The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 938: Ready to go to war

Think about it, even a simple thing like the Shaosha machine gun hasn't been fixed for 3 weeks. It is not uncomfortable to find tanks with more complicated and faulty tanks! (In addition, let's blacken the Shaosha machine gun again. At the beginning of history, the French trained Shaosha machine gunners for one week, and then because of too many problems and too much learning, the time became two weeks!) The French do not have this capacity for the time being, and there is no need for it!

But the British were different. Although the British workers needed to supply ammunition and production for colonial forces such as Australia and New Zealand, they still couldn't be compared with the French in terms of the overall size of the Sixth Army. At most, they were less than half of the French. Therefore, the British are well equipped. And unlike France, which has retreated its main sphere of influence to Europe and Africa, Britain is still a world-wide empire, and he needs to consider the relationship with regional powers, especially Japan.

The British need the Japanese navy to solve their own difficulties, and they need Japan to take into account their own interests when expanding in the Far East. Therefore, they are naturally unwilling to offend Japan. The French are indeed short of allocations, but it is reasonable. The British are allies. Let’s give something too, such as assigning some tanks to the Japanese troops. Of course, these tanks and the infantry attached to the armored units are also British. The British also don’t plan to give these baby bumps to the Japanese.

"I think we should also strengthen the anti-armor combat capabilities of the Japanese Sixth Army. They don't have many flat-fire guns that can accompany the troops, and some German troops have begun to change to Bavarian insects. So I worry that they will face it. The German tank will collapse at the touch of a button." Another corporation said.

"Well, at most two weeks, we can't wait any longer." In the end, General Petain, who has become the commander-in-chief of the French Sixth Army, said. Now there are 80,000 Japanese in the entire Western Front. Formed into 4 divisions, they will serve as the main offensive force in a theater. This is also considered the first large-scale battle of the Japanese Sixth Army. Britain and France also want to see how well the Japanese Sixth Army is.

"Leave this to us." The British still value their little brother. The French provided equipment and infantry training for the Japanese army, and the British decided to personally train the Japanese army in anti-tank operations. For this reason, the British also specially pulled a platoon of mk1 tanks and a breakthrough company accompanying the tank action from the front line as imaginary enemies.

"This is simply a steel fortress. I don't know how to stop such a war machine." People are born with yearning and awe for some huge things. When Terauchi saw the British mk1 tank for the first time, he was also impressed by the top war machine of this era!

"The 3m-thick steel plate on the front is enough to be immune to machine guns and small-caliber artillery? With these big guys, the pressure on the infantry will be much less. We can only win by following these tanks, right?" Terauchi said while listening to the introduction of the British.

"A 57mm gun and 4 machine guns. This tank is definitely a battleship on the ground. I can hardly imagine anything to stop it from advancing." Terauchi said half formally and half flatteringly.

"Of course there are, for example, the other side’s tanks, the Germans also have tanks, and their performance is at least as good as ours. You may encounter several types of tanks in battle, of which two are the most terrifying. One is equipment. A cricket-type tank with a 4m gun. This tank shoots shells as fast as a machine gun! This kind of machine gun can cover a large area in one round. The other is a model without a turret, and its battle room is Fixed, but equipped with a 75mm gun. This assault gun known as Hu Feng has very good defensive power. It is difficult to completely destroy." British Major Wellington introduced to Touichi Terai.

"We have some 47mm guns, can't these guns penetrate the armor of German tanks?" Teruichi said in surprise.

"How to put it, the guns below 3 inches are actually used to deal with German bunkers and machine gun shelters. If we face tanks, we will use 57mm tank guns to attack the sides, or use 75mm guns to destroy them. Of course, if you accidentally run into the Hu Feng tank, the 75mm guns need to be close to a fairly close distance. The German Hu Feng is very strong, especially for the defense of the Hu Feng tank, they will add extra armor "Major Wellington said.

When Major Wellington introduced these steel behemoths to Terauchi, the "anti-tank training course" on the other side had already begun. One thing to note is that there are no anti-tank grenades with energy-generating charges in this era. Although this principle has been discovered very early, it has not been put into actual combat. In addition to guns, the infantry anti-tank in this era can only rely on grenades and Molotov cocktails. Fortunately, most tank armors in this era are connected by willows, so violent explosions may still damage the tank.

Some Japanese anti-tank gunners began to learn how to make anti-tank guns weighing about one ton to accompany the troops. At the same time, they began to target tank models dragged by trailers to simulate attacking tanks in a moving state. Commanders also need to learn how to distinguish hidden The tank and the infantry next to the opposing short, the Japanese need to learn a lot of problems this time.

"First, facing such a huge guy, we must try to avoid conflicts with them in the front, but fortunately, the tank's field of vision is relatively narrow. If there is no infantry to follow, it is easy to be copied to the sides and back. Kill the demolitionist. So, if you face a tank without an anti-tank gun, the first thing you need to do is to kill the infantry behind!"

"The Germans have very powerful machine guns and melee firepower, so what you have to do first is to suppress the opponent’s firepower point with your own machine gun and grenade launcher, then cut the opponent’s line and **** the advancement of the infantry. At this time, if the opponent’s If the tank is still moving forward, then you can use mines, grenades, or incendiary bombs to deal with the target."

"Third, when attacking, you must choose the tank’s tracks and the motive behind the car body. It is also possible to attack the observation port with a machine gun. We will equip each heavy machine gun with a bullet plate equipped with hardened bullets. Bullets can attack the opponent's machine gun muzzle, observation port and other vulnerable parts."

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