The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 917: Japanese-style field.

"If this is the case, the situation in the entire Far East will undergo fundamental changes. The British Empire has always believed that the existence of the Dutch East Indies is conducive to the stability of the Far East. Neither we nor the French or the Spanish have ever beaten the Dutch East Indies. This time Lloyd George was telling the truth. The British did acquiesce in the Dutch control of the East Indies. During the Napoleonic Wars, although the British controlled this area for a time, they still controlled the area after the war. It was returned to the Netherlands.

Rather than talking about the reasons, it can only be said that it is in the interests of European powers to control this place by the Netherlands. Is the Dutch East India rich? That's for sure. For example, now, Borneo's oil. In history, in 1930, the oil production of the entire Kalimantan area was 6.74 million tons, and if this figure is refined to the current oil production in the Dutch territories, it is about 4 million tons! How much fuel consumption does Japan consume in just one year? Less than 600,000 tons! With the Dutch East Indies, Japan has directly changed from an oil importer to an exporter!

In addition to oil, copper mines in the Dutch East Indies are also very rich. For example, the western New Guinea region now has a world-class copper mine. With this copper mine alone, the Dutch copper mine production accounts for To the top five in the world! Another example is the resources of nickel mines, tin mines and coal mines in Sumatra. With these resources, Japan has completely transformed from an island country to a powerful country that is not only self-sufficient in resources but also capable of exporting! Not to mention there are more than 1.9 million square kilometers of land and a lot of territorial waters!

Why can the Netherlands have this place? It is not because of how strong the Netherlands is, but the result of many compromises. The British are definitely unwilling to let a powerful country like France own this fertile land, and France is definitely unwilling to let the British own, and the two sides are at odds. At that time, it becomes acceptable for a country that is not very powerful and has withdrawn from the world hegemony arena to own this place.

So the Netherlands is still the master here. However, if this place is replaced by another great potential Far Eastern country, then the United Kingdom is absolutely unwilling to accept it, because if any country has this place, as long as the leadership is not funny! Then there will be considerable development.

Imagine how terrifying a Far Eastern Empire that includes Japan, half of Sakhalin, the Philippines, and the entire Dutch East Indies? These ribbon-shaped islands directly control the entire Far East like a big hand. If an empire with a population of tens of millions, a total area of ​​more than 2 million square kilometers, rich resources, and quite aggressive rises in the Far East, Lloyd George assured that this is definitely not what the British government wants to see!

"Do you have anything else to say?" Lloyd George asked after taking a deep breath and stabilizing his mood.

"Nothing." Kataro could not see any information from the other party's face, and finally said after a short hesitation. He didn’t know the attitude of the British, and he didn’t know that once this request was thrown out, it was time for the bayonet of both sides to become popular, but this was the resolution of the Japanese high-level, and it was also the time when he believed that Japan’s expansion was the best. At that time, Katsura and the Japanese government behind him had nowhere to go!

"Well, from now on, I will not discuss any related matters with you and the Japanese government behind you. This is beyond my scope of authority! I will never agree to such a condition. I will do so this afternoon. , Immediately after I go back to state this matter to your government, your country can also inform our government through diplomatic channels. As for who will discuss related matters in the future, whether someone will replace me, how the empire will choose, this is not in my control "Lloyd George took the hat from the table and put it on his head.

In Lloyd George's view, he can no longer talk, and the British Empire cannot accept such conditions. "If I choose, I would rather let the Dutch East India be ruled by local natives than to Japan! We do not allow an Asian version of Germany in the Far East!" In the diary, the British envoy wrote Dao, and there are similar sentences in the telegrams sent back to China.

"By the way, if I were allowed to choose, I would definitely refuse!" After speaking, the British envoy walked out of the captain's room of the battleship Hyuga without looking back. Katsutaro was left standing in front of the sand table.

"The British don't agree?" After a while, while Katsura was still looking at the huge sand table in deep thought, the commander of the Japanese combined fleet Ijiin Goro walked into the captain's room of the Hyuga and said to the former.

"Until the last moment, no one knows the result. Generally speaking, Lloyd George's reaction is also within expectations. Maybe we will change to a negotiating opponent in the future." Kataro said calmly.

"Well, let’s not talk about politics. When talking about some things that soldiers need to pay attention to, the Americans seem to be very determined this time. They sent the latest Nevada-class battleship to the Bismarck Sea area. The current situation is like this. On Melania Island, we and the Americans each account for half. We are on the west and they are on the east. The two sides have deployed more than 40 warships in this area, including two battleships on each side. We It’s Fuso and the battlecruiser King Kong, while the opponents are the Nevada and New York."

(New Pomerania is actually the current New British Island. It is located in the Bismarck Sea. At its northeast corner, there is a name that cannot be bypassed in the history of the Battle of the 2 Seas. It is called Rabaul!)

"According to the intelligence reality, the two sides have now begun to mine mines in certain areas. The possibility of misfire is increasing, but I want to know whether the empire is ready to go to war with the Americans?" said Goro Ijiin.

"Do you think we are ready?" Kataro asked I don't think there is, Japan is still too weak. "Ijiin Goro said.

"Then exercise some restraint," Kataro said, rubbing his numb temples.

"Okay, I will tell Lieutenant General Kato Seiyoshi." Goro Ijiin did not talk nonsense. "Then what if there is a gun wiping and misfire? Lieutenant General Kato Seiyoshi said in the telegram that both sides are nervous."

"You can't suffer, but it's better than fighting to death." Kataro frowned, and then gave an ambiguous answer, "I have to discuss how to do it. In short, it is best not to do anything recently. Come."

Something, 2 more today~~~! Seeking subscription for support~~~! On Sunday at the latest, there will be some "black history", um, that's it~~~!

In addition, I recommend a novel in the late Qing Dynasty, "The Great Picture of Iron and Blood" written by Silent Destiny. The travel time is relatively early and the content is rich, you can take a look~~~! ;;