The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 961: This is the difference.

Europeans are still very proud of this era. Although Japan is also considered a new rising power, it is just like that in the eyes of a truly first-class power in Europe. As an ally who is about to fight side by side, the French naturally cannot tout the Japanese army for the sake of so-called face. After all, this is fighting in the French mainland. The French are the most unlucky...

And when a ticket "Made in France" was shipped to Japan, the high-level Japanese army collectively lost their voices after seeing the hard cargo... As a soil bun in the army, when have you seen a field artillery capable of firing more than 20 kilometers? And this kind of artillery can go by itself! Walk faster than infantry!

When Da Shan Yan saw the French long-range cannon on the exercise field, he couldn't help but gave the French 32 likes in his heart! This thing, from the looks of it, tmd is too shocking! The Germans on this plane have strengthened, and the French have also become stronger. If they were not strong, they would have been pushed to Paris by the Germans long ago! So the self-propelled long-range artillery made its debut!

How do you say this thing? Whether in history or on this plane, it is a very top-notch existence! To paraphrase a popular comment, it is definitely a perfect combination of technology and practicality in this era! The full-track site, coupled with a 120-horsepower engine, gives this artillery excellent off-road capability and maneuverability, and the artillery can hit 80 kg shells up to 21 kilometers away! (Historically, it is more than 18 kilometers. That's because the elevation angle is only 35 degrees, here the elevation angle has become 42 degrees)

The huge car body weighing 30 tons, the thick and long barrel of nearly 8 meters long, as well as the complicated mechanical servo and outstanding performance completely conquered all the Japanese officers present. There is no way, the dry goods are displayed, you can't accept it. what! Has the Japanese Army ever owned a self-propelled artillery of this level? No, it is the Japanese Army that has a self-propelled artillery?

Then the French general pointed at the artillery in the distance and said to the Japanese. : "Our artillery and the German K11 self-propelled cannon are at the same level as half a catty. And these things can only be regarded as the upper middle level in our army!"

Then I completely bluffed the Japanese. This is not really the French scaring the Japanese. Let alone train cannons that are more advanced than these artillery. From the non-train cannons, the French also have the Saint King Kong cannon and the Napoleon the Great. (The latter is made up by the author) Although this gun is good, it is considered the best among the self-propelled guns. In terms of power theory and range, this thing is also in the middle and upper class!

The Japanese, who originally admired the French artillery, are now completely convinced. They almost kneel down and sing to conquer. After seeing the gpf artillery actually sent a shell from the southeast corner of the shooting range to the northwest corner, Dashanyan's face He smiled like a flowering steamed bun, and said on the spot that he was willing to order 4 first try... (The French artillery in World War 1 is really good. Let’s not say that many of the American artillery have traces of the French, or buy the French directly, even Japan has ordered two train cannons that can reach more than 40 kilometers from France)

Of course, in addition to the gpf with a big waist and great power, the French also showed the Japanese a complete French artillery family of rapid-fire guns that were not qualified to show their faces! The m1911 light howitzer weighs only 2300 kg, which can shoot 15kg shells out of 12 kilometers, and the m1912 heavy howitzer weighs 3300kg but has a similar range. There is also the gpf155 type cannon that also has the name of gpf but is a towed artillery. The Japanese shouted, "Are all French evildoers?"

The more embarrassing thing is still to come. For artillery, although Dashanyan and others feel that the British and French artillery is very strong and very good, at least it is within the recognition range. As for the armored vehicles and tanks brought by the British and French, Da Shan Yan and others knew the performance and purpose, but they had no idea how to use them. No way, see you for the first time! Then the Japanese moved Alexander.

Did Britain and France really just come to Japan to act like this? Obviously not. Right now the front line is killing the Germans in a dark blood stream. How can Britain and France have such a leisurely mind. The purpose of the British and French doing this is nothing more than two points. First, let the Japanese form a gap. Second, the Japanese can make naval guns after all. Give the samples to the Japanese and see if Japan can help them get a few. It doesn’t matter if the performance drops a little bit, but the lifespan can be tolerated with a shorter lifespan, not to mention a heavier weight. If you can't make a self-propelled chassis for anything, you can do it as a gun.

In short, the British and French industries have felt tremendous pressure, especially when the British wanted to make up for their battle-damaged battleships and redistributed industrial production capacity. Of course, the French do not deny that they have the opportunity to sell French weapons... People always have a long-term vision. If one cannon can earn the cost of two cannons, the French wouldn't mind selling some...

Generally speaking, after a series of contacts, the British and French brought a shock to the Japanese, a great shock! This allows the Japanese to fully realize the gap between themselves and the world's first-class countries. Even if Russia does not consider other factors, if it confronts the Japanese, sooner or later Japan will have to kneel...

Then Dashanyan suddenly thought of Akiyama Koko, who was already preparing to go to battle in Europe, and the Japanese army of his four divisions.... I couldn't help but mourn for their situation. There is no way, because the equipment gap and the strategic tactics that the English and French sound very high, Da Shan Yan thought with the intuition of a soldier that this time Qiushan's good old loss must have come It is a question of losing more and less. , If you lose less, you can keep a jacket. If you lose too much, I’m afraid the pants are gone!

After all, they are all brothers of the Army. They still have to help at critical moments. Now the Navy has just brushed up on the American scenery. If the Army loses at this time, it would be too shameful. Just yesterday, Yes, it was yesterday! The old **** Gonbee Yamamoto said in front of him that the Navy is going to occupy Nanyang, and there are three Marine Corps divisions. Should we borrow some people from the Army? The angry Da Shanyan wanted to play pk with him on the spot!

But what to do? Akiyama is so ancient and far in Europe, the Japanese army can't beat the whip, and the brutality of the German troops, the ancient Japanese army of Akiyama can't beat it even if they eat golden carats! Then, Dashanyan decided to help Qiushan at the wine table...

After drinking three rounds of food and five flavors, Da Shanyan first tentatively asked: "I heard that the main forces of the Bavarian Legion have all withdrawn to the Eastern Front, is that right?" No way, now I heard that the Bavarian Legion is too cruel and can escape Naturally it is better to avoid it.

No recommendation this week, the author Jun Lei is running, and today’s three watchers~~~! Seeking subscription for reward~~~ !