's practices. Just stating a fact.

"Associated with the result that our most elite Queen Elizabeth-class battleship drew a tie with the German second-rate battleship, I think that the design of the Royal Navy's battleship will be changed in the future, and it will be greatly changed!" Jericho said. For their own purposes.

"So what's your opinion?" Churchill asked.

"In a short period of time, new design battleships are too late. We must now make up for the shortcomings of the fleet, especially fast battleships. I think new prestige and counterattack are equipped with 15-inch artillery, but warships with insufficient armor protection are unnecessary. Yes, if possible, I think we should put all other berths, funds and manpower on the Queen Elizabeth-class battleships, except for the Vengeance-class battleships that continue to be built. This is the only thing we can currently compete with the German fleet. Battleship," Jericho said.

Regarding the division of responsibilities for this battle, Jericho does not want to talk about it at all. As the commander of the large fleet, Jericho knows that what is needed most is to solve the immediate crisis, not to pursue responsibility. Of course, as a subordinate champion Commander, he also has a bottom line, Betty's own judgment is indeed wrong, and the division of troops is an indelible black pot, so if Betty is transferred to other unimportant positions, this is acceptable to Jericho.

But others? Whether it is Betty's subordinate Major General Moore, or Lieutenant General Jeram or Major General Hood, they are not responsible. If the Admiralty wants to let them back, Jericho will never agree! As a good boss, who can't be fair to his subordinates, so what kind of boss?

"The new queens are still in service for a while, and it may take more than half a year. The eighth Queen Elizabeth-class battleship may be in service a year later. Our troop vacuum is too long. This is simply unbearable." Churchill said.

Churchill was not talking about the overall strength of the British Empire's Great Fleet. Although it was a bit hurt by killing 6 battleships this time, it was not a pain for the huge battleship detachment of the Great Fleet, except that it was still huge. In addition to the number of battleships, the other three Vengeance-class battleships equipped with 15-inch heavy guns are also stepping up their suits. The third will be in service next month, and the fifth will be in service in five months. If the High Seas Fleet and the Great Seas If the fleet smashes dead, then there is no chance of winning.

Churchill was worried about the replenishment of fast battleships. The heavy losses of the Betty fleet caused great problems to the original strategy of the British navy, even if the four Queen Elizabeth-class battleships returned, plus the remaining Tiger and Moore's two battleships The cruiser still could not restore the original deployment of troops.

The original deployment was the large fleet deployed in the Shetland Islands at the far north, Betty’s battlecruisers in the middle, and the Channel Fleet and Harwich Fleet at the far south. The three fleets originally formed a very tight blockade network, but now? The middle ring was destroyed, even if the queens came back? The combination of 4 queens and 3 battlecruisers still can't beat the German fleet of 6 Bavaria and 1 Helgeland... The record may be better, but there is no use...

If the British fast battleship really wants to suppress Germany's most elite Bavarian squadron, there are no eight queens to avoid talking about! But the problem now is that the replenishment speed of the British fleet has reached its limit. 3 Queens and 3 Revenge-class ships are under construction. The warships originally intended to be sold to Chile have been collected into the large fleet. If new ships are required first, then Must start with laying the keel.

"I will persuade the council to increase funding to quickly complete the remaining Queen and Vengeance-class battleships. What about the new first-class battleship? Do you have any suggestions?" Churchill asked.

"Our battleship should use a new power system. Compared with the small water tube boilers used by the Germans, the furnace efficiency is too low. The same battlecruiser has almost the same speed on both sides. We actually have hundreds of tons more than them. Power weight." Jericho said.

"Although small water tube boilers are more efficient, they are more troublesome to maintain. Our warships need to cruise around the world. Unlike the Germans, they only nest in the North Sea. In fact, the Germans are in the Indian Ocean. Special class battleships use ordinary boilers instead of small water-tube boilers.” said Sir Fisher, who has been depressed.

Do British people have no small water tube boilers? Maybe it’s relatively late to board the ship, but you have to say that a well-established first-rate power can’t get an nb power that’s impossible. The complicated things like steam turbines are the first of the British. It came out, then Parsons of the Americans, and then Bremen of the Germans. It is obviously nonsense to say that the British cannot make a suitable boiler.

In fact, looking at the prestige, 42 boilers only have 90,000 horsepower, and Hood’s 24 boilers have 150,000 horsepower. You can understand that afterwards, the British did not have it, but because of economic and maintenance issues, it was temporarily not available. In addition, the full name of the German small water tube boiler is the Schultz-Sanycroft type small water tube boiler, and the Sunnycroft is a British company... So everyone knows...

However, Fisher’s delay in letting water tube boilers board the ship did have cognitive problems. The other was that water tube boilers had to be replaced frequently. This maintenance was too difficult. The German fleet was nestled in the North Sea all day long. History The speed of the dreadnought warship did not drop very much when the battle started. Naturally, the loss of the boiler was not large, but what about the British? The warships were running around the world, and it was a later thing to concentrate on the North Sea to block the high seas fleet. When Fisher came to power, Britain was still ready to fight various potential opponents. Naturally, the reliability of the power system must be considered. And stability.

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