The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 990: Fall into the passive

However, when the friendly forces are in trouble, it is absolutely impossible for one's own side to remain unmoved. After this is over, it will go to a military court! After Lieutenant Admiral de La Perrell stated that his 3 super fearless and 2 fearless, and the first armored cruiser squadron will soon arrive, Admiral Lebris finally took action!

And when the French fleet went out in a mighty force, they happened to ran into two Confederate destroyers that were on alert nearby. When the two German destroyers were about to send out warning telegrams, the searchlights that suddenly swept over from the back of the side immediately turned this on. Two poor little guys are covered! After all, the two German destroyers did not find the second armored cruiser squadron hidden on the other side of the port. Within a few minutes, the three armored cruisers used dense high-explosive bombs to fix the guard sent by the Germans. Because of the obstruction of the breakwater and the noisy environment, the German fleet did not immediately notice the abnormality next to it.

At this time, the two Gupa-class battleships and the other two Dandong-class battleships Vigno and Mirabeau had already launched their battle lines, and the other three armored cruisers had already secretly used the cover of night to sneak towards the German fleet. Leaned up!

If someone opens up the perspective of God at this time, then they will find that the deployment of the French is very reasonable. It can even be said that this is the most tactical decision of the French in the entire battle. The main French fleet was hidden in the night, and they chose to sail in parallel with the German fleet. However, the accompanying armored cruiser squadron and destroyer squadron did not follow the action of the main fleet, but sneaked to the side of the extension line of the German fleet!

This deployment seems simple, but it allows the French to be comfortable in almost all situations. The German fleet is backed by a lot of "torches" so even if no one lights up, the French can still easily lock their opponents. When the main French battleships fired, although theoretically the German fleet could counterattack with muzzle flames, the effect was definitely not good. What would Count Spey do at this time? Naturally, speed up and hide the fleet in the dark again!

At this time, the armored cruiser squadrons and destroyer squadrons that are deployed slightly forward can play a role! The two sides can get close quickly because of the route problem. At this time, the destroyer lights up, launches torpedoes, the battleship lobs from a long distance, and the armored cruiser rushes up to get close! That's what it means to beat the master with random punches!

The fast battleships of the Earl of Spey’s fleet are indeed nb, strong and powerful! But how can it be? A dozen destroyers at close range throw dozens of torpedoes directly, are you afraid? ! Are you afraid that 3 armored cruisers and nearly 40 12-inch high-explosive shells suddenly washed their decks?

What if this wave can't kill you? It doesn’t matter if one ship can’t sink. As long as you can slow down a certain ship and keep in contact, it’s okay. Brother’s boss will come soon, a telegram will pass, and then 5 dreadnought ships and a dozen will be brought in. The other warships above! The so-called crash in the middle of a perfect start is talking about you! Although the Dandongs suffered heavy losses, as long as they can completely destroy a super fearless, then this is not a loss!

Nearly half an hour before entering the battle, Lieutenant Admiral Lebris had already cleared the matter! All that's left now! In his opinion, the current French fleet is almost in the best combat situation! Just wait for your opponent to walk into your trap step by step!

A series of fireballs soared into the sky not far away. The dazzling light once again shredded the quiet night sky. In the eyes of the officers and soldiers of the Allied Fleet, the attack came so suddenly! The dark red photoelectrics moved rapidly in the air, and fell into the surroundings of the German fleet after ten seconds. The water jets rising into the air almost covered half of the fleet.

"Speed ​​to leave! Let's go back to the night!" I don't know the size of the opponent, the configuration of the opponent, and even the opponent's figure is erratic in the background of the rangefinder! In such a disadvantaged situation... Make a hairy! Obviously, it is the kingly way to talk temporarily! What should I do if I was attacked? Recklessness is definitely a problem with the head, and the key is to stabilize the situation first. In the earl's view, the best choice at this time is to evacuate at a high speed first, and then take a moment to slow down. After everyone hides in the night, decide whether to fight or go!

Although the Piaget reacted quickly and conveyed information quickly, the battleship is not a sports car after all, and it takes a long time to accelerate. The Frenchman's speed at this time is 18 knots, faster than the German fleet! Therefore, in the first period of contact, the distance between the two sides has narrowed. It has to be said that Lieutenant General Lebris’ luck and the time of engagement are very good! This is the weakest time for the Allied fleet!

The Sultan Osman I was hit A 12-inch shell hit the horizontal deck and lit a small fire, while another shell hit the top of the No. 4 turret. Although it was bounced off, it still shattered the rangefinder on the top of the turret. The Tegerhof, which was in third place, was also taken care of. Two Dandong-class battleships in the back line threw artillery shells on the warship one after another. First, a hole was opened in the secondary armor belt of the bow. , And then the mount of the second turret was hit by two rounds. The violent vibration directly damaged part of the rotating equipment of the turret, and the two thick barrels were stuck at 11 o'clock.

Although with this heavy armor, the opponent's long-range attack does not cause much damage, but for the German fleet, this is just the beginning! Under the cover of night and battleship firepower, the French destroyer has sneaked up!

"There seems to be something over there." Lieutenant Hall on the destroyer V112 saw that in the distance there seemed to be a silver-white thing moving fast on the sea. If it hadn't been for the searchlight sweeping, he could barely see this guy! Good training and extremely high vigilance made him afraid. The two searchlights on the destroyer’s mast began to sweep across the target, and the light of thousands of candles swept across the night. Square meter of light!

"It seems to be..." And just as Lieutenant Hall was about to confirm the identity of the opponent, a series of shells had been fired from the opposite side, breaking one of the searchlights to pieces. Lieutenant Hall is still too young. Fighting this thing at night, he found an unidentified ship, so let’s call it a treat first! Generally speaking, more than 70% are sure that the opponent's battleship will be hit!