The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 930: Only need 1 step

"Japan is really a crazy country, they actually beat the Americans at this time! Don't they think our enemies are still not enough?" British Prime Minister Asquis said with disgust at the telegram just sent. Almost on the day after the Japanese cabinet received the conflict between the United States and Japan in the Bismarck Sea, the British embassy in Japan also received relevant information. The British ambassador to Japan immediately reported this to the country, and the military attache to Japan began to collect this information. Conflicting intelligence.

"But it seems that the Americans have no plans to do it. If they want to do it, I am afraid that all American newspapers will publish this matter now, and then a large number of Americans will take to the streets to demand that the U.S. government declare war with Japan. Their president will deliver a sternly worded speech in Parliament. Now nothing has happened. On the contrary, the Americans are deliberately concealing this matter." The Foreign Secretary said.

"That means we don't have to worry about the Americans' overreaction?" Prime Minister Asquith asked.

"In fact, all major powers have been involved in a worldwide war. We are fighting in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The destructiveness and lethality of this war exceeds any previous war. The United States has already accounted for a large It’s cheaper. They carve up our market, take away our raw materials, and help our enemies to gain a lot of benefits at a very small price. However, participating in the war requires facing huge risks. Instead of doing this, it is better to sit back and reap the profits. Good." said Lloyd George who came back from Japan.

The British are businessmen in dresses and pirates with knives and guns. But whether you are a businessman or a pirate, you must do everything for profit. As Churchill said, there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests. Americans will not participate in a tragic war because of a face or a conflict. Even if Germany loses, the United States will not necessarily choose war. What is Germany? In the eyes of the Americans, it is just a cooperative partner. In the same way, in Ruprecht's eyes, the United States is a potential enemy in addition to being a temporary partner. So as long as there are no surprises, then the most likely choice for the United States this time is to calm things down. It's better to get some benefits.

"In other words, we only need one step to silence the Americans? Is that true?" Asquith muttered to himself. "Well, also, we can still make the Japanese owe a favor! Give way to the Dutch East Indies!" What is an ally? Sometimes allies can hand over their backs to each other, and sometimes allies are used to cheat! Especially when today's "ally" may become tomorrow's "trouble", who do you not cheat?

"We are obviously inappropriate as a third country, and the French are also inappropriate. So I suggest that the Swiss or Italians can come forward and coordinate. Both sides should step back and delimit an unarmed zone. The two sides should not build new fortifications on the newly occupied islands. Deploy the army. The main battleship is withdrawn from the disputed area. This can ease the conflict between the two countries and also free up the Japanese fleet." Churchill thought for a while and said.

"Let's do this first. We can first mention the coordination of the third country with the Japanese, and then we will discuss with the Japanese about the Dutch East Indies and the Japanese fleet entering the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean." Asqui Said.

"By the way, I remember that our military attache in Japan just sent me a copy of the details of the battle between the two fleets in the Bismarck Sea battle. Can you tell us the views of your Admiralty?" After discussing important matters, Asquith Turning to the front, asked.

"Col. Andrew Cunningham personally went to Nagasaki Port to observe the two Japanese battleships. According to him, the Fuso is basically new. Although the American battleship hits the opponent more than once, it was heavily armored. Open. Cunningham believes that Fuso’s defensive power is absolutely sufficient, at least there will be no problems with the German 14-inch gun. The performance of the King Kong class battlecruiser is much worse. The main armor belt and turret were hit. Wear, so the colonel believes that British battlecruisers are not suitable for attacking battleships."

"Well, okay, Fisher is lying down again." Asquith said in his heart.

"From the perspective of personnel quality, the Japanese Navy is obviously much higher. According to the statistics of the Japanese Navy, they hit their opponents no less than 16 times in this battle! And the two American warships hit the Japanese warships about 7 times at most. I think the data is reasonable. After all, according to the intelligence sent by our warships in the Pacific, they even used the miserable description of the two post-war US battleships."

"Finally, Colonel Cunningham's evaluation is that if the Japanese Navy can conduct adequate training before entering the war, then the combat quality is almost at the same level as the Royal Navy, and it can play an important role in both the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean." Churchill Finally added.

"Well, in that case, I hope that the Japanese can fulfill their obligations as a member of the Allied Powers as soon as possible." Asquith said.

The British were quick to move. On the day after the meeting, the British ambassador to Japan issued a diplomatic note, asking the Japanese side to "handle carefully" the Bismarck conflict, and not to publicize the victory of the battle~www On the other hand, the Japanese Navy is required to control the number of fleets in the South Pacific in order to pave the way for the next step of easing the situation.

The next day, the British government sent separate requests to Switzerland and Italy, hoping that these two countries could act as third parties to coordinate the relationship between the United States and Japan. On the fourth day, the Italian government expressed its willingness to act as the coordinator. Then the Japanese ambassador to the United States contacted the U.S. government and expressed its position. After the U.S. government found a step, it gradually downplayed the influence of the Bismarck Sea battle.

Things are gradually moving in the direction of dying down. The U.S. fleet and the Japanese fleet evacuated backwards tacitly. Although they did not touch each other, it was clear that the conflict finally subsided temporarily. As for the rest, everyone did not repair fortifications and exercise restraint. It's hard to tell.

"His Royal Highness, this seems a shame. If the Americans can participate in the war, I am afraid we will reduce a lot of trouble, and the victory of the entire war may be just around the corner." When the prince and his men in Prague received the information, Ka Lipt said regretfully.

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