The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 934: Europeans are really rich

"But before that, I hope that your country can provide 150,000 trained or reservists to participate in a battle we launch in 3 months. This battle will not be conducted on the Western Front." Campbell is ready to pull the Japanese into the future. Battle of the Dardanelles!

"Moreover, this fleet must be transported by the Japanese Navy. This is our bottom line. It cannot be changed or discussed. There are only two options: agreement and opposition." Campbell stared at the other side with an unusually firm tone!

"Okay, let's set it down like this for now." After hesitating for a few minutes, Kataro finally nodded and agreed. As for the subsequent drafting of the treaty and signing, he doesn't need to worry about it. When he thinks of the Japanese Empire, The territory has more than doubled once again! Kataro felt a little airy. "It seems that I was the one who brought the empire to the top." After the meeting, Kataro wrote unabashedly in his diary.

But for more than a month, the Japanese army on the front lines in France has not been so relaxed. Even though there are many veterans and officers who participated in the Russo-Japanese War, some of them even participated in the offensive and defensive battle in Lushun. These people, who were quite conceited before they landed in Europe, only now know that they are Tucson-broken! In the real world's top land battlefield, Japanese talents discovered that the first-class European powers had become accustomed to using steel tonnage and firepower for "communication." The so-called "Soul of Yamato" is worthless in the face of firepower like a volcanic eruption! Of course, the process of understanding this is very tragic.

"The French are not bad. Although we are a guest army, the infantry weapons provided to us are all very sophisticated." Playing with this 1911 Shaosha light machine gun in his hand, Shouichi Teruchi was very satisfied with the opponent's officer. Said.

The dad of the Japanese major is noble Meiji, and his dad Masaichi Temple was once the governor-general in the dynasty. With their family’s power, it is perfectly possible for him to seek a high position step by step, but the eldest son obviously did not want this. After the fight, Teruchi Shouichi, who has graduated from the Japanese University of Riku, got a chance to come to the European battlefield. This time, for him, it was a curious baby who came to the Grand View Garden. The moment he set foot on French territory, I discovered how terrible the accumulation of European powers over the past century is!

Although in the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese Army tried to increase the firepower of infantry machine guns, but in general, an infantry company had less than 2 machine guns! And now? After coming to France, the French representative first expressed apologetics that because of the shortage of materials, there will be fewer continuous firing weapons such as machine guns, and tentatively asked how to equip each Japanese company with 6 light machine guns.. ......

"Well, six?! Six!" Terai Shouichi never thought that one day his army would have such a powerful firepower! You know, an infantry squadron in Japan has 180 men, which is about a company's strength. In the Second World War, an infantry squadron only had 6 machine guns, and a 54-man squadron had only about 2 machine guns. And now it is far worse, even if the most nb existence of the Guards Regiment, that is, there are three light machine guns in a row, one for each team, and the French actually gave them more than doubled machine guns! This is still in the case of insufficient number of machine guns. What a tyrant this tm is!

What about the actual situation? The French did deduct some in terms of armaments, because in a normal French company, one company was equipped with 12 Sausha-type light machine guns (this is a historical fact). In theory, one for each class... . In fact, no matter in terms of equipment or tactics, the French offensive infantry in this plane has begun to revolve around machine guns!

In terms of heavy machine guns, the Japanese also abandoned the Maxine machine gun previously used in the Russo-Japanese War. Also chose the French Hochsky m1911 heavy machine gun. The reason is simple, because they discovered that the Maxine machine gun originally used in China needs a lot of cooling water when used. According to the experience of the Japanese, an average of 200 rounds of bullets will evaporate one liter of water out of thin air, although there are condenser tubes for use. Collecting fresh water can be reused, but it is too cumbersome after all. And even if there is a condenser, it is still necessary to constantly add additional cooling water. Sometimes there are even 2 machine guns constantly shooting, and then a company of soldiers collects the kettle to send water....

The Japanese suddenly discovered that the French machine gun could continue shooting without cooling water! This is perfect for the Japanese, although the French told the Japanese that this machine gun can only be guaranteed without water cooling when it fires at a rate of 200 per minute. But the Japanese don't care. After all, they have deliberately lowered the rate of fire when imitating the Hodgsky machine gun.

(In history, the rate of fire of the French Hodges machine gun in World War 1 was not low. The rate of fire was about 400 to 600 rounds. Although the bullets were also used for bullets, they were connected by several bullets 250 rounds of semi-movable ammunition chain for bombs. Therefore, it is not a big problem for Hodgkins to reach this rate of fire, and its Japanese imitations only have bombs for bombs, and the actual rate of fire is below 300 rounds. .)

And another advantage of the Hodgkins machine gun that the Japanese valued is that it is stable and durable. In a firepower display, Tsui Ichi Terauchi saw a Hodgkins machine gun with a rate of fire of 150 to 200 rounds per minute. For more than an hour, more than 10,000 rounds of bullets were burnt out, but there was no malfunction! The Japanese who had hardly seen any good things were immediately Terauchi a pair of colleagues next to him said loudly, “It’s him, this is the weapon we dream of! It can be fired continuously at an appropriate speed. arms!"

The only thing that makes the Japanese feel a little dissatisfied is that the weight of this French machine gun is a bit too big. The body weight is 24 kg and the huge French tripod weighs 30 kg. If not counting bullets, it will cost 55kg! The machine gun company attached to the Japanese by the French did not deduct it.

An infantry battalion can be assigned to a heavy machine gun company, which consists of 2 officers, 10 non-commissioned officers, 180 men and 60 horses. Equipped with 8 Hodgkiss m1911 heavy machine guns, of which 5 personnel are specially responsible for the machine guns, and the team leader is responsible for commanding the entire machine gun team and setting up positions. The main shooter is naturally responsible for the battle, and the three secondary shooters are auxiliary and substitutes. In addition, a lot of ammunition is needed.

Under normal circumstances, the French suggested to the Japanese that one infantry battalion should be equipped with three infantry companies and one heavy machine gun company. In other words, a Japanese infantry battalion can have 8 Hotchikes machine guns and 18 Shosha light machine guns!

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