The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 945: Confrontation

In the end, the outermost line of defense could not be defended. Under the illumination of the flares, when the Germans guarding the first line of defense found the Japanese army like a tide between light and shadow, the officers who had realized that they were unable to defend immediately began to arrange alternate cover. Withdraw from the battlefield. This is a battle between the two sides at the company battalion level. Although it seems small, it has fully demonstrated the grassroots combat capabilities of both sides.

"Wei Gang, take your people to the side. There is another preset side attack position, and the remaining machine guns guard the key points. Everyone retreats under the command of the squad leader. Don't get separated! Let's go to the battalion headquarters. Evacuate in the direction!" A German company commander began to give orders.

When the Japanese forward rushed to a distance of about 100 meters from the main position, the artillery at the rear of the Japanese army finally stopped firing. If it was firing, it would not be known whether it killed more Japanese soldiers or killed more Germans. According to the experience of the Japanese, this time it’s the infantry. After throwing a round of offensive grenades, everyone rushes up with the bayonet. In the frantic howling, the red-eyed Japanese rushed to the trench not far away with the rifle in his hand!

"We will go after this round!" At the final distance of 70 meters, under the command of company commander Hoffman, a dozen German grenadiers armed with mp09 submachine guns stepped on the ammunition box under their feet. Sticking out his head, the Germans gathered 18 submachine guns in the front that was less than ten meters wide, and this kind of guy who can theoretically shoot 500 rounds in one minute is absolutely terrifying in the hands of a well-trained gunman. !

This mp09-type assault device uses 9*25mm bullets. The barrel length is longer than the historical mo18. There is also a small grip at the handguard under the barrel, suitable for gripping. And unlike the 32-round spiral drum that used side insertion in history, the mp09 submachine gun uses a 50-round drum or 30-round magazine. The two-handed grip is more stable and has more firepower.

Unlike the screaming sound of the mg07 machine gun because of the high initial velocity of the bullet, the mp09 submachine gun with a pistol bullet and a flame arrester is used to shoot at a lower sound, only the sound of puff is heard, slightly It looks dull, like a sprayer. As a result, this machine gun received a nickname called Bullet Sprinkler in the future!

In the last 70 meters, the forward Japanese soldiers could already see the blurred figure of the German soldiers in the fire. They showed a small half of their bodies, holding a strange-looking weapon in their hands, and after a loud command, A dozen groups of beating flames suddenly appeared ahead!

Countless cartridge cases flew out from the ejection port next to the gun body. The firepower of a dozen submachine guns at close range is absolutely no less than the same number of light machine guns, and the 50-round cartridge drum is even more powerful for these weapons. The continuity is very good. When Japan sees its opponents, their lives can actually be counted in seconds. Every second there are more than three-digit bullets tilted on the opposite side. The Germans don’t even need to aim precisely, because The Japanese have come here by themselves for the convenience of putting together a bayonet!

The fierce firepower directly dented the front Japanese line in a large chunk! The first group of people who rushed up was swept away as if cutting wheat, and the second group went up and fell down almost on the footsteps of the people in front of them. The third batch finally reacted a little, but still couldn't run through the bullet. The fierce firepower formed a death trap within a range of 50 to 120 meters!

The Japanese finally realized that this group of Japanese officers and soldiers finally had some practical experience, regardless of the surrounding soil. In the crater or any other place, I subconsciously look for a place to hide, and then draw out the rifle around to counter the target. Of course, under night conditions, use the naked eye to aim at a target more than 100 meters away. How can this be described by Meng ! Scattered rifles sounded. At the same time, some soldiers subconsciously threw out grenades, not to hit the target, but to rely on the smoke screen to cover the attack.

Generally speaking, the performance of the Japanese was quite satisfactory. After the first round of heavy blows, the Japanese grass-roots military personnel quickly reorganized their troops to charge. As for the part of the Japanese troops that were not covered by the firepower, they continued to attack, and they jumped into more than one person. Ready to clear away the remaining enemies in the trenches. At this time, the close combat between the two sides had just begun.

The Japanese who are accustomed to solving problems with bayonets are still very satisfied with the Lebel m1886 rifle with a bare gun length of 1.3 meters. This length, plus the heavy stab at the front end of about half a meter, can already be called a spear. , The so-called one inch long and one inch superior, this thing is supposed to be very powerful for close combat. There are even Japanese military officers in the report that the current Japanese rifles are too short to be suitable for stabs.

But when the Japanese entered close combat, they suddenly discovered that what they thought was totally different from what they actually thought! The length of the rifle with the bayonet is 1.8 meters, which is long enough, but can you have a longer range than a pistol and a semi-automatic rifle? When a squad of Japanese soldiers caught a squad of Germans under the command of the squad leader, the first round of shooting by the two submachine gunners sifted the five or six Japanese soldiers who rushed to the front, and tried to roundabout from the flanks. People were blocked by the firepower of the semi-automatic rifles equipped by the squad leader and deputy squad leader. The lethality of these rifles with large 20-round magazines at close range is amazing! It is not a problem at all to shoot through two people! And after penetrating the first person, the focus rolled violently, shot sideways on the person behind, and made a huge wound directly behind the second person!

Accompanied by the roar of various, more than 20 Japanese soldiers were surrounded by three-digit pistols and rifle bullets and finally approached within a few meters. At this distance, some German soldiers took out various pistols purchased by themselves. After a burst of crisp shots, the Japanese suddenly discovered that they had transformed from a number advantage to a number disadvantage, and they killed more than average in an instant After the personnel, the Japanese had not had a chance to use their spear advantage before they collapsed. (In history, many soldiers did spend money to buy self-defense weapons such as pistols.)

The bayonet advocated by the Japanese and the firepower advocated by the Europeans stood in the first round of the battle. Of course, it is undeniable that a hand-to-hand battle between the two sides did happen. At this time, the Japanese who had practiced the bayonet were more physically fit. The bayonet and engineer shovel in the hands of a good German soldier are just as good as possible.

In the dark night, the casualties of the two sides were not obvious, but when dawn came, the corpses of Japanese soldiers and a small number of corpses of German soldiers made the loss of both sides clear at a glance, and this also made the Japanese really question the role of bayonet!

The fourth one is here~! Please subscribe for a reward~! !