The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 951: Kruger's Circus II

A large-caliber bullet easily smashed the head of a war horse, and then cut off the upper body of a Japanese cavalryman without any reduction, and even the broken warhead knocked another cavalry off the horse. Every second, three-digit bullets flew toward the charging Japanese cavalry. In the neatly formed cavalry formation, the fierce firepower even opened a path of flesh and blood. Starting from 1500 meters away, the Japanese cavalry began to charge, and this distance was only a few minutes away from the charged horses, but this distance became a scourge that the Japanese cavalry could never reach. Along with the hot shells flying out of the shell ejection mouth, when the bullet in the car body had buried half of the leg, the last Japanese cavalry and his horse were beaten into a mass of meat.

"They really rushed over like a bunch of lunatics. This definitely made us one of the most tenacious enemies. We were very shocked by this will. But when they were ready to use sabers against our armor and machine guns , The ending is set!" Major Hohenberg said.

After the cavalry was cleaned up, the vehicles carrying machine guns and mortars continued to move forward, and the truck guns were already deployed. After the four fast-fire guns that were stubbornly defeated with fierce and precise artillery, the mechanized infantry, who had never had a chance to perform, finally Played.

Because the vehicle used was not an armored vehicle, all the cavalry got off at 800 meters to follow the armored vehicle to fight. At the same time, the cavalry participating in the attack also chose to dismount instead of continuing to charge. The infantry platoon followed the armored vehicle to form a wide arc-shaped attack front line, and under the command of the truck guns at the rear, it squeezed the opponent with a not fast but unusually steady advance.

Slow, but unstoppable, the armored car at the front controlled the speed of the car. The large-caliber machine guns and mortars on the car suppressed the Japanese firepower. The powerful bullets often shot through the hastily piled up bunkers to kill the Japanese army behind. When the Japanese army was preparing to launch a countercharge, there were always several machine guns that could easily disperse the Japanese army that had just gathered. The scattered charges were handed over to the infantry gathered beside the armored vehicles. Semi-automatic rifles and a small number of submachine guns organized the reunion of the Japanese army at a distance of 150 meters. Under the cover of armored vehicles, the infantry has cover, and also has a great psychological support, so that the combat of the infantry can be doubled!

After cutting several counterattacks by the Japanese with machine guns and submachine guns, Utsunomiya Taro, who knew that the situation was irreversible, could only "transfer" with the division flag and other items, leaving a large amount of luggage and other items to the enemy. At this point, the Third Division had actually become a mess.

Like a fierce cheetah, this unit continuously hunts and kills its prey and develops in the depth direction. According to the original idea of ​​Major Hohenberg, the head of the "Circus", they can simply kill their opponents directly until they run into Britain. The first division of the human tank and the long overdue Touichi Terauchi!

When the third division that first came into contact had been beaten up and down, and Takao Suzuki's second division was beaten into a mess, Teruchi finally arrived at the battlefield with his tired infantry and British tanks! But before colliding with the German armored forces, they must first fight this mobile force!

"We seem to be in big trouble." Major Hohenberg immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. If you want to use light armored units in open fields and the armored units are just in front of it, it will definitely be finished, otherwise everyone will spend so much money to build tanks. For what? Although the British MK1 tank is not as scary as the Hu Feng assault gun, it has its own strengths and crickets in terms of performance, especially the 57MM cannon, which has very good power and rate of fire.

"We went back and went to the Japanese headquarters that had just been shot down. There are a lot of debris and some unfinished trenches. We can take advantage of it. Tell General Seckett that we have encountered the British. It's a tank!" Major Hoffenberg can actually choose to evacuate. But at this time there is only one armored force on both sides. The first party will expose its position and provide the other party with a chance. Therefore, Major Offenberg decided to use his truck gun as a magnet. Attract the attention of the British and provide opportunities for your own armored units!

All vehicles and personnel quickly concealed, and the engineers also deployed a simple minefield hastily before the opponent approached. The only things you can rely on in the "Circus" are truck guns equipped with 8 77mm guns and 6 "armed pickups" equipped with 40mm cannons. It may be difficult for the latter to penetrate the MK1 tank at a normal combat distance and can only be deployed on both wings.

"Utsunomiya Taro's headquarters were taken away by the Germans. He didn't even hold on for an hour. This is simply a shame to the Japanese Imperial Army, isn't it? Haruta-kun?" Terauchi looked into the distance. The former 3rd Division Command, which was billowing in smoke, said to the staff nearby.

"General Utsunomiya Taro gave us a chance to seize the opponent after all. This is worthy of our affirmation." The staff officer next to him followed the words of Terauchi Shouichi.

"Very contact the British, my infantry will cooperate with his tank unit to solve the opposite problem. I hope that we will not take more than an hour to recover here, and then we can be in the third Establish our headquarters on the former headquarters of the division! I hope Utsunomiya will not lose their division flag!" The sarcasm in Terauchi’s words has already made the colleagues next to him feel a bit too much.

According to Touichi Terauchi, the British tanks are very good, the Japanese infantry are brave and well-trained, the Germans are strong in their equipment, and if the equipment is even, then the Japanese army has the advantage of military strength. It will definitely not fail, at least in his eyes, the so-called coordinated battle with tanks means infantry following tanks, right?

"Damn it, the Germans patched up the minefield, but the Japanese engineers were behind us!" Major Nick hit the steel plate of the tank with a punch in the tent of the 2nd Battalion of the British Kowloon Cavalry Armored Regiment. A minute ago, his tank tragically crashed into an anti-tank mine. Although the 1.5 kg TNT charge could not completely fix the MKI tank, it exploded the track and suspension on the left. Yaluo, unless the Japanese can control the battlefield after the war, this tank is afraid that it will be completely lost.

It will be 2 more today, 3 more tomorrow~~~! Subscribe for a reward~~~!