The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 925: Bismarck's Friction 2

how to say? Generally speaking, it was all kinds of confusion and panic, but no matter what, the battle continued. When the Americans discovered that the Japanese shells did not seem to be able to effectively penetrate the Nevada's armor, the Americans regained confidence!

boom! With the roar of the heavy artillery again, five 15-inch l42 guns leaped backwards violently, and five long fire dragons gushed out from the muzzle and flew to the American battleship 14 kilometers away. Ten seconds later, another huge flame burst out from the side of the Nevada. The billowing smoke spewed out from the breach, covering most of the battleship in an instant. This gun should have been hit near a certain flue of the Nevada. While the shell successfully destroyed the flue, it also made the dense inside. Smoke and exhaust gas vent from it.

This is already the fourth shell hit by the Fuso. Japanese naval officers and soldiers have become accustomed to it. Except for those who are more emotional and yelling, the Japanese naval officers headed by Kondo are just silent Staring at the American warships that were constantly hit in the distance.

"Our artillery shells seem to have no effect on American battleships." It has been 20 minutes since the start of the war. The battleships in the distance have been hit, and then they did not receive any fatal injuries. The Japanese fleet succeeded in the opponent's bridge. Several fires were set on the upper, on the deck, and on the gun gallery, but the efforts of the American damage management team did not play a big role.

"The Japanese warships are very powerful. They successfully suppressed the Nevada in the battle, but their shells were not penetrated enough. Our 13.5-inch armor belt and the front armor of the turret can perfectly immune the opponent's attack." Soon, Sims also discovered this situation. Although he was hit again and again, the Nevada battleship kept firing at the opponent, and then missed a shot...

The Japanese’s first shell damaged the front mast of Nevada, making the main rangefinder above unusable. All artillery can only be fired with the rangefinder on the turret, plus the dense smoke produced after being shot. The interference with the flames made the shelling accuracy of the Nevada almost unbearable. The alternating firing of the 10 artillery pieces of this American battleship is more of an attitude to Japan. The actual threat is also very limited. The American shells are always far away and near, but they just missed it! Well, at least that's the case in Nevada. As for the other one, the situation is different.

The New York was in service in 1909. Although the No. 3 turret was basically abolished due to the temperature of the ammunition compartment, there are still 8 14-inch artillery pieces, and US officers and soldiers who have been on this ship for two years. We are used to removing the middle turret as an additional factor. Although there is still a certain gap between the artillery and the Japanese, the New York has an advantage over King Kong!

When King Kong glued the fourth round to the front of the New York No. 2 turret, the 14-inch thick armored egg was used. The New York No. 2 turret said that it’s okay. I will return you one. Then the U.S. Navy won the battle. The first hit!

This shell hit directly on the face door of the King Kong 3 turret. Unlike the American armor that is 14 inches thick, the King Kong's armor is only 9 inches! 13 kilometers away, a 14-inch shell came directly, even if it was replaced by a British or Japanese shell, it might be penetrated! However, the effect of this shot is really good!

The armor-piercing projectile weighing more than 600 kilograms has a very good landing point, and it almost flies toward the front of King Kong's turret. Unlike the picric acid charge used by the British, the Americans use the more stable d explosive. Although the fuze is still not very good, the luck of this shell is obviously good. After the cap and the hardened layer of the armor surface become countless fragments, the sharp warhead slams into the non-hardened layer of the armor. !

This blow was very powerful, directly hitting a 7-inch deep pit, and at this moment, the shell fuze was activated. Under the action of more than ten kilograms of explosives, a huge bullet hole appeared on the forehead of King Kong 3 turret.

"From the control tower, I could clearly see a huge fireball jetting out from the turret, and the smoke quickly covered the back half of the bridge. After that, there was a series of explosions near the turret. The warships seemed to be shaking. One of the 14-inch artillery was broken, and the other was pulled down.” A Japanese officer on the King Kong said with lingering fear.

"The British battlecruiser really isn't sturdy, so I can rest assured." Lieutenant Colonel Kimmel, the captain of the New York, looked at the King Kong with a pillar of fire rising in the middle of the hull and nodded very satisfied. The brittle rumors of British battlecruisers, Kimmel had also heard from the German military attaché in the United States, and this time, he finally verified it personally. This is really sour!

"Hold the grass, I knew it would be like this! Before I bought the King Kong from the British, I knew it would be like this!" Lieutenant General Kato Seiyoshi looked at the King Kong shot in the distance and said bitterly. When the Japanese Navy was buying battlecruisers, most of the generals in the navy, even Heihachiro Togo, believed that it was better to order German battleships than to buy British battlecruisers, and even some people in the Admiralty planned to re-follow the old story of Asama. . Purchasing through a third country But in the end, the uncertainty of this purchase, the inappropriateness of the equipment system, and the political nature overwhelmed everything. The King Kong-class battleship of the British Armstrong Shipyard still entered the Japanese navy, and was directly destroyed in the first battle...

After the New York hit the King Kong for the first time, some subtle changes have taken place in the war. Although the Fuso-class battleship still has a certain advantage in general, the front mast of the current Nevada has been broken, and the rear The mast was cut off in half. A barrel of the No. 2 turret was blown up, and the No. 3 turret was hit on the turret. The huge impact temporarily blocked the rotation mechanism of the No. 3 turret. Two large holes were opened in the bow of the ship. The battleship entered about 1,000 tons of water, and the hull had a bow tilt of about 3 degrees and a left tilt of 7 degrees. The swells of the warship sailing have affected the firing of the bow turret. Overall, the Nevada is already very dangerous.

"Separate six artillery to attack the New York, I am afraid that the King Kong will not be able to fight." At this time, Kato did not forget the order from the Admiralty-Don't break the ship! If this is just in case something goes wrong with King Kong, if you just sink here, Kato Seiyoshi will have to kill himself....

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