The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 953: with no doubt

However, before the British waited for the Japanese army, they first waited for the German armored vehicles. These guys equipped with 40MM rapid-fire guns secretly stretched the muzzle out of the ruins and sprayed them against the tank with side armor. The deadly tongue of flame, the side armor is only 15mm to 20mm. This defense is still weak for 2 pound armor-piercing shells. These wheeled vehicles have unparalleled mobility in flat terrain. They are like jumping and hunting in the mountains. Like a lynx, his steps are light and fast.

After a round of three-shot bursts, the side armor of the turret of one MK1 tank was penetrated, and the other tank quickly turned its muzzle. The commander searched for the attacker between the smoke screen and the ruins from the narrow observation port, and shot from time to time. The series of 2-pounder shells are as deadly as a rattlesnake hidden in the dark, and the clear sound of the 2-pounders is like the rattlesnare of a rattlesnake.

After a short hesitation, some tanks finally decided to solve the side problem first. With the roar of the engine, these steel monsters began to turn, and then attacked the opponent in a tacit understanding.

"Retreat, let's change location!" Hawke stared at several British tanks in the distance that were firing aimlessly, and ordered a one-year retreat. Without protective advantages, the only thing that wheeled vehicles can rely on is speed. , And because of the tactical advantage brought by speed, the small armored car began to reverse, then turned behind a burning tent, finally turned a corner, slowly touched the British flank, and then fired a series of armor-piercing bullets again!

This game of mice and cats made the British feel very uncomfortable, but relying on the absolute advantage of the number, the British 57MM guns still pulled out the targets one by one from the shelter and then killed them, accompanied by a burst of continuous shelling. An armored vehicle was hit by 3 rounds of 6-pound artillery in a few seconds! The first one was the armor-piercing projectile directly overturning the turret, and then the other two projectiles restored the tank into a pile of burning scrap iron!

"It should be the fifth, right? These annoying mice should be over?" a British tanker said while looking at the wreckage scattered on the battlefield. The battle was short and bloody. In less than 20 minutes, the Germans had a total of 6 anti-aircraft guns and 4 armored vehicles destroyed, while the British were destroyed and damaged 15 MK1 tanks and other vehicles. The British finally broke into the German position. The infantry on both sides were relying on the ruins and bunkers for the final close combat, and the self-holding British left a small part of the tank to support the infantry, and the rest was Rest and replenish ammunition.

And just when Britain was irritated by its own loss, the roar of the engine from the northwest and the "yellow cloud" on the uproar made the British feel like they fell into the ice cave in an instant! This kind of shock is a nightmare for any Allied forces! Because it means that the German armored forces have been killed! Although there have been many cases of defeating the German cavalry in the past, even if they win, they will still suffer heavy losses for the Allied forces! The German tanks are like the Teutonic ancestors in the Middle Ages. Every battle is full of blood, no matter whether it is won or lost!

When facing opponents of the same level, the Germans are accustomed to putting their Hufeng assault guns in front. Although the cricket tanks suppressed the infantry and worked well on the eastern front, they were not overwhelming against the MK1 tanks. The advantage is that the layout of Hu Feng in the middle and cricket tanks on both sides is called "Teutonic Iron Wall" in awe by the British!

If it is under normal circumstances, a complete British armored battalion still has a chance to compete with the opponent. The result of the battle depends on the proportion of Hu Feng assault guns on the opposite side... But now, the British, who has been beaten half-handed, are reluctant to fight the Germans again!

"Tell the Japanese that we need to retreat. Our flanks are exposed under the German lances," Nick said loudly to his messenger after switching to another tank. In his opinion, this battle has been lost. All of the heavy weapons of the Japanese army have either not been transported or destroyed. His armored forces are already half-defective.

"All the points with threats have been eliminated, and now the rest is to hit them directly!" Saikert said with satisfaction after receiving the intelligence from the front line. Although the Japanese army still has at least 2 wing forces to invest in, generally speaking, the Japanese army with only machine guns and no more than 20 barrels of artillery has no threat. On the empty battlefield, there are still Hundreds of artillery, a large number of machine guns and armored forces to help out the German army, the Japanese army has no chance of winning!

"By the way, let the defenders at the support points on the front line also move, and let them stop the Japanese as much as possible. If it is later, they will miss the big show." Major General Seckett thought for a while and said.

As this order spread to the entire war zone, all the German troops took action. The so-called force was like breaking the bamboo. After splitting the first few sections of the bamboo, the rest was all in one go! The Japanese army, who had been fighting for more than a long time for a whole night, ran on both legs until now it was the end of the crossbow. And when everything they depend on is lost, defeat becomes inevitable. Now what the Japanese can do is to quickly gather the troops and walk as much as they can!

At this moment, the reserve division on the opposite bank of the Somme was also They entered the battlefield through the pontoon, and flanked the Japanese flank. The cavalry was in front and the infantry was in the back. Tons of steel! A German reconnaissance plane flew through the air. The pilot once described the scene like this.

"At this moment, we finally overwhelmed our opponents with superior numbers! Although the Japanese were still in large numbers, they have become lambs driven by hunters at this moment! They lost the command of the establishment and fell into fear and confusion. Some of them attacked our troops in vain and numbness, and then disappeared in an instant as if they were flooded by gray tides. Most of them chose to lay down their weapons. A team of hundreds of people was captured by dozens of German troops. They honestly threw their weapons aside, and then sat in a ball under the threat of bayonets and submachine guns."

"This chase lasted for a whole day and night, and the sound of guns never stopped. Our troops staying on the support point also moved. They hunted down the scattered small Japanese troops in units of companies, while obstructing most of the Japanese troops. Retreat. When I flew to the battlefield again the next morning, I could see yellow spots on the ground. The ones that were not moving were Japanese corpses. They moved and were gathered together. Yes, captured prisoners!"

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