The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 942: Open one

The Japanese style of combat is different from that of the British and French. When the order to start the fight is issued, the British and French must first prepare firepower for more than half an hour before the infantry charges. The Japanese greatly reduced the fire preparation time. After the attack order was issued, the Japanese engineers first moved. A team of engineers crawled out of the assembly area under the cover of night, and then went 100 meters to 150 meters away. The first barbed wire fence moved forward, and more figures with white towels wrapped around their arms appeared behind the engineers.

The Japanese already have some understanding of the German fortifications. The first and second wire fences should have no landmines before. The Japanese plan to remove the minefields behind them after the engineers have solved the two wire fences, and finally launch the pigs. At this time, they were only about 200 meters away from the German position. Shouldn't it be a problem if you were caught off guard? And in order to avoid exposure, the Japanese army also avoided the German observation posts! This plan is perfect, there is no reason to lose!

The German barbed wire is also the first time the Japanese have seen it. This is not the end of a few barbed wire hanging on a few wooden piles, but a circle of viper wire. It is not enough to cut it. You must try to destroy and remove it. go. Otherwise, once you run into it, the more you struggle. There are still some tins hanging on the wire, these things must also be removed carefully, otherwise in a quiet night, any sound will cause serious consequences.

The Japanese engineers used vise and even both hands to dismantle the barbed wire and the canned food box on it. Even if the blood was pierced, they endured and persisted. Until they cleaned up all the things that might make a noise, and then began to pull the barbed wire to the side, an abnormality finally occurred!

Under the moonlight, Taro Hyoyoshimura saw a long cylindrical body suddenly jumped out of the soil! This thing exploded instantly after rising into the air about 3 meters! A group of bright yellow fireball suddenly appeared in the night sky, and a steel storm formed by thousands of steel **** and shrapnel splashed down from the sky! A strike area with a diameter of more than 12 meters is formed on the ground. The shrapnel produced by the explosion at this height is unavoidable. No matter standing, doing or lying down, these shrapnels can still be avoided. Fly over and tear the soldiers behind to pieces! There is always one shot of 4-digit shrapnel for you!

Just remember the sudden explosion! It's like a drop of water falling into a pan! The entire battlefield immediately changed from the tranquility of a second ago to a **** full of noise and flames. Several flares rose slowly from behind the German positions. After reaching the highest point, there were thousands of candles as bright as candles. The ball of light slowly fell with the help of a parachute, and the dazzling white light from the violently burning magnesium illuminates everything around it like daylight! At this time, most of the Japanese soldiers subconsciously stopped in place and covered their eyes.

The roar of machine guns resembling tarpaulins instantly resounded across the battlefield. The machine guns hidden in the bunker and bunkers began to incline and fire frantically at the exposed Japanese army. The bright red lines of fire were intertwined and fired crazily. The ballistic traversed through the air and then formed an elliptical drop zone, indicating that the ellipse of death began to sweep the infantry in front in order.

Although the Germans did not deploy landmines in the outermost barbed wire area, they still need to hang some flares, booby mines, etc. on the barbed wire. It can only be said that the Japanese army has never encountered such a lineup before. If it is a simple booby mine explosion, it will not matter much, but it will be followed by flares and machine gun firepower, which makes the Japanese somewhat unexpected. And, after all, when it turned out to be playing against the Russians, how could the opponent be so shrewd! The seemingly perfect plan of the Japanese army was destroyed by a thunder that was hidden in the wire fence!

"Let's get started!" Suzuki Takao looked at the sudden exchange of fire in the distance, and could only helplessly issue a combat order for a full-line attack, but after all, it was involuntarily calculated and the machine gun fired by the Germans was only on duty. The number is not large. Although the Japanese army was caught off guard in a short time, the German army's counterattack was instantly suppressed after the artillery in front of the Second Division fired. After all, the powerful machine gun can't beat the artillery!

I have to say that Takao Suzuki's layout is still very powerful. The nearest infantry gun fired at the German machine gun bunker at a distance of 300 meters, which is simply on the forehead for the artillery! The sudden burst of fire instantly caused several machine guns to misfire. The howitzers deployed at the back began to suppress the forward positions. When the flames rose in the German positions, a large number of Japanese soldiers shouted "onboard" with rifles and rushed over like a tide. The bright bayonet on the rifle Under the shining of the fire, there is a cold light, don't say it, this is really a bit bluff!

Everything went so smoothly, although there will be some discordant notes from time to time in the tide of people, for example, a landmine that has not been detonated by a shell explodes, for example, a large area is sunken by a directional thunder. , But overall, the offensive was very smooth. The Japanese troops of the Second Division successfully inundated the outermost German cordon, and then concealed the first line of defense like a flood.

"It doesn't seem to be anything?" Takao Suzuki said with satisfaction watching the situation of his troops on the sand It is said that no matter how high the skill is, one brick will fall. The advantage of this sneak attack is great, otherwise, the old Japanese army would not like sneak attacks, all kinds of sneak attacks...

The Germans were really unprepared, or did not expect the Japanese to launch such a large offensive at night. Hans von Seckert, the German commander on the opposite side, was also a little shocked at first, but soon he recovered calm. On the one hand, only Suzuki's troops began to progress relatively smoothly, and the other two divisions seemed to have all attacked. some problems. As for another reason? Don't say it for now.

Utsunomiya Taro’s offensive battle is the most passive. In terms of artillery preparation and artillery skills, this infantry-born officer is obviously inferior to Takao Suzuki. Although he greatly increased the number of automatic weapons in the assault force, he wanted Relying on the Shaosha submachine gun, which is not easy to use, and the German MG series machine gun to shoot at each other, it is obviously a matter of thinking too much. Think about it. How can a light machine gun with 20 rounds of magazines guarantee the accuracy and suppression of long-range shooting?

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