The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 968: Game of Thrones One

"Ruprecht, have you finally decided to see your father?" Princess Mary said happily when she learned that the prince had decided to go to Vienna.

"Go with Tirpitz and discuss the navy and the Balkan issues." Ruprecht said.

"So does it mean that the past displeasure has come to an end?" The princess frowned and said. To be honest, the conflict between the Kingdom of Bavaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire made her very sad as a middleman.

"I don't care about this anymore. I won't be talking about it with your Majesty. I'm going this time, just want to talk to him about how to fight this war better. It won't be mixed with personal feelings. "The prince paused and then said: "And how to save this country that is already torn apart."

"Are you going to have a personal showdown with your father?" Princess Mary said in surprise.

"Maybe the showdown is not counted, but I have to show my attitude. Father-in-law is a good player in politics, but unfortunately, he doesn't know how to build a strong empire. When he just succeeded to the throne, What a powerful country the Austro-Hungarian Empire is, the leaders of the German states and the masters of Northern Italy, and now? It's just a glorious edifice."

"Then what if my father refuses?" Princess Mary asked worriedly.

"He won't. As a qualified politician, he at least knows how to choose. The throne is in the hands of his daughter, and the existence of Austria can continue. The direct blood of the Habsburg royal family can still carry the crown. He still has the crown. What dissatisfied?"

For this, the prince is not worried, who is Fritz? He was a political master. After the defeat of the Prussian-Austrian War and the loss of the Italian region at the same time, under the internal and external difficulties of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, he could still allow Hungary to accept its rule without causing the division of the empire. This in itself is a miracle. Ah, a miracle that has allowed the empire to last for decades. In addition to not being able to farm, Fritz is still great!

"Then can I go with you?" Princess Mary asked.

"Naturally, take Albrecht. Father-in-law has always liked him." The prince nodded and said.

"Is this your intention?" Princess Mary asked.

"No, when we became a husband and wife, I have been thinking about this for 12 years!" Ruprecht said. In the beginning, the prince only intended to persuade the Austrian emperor to agree to send the remaining Austro-Hungarian fleet to the Aegean Sea, and at the same time coordinate the cooperation between the two armies on the eastern front, but after reading the battle reports from all directions, the prince found that the Austro-Hungarian Empire The performance in this national war is still disturbing!

First of all, it must be affirmed that the situation in the Austro-Hungarian Empire must be far better than in history. But this so-called good situation is far from enough to allow the empire to continue to exist stably. The Austro-Hungarian Empire responded to the demands of the various ethnic groups within the empire under the dual rule. While allowing the empire to survive, it also allowed the various ethnic groups to become more detached from each other, doing things only for their own interests, and such a country without cohesion. In such an unprecedented battle, it is impossible to fail to tell the problem! Think about the Russian-Czech Legion in World War 1 in history. It was a force composed of captured Czechs, with tens of thousands! Therefore, the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is inevitable.

Although the existence of this plane allows Czechs, the largest ethnic minority in Austria, to better integrate into the German-dominated social system, but when the manpower is exhausted, the prince is hindered by his status and ability. What can be done is to stabilize Austria. As for Hungary? Let alone those ethnic minorities, even the Hungarians themselves are not willing to maintain this empire, right?

Of course, the final result of Hungarian independence in history made the Hungarians very dissatisfied. After leaving the empire, Hungary could not control the invasion of so many nations and foreign forces. In the end, it accounted for half of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, with more than 200,000 square meters. There is not even half of the territory that the Kingdom of Hungary can retain! This is also an important reason why Horti agreed to join the Axis during the Second World War! He wants to take back the land that originally belonged to Hungary. What about the other ethnic groups? Nor did it benefit from independence.

Slovenia and other places were incorporated into the Kingdom of Serbia, and Hungary was bitten by Romania and Poland. And those ethnic groups are not independent, but they still live as ethnic minorities under another national flag. If they knew the result, how would they choose? This prince is not clear, after all, history cannot repeat itself!

In this case, it is impossible to maintain the Austro-Hungarian dual system, and it is even more impossible to suppress it. It is very good to be able to break up peacefully and make as much profit as possible. Therefore, the prince must be prepared in advance, and can even tell Fritz vaguely, so that he has a mental preparation. Although Bavaria has a close relationship with Austria, it is an outsider after all. There are some things that need help from Fritz.

The Hoffmann Palace 4 days later. After the chambermaid hurriedly went out and closed the door, only the Emperor Fritz and Prince Ruprecht remained in the huge house. The Austro-Hungarian Admiral Sir Haus took Tirpitz to discuss the issue of naval cooperation between the two Princess Mary took her children to rest first. When there are only two people left in the room, some things that are not convenient for outsiders can finally be said.

"I thought you wouldn't come again." The Emperor Fritz glanced at the prince opposite and said.

"Then do you want me to come, or do you not?"

"I haven't figured it out yet." The Austrian Emperor was taken aback for a moment, then said. "Your attitude like this is very bad. Your ability and your arrogance are more suitable for an emperor, not a king. When the position is not equal to the strength and ambition, it will lead to very serious consequences. As a person and your father-in-law , I need to remind you."

After watching the prince put on a respectful manner, Fritz continued: "If you were born in the Habsburg family or the Hohenzollern family, then your talents and ambitions will allow you and your empire to reach A new height. But you were born in the Wittelsbach family, a little worse. Now because of the war, the Kaiser can tolerate you, and because of the relationship between our two families, I can also tolerate you."

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