The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 971: Coax and deceive one

"If this time, the Prussian-Austrian War is fought again, I am afraid the situation will be different!" Little Moqi squirted out half of the water he had drunk, and the tea cup in Heilingen's hand fell to the ground with a snap.

"Huh?! What's the matter?" When the Kaiser reacted, the two immediately denied that there was absolutely nothing wrong, and absolutely nothing had been heard, even if they heard anything, they would never spread out, and they promised that the room was safe. The sound insulation is very good, no one within 500 meters...

Then, the Kaiser always felt that this matter was not so stable. After the prince assured that Bavaria would not withdraw from Germany, the Kaiser thought that he should also mention the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In order to prevent the other party from having any unrealistic illusions, after all, if Bavaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire are truly integrated, it does not mean that the latter can catch up, at least the gap will be greatly shortened, which is absolutely unwilling to see the German Emperor!

But how did the Austrian Emperor answer at the time? Now Fritz admires his wit! "You said that Archduke Ferdinand would not be happy anymore. He is still worrying about the Bohemia problem. Those Czechs are not submissive, otherwise Princess Mary will not be allowed to become a Duke. The dual empire becomes the ternary empire. Bavaria will not go out of Germany, nor will Bohemia go out of Austria-Hungary."

Fritz’s answer was very artistic. First, he pointed out that Grand Duke Ferdinand was the future emperor’s heir and was a little dissatisfied with the prince’s involvement in the internal affairs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. At the same time, it is explained that the size of the Bavaria-Bohemia complex is too large to accommodate the level of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, so even if it was given to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Grand Duke Ferdinand would not dare to ask for it! Unless, unless another crown prince!

At that time, the Kaiser was very satisfied with the statement made by the Austrian emperor and replied: "Bavaria can't go out, and Bohemia can't go out. The result is the best. Ruprecht is indeed very strong. That's it for the time being. His descendants can't be so strong, right?" The meaning of the Kaiser's words is clear, there is no way, the situation is like this first, Ruprecht as long as one day, then this situation will not change, wait until when Bavaria will not work. talk later!

And who knows, Crown Prince Ferdinand is dead! It died so suddenly! And they started fighting after death! The conditions set in advance by the German and Austrian Emperors are completely invalid! Princess Mary, as the closest blood relative of the Austrian Emperor, has a chance to inherit the throne! This tm complicates things... Fortunately, the war overwhelmed everything, leaving all kinds of contradictions and problems not revealed, but it is impossible to say that the German Emperor does not pay attention to the succession of the Austro-Hungarian throne! I just don't have time to manage it temporarily!

And to be honest, Prussia also cannot tolerate Bohemia-Moravia entering... After entering, the territory of nearly 170,000 square kilometers and a kingdom with a population of 26 million are completely subversive to the power institutions within Prussia. It is said that it is possible to become a dual empire. Therefore, it is not that time, otherwise once Fritz has the intention of making Princess Mary the prince, then Prussia will definitely take action!

From this perspective, Duke Carl has one more reason for succession! And it is a very important one! Prussia can definitely accept the succession of Archduke Karl, but will not agree with Princess Mary!

Both sides are clear about the problem. After speaking, Fritz walked to the side and poured himself a glass of wine and then sat there to rest. Such political confrontation is already very stressful for people his age. , And he also wanted to know if the other party had thought of this problem, and if there was a way to deal with it, if there was any...

"Carl is in contact with the Hungarians," the prince said, but Fritz said nothing when he heard it. This is normal to him.

"And he has contact with the Italians," the prince continued. And this made Fritz frowned slightly when he heard it.

"It is said that Karl also contacted the British, expressing his willingness to withdraw from the war while guaranteeing the territorial integrity of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and at the same time promised greater rights to Hungary." The prince calmly looked at Fritz after he finished speaking.

"What are you kidding?" Fritz said with an iron face. "Why don't I know?" Deep down, he was really shocked by the prince's words! After all, the prince never lied! The gold content of this sentence is just now! And if what the prince said is true, then Carl is over....

"Just kidding? Why do you think I'm joking?" the prince asked with an expression of disbelief. "Can this kind of thing be a joke?"

"The German * team has already reached near Paris on the Western Front. The High Seas Fleet has just hit the British Fleet again. You and Mackenson will soon launch an offensive on the Eastern Front, and the 4 Russian armies are trembling. Our situation is very good, why do we want to secretly communicate with the British? Ignore it!" Emperor Fritz said a little excitedly.

"Yes, our situation is very good, but your situation is very bad, right? The navy is compressed in the Adriatic Sea and cannot play its role. In the Balkans, it has lost more than 100,000 troops, and the Serbs have already hit the homeland~ In the Galician battle that just ended, the Austro-Hungarian army lost 300,000. After a few months of fighting, there were more than a hundred thousand losses. The Austrian-Hungarian Empire’s lack of power was quickly consumed , And you are unwilling to say that Archduke Karl will go to the throne, so good, you tell me, as a person with a great deal of power and a muddled mind, what will he do in this situation? Does this really surprise you?" the prince asked rhetorically!

Will the Grand Guild Carl do this? The prince is not clear. In fact, in addition to the connection with the Hungarian nobles and the promise of greater autonomy, the connection with the British was fabricated by the prince! Yes, it was made up! The prince was blinded this time! And it is the highest level of Mongolian means, 9 points are true, 1 point is fake! When Fritz finds out that the front is true, I'm afraid he will believe the fake at the back?

As for whether Carl will negotiate with the British, this, the prince can only say that it is uncertain now, after all, Austria-Hungary is okay now, but this is the case in history! After becoming the last monarch of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, he tried to negotiate with the United Kingdom. This is true. After all, the decline of Germany was already obvious at the time, but he fantasized about letting Germany lose its territory to compensate the Allied Powers and let Austria-Hungary survive. It's impossible!

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