The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1111: Group match

What Mrs. Mary meant was that these educated wandering knights were capable of serving as Admiral's Quartermasters, so their future life must be worry-free. Although it is certainly not as good as those of the knights who have obtained the enclave, the future Earl of Wicklow will certainly be a decent official family.

And these wandering knights who can write calculations, even if they ca n’t do martial arts, they must have been trained in systematic knight martial arts and know how to train their children. They themselves may not be competent as knights because of their physical fitness. However, their children are not necessarily.

Just like the four sons of old Hoffman, if according to the requirements of the knight, only Adler and Simon can be qualified for the duties of traditional knights. Marin and Albert, strictly speaking, are not too qualified knights. Because, Marin's martial arts are also common among knights. If Marin and Albert meet this kind of knight competition, not to mention the first round will be eliminated, but certainly not to the end.

In fact, Marin was able to be chosen by Emperor Maximilian I, not because he passed the selection of knights, but because he pulled up the mercenary team himself. It just happened that Maximilian I needed mercenaries to fight for his southward journey to Italy, only to see Marin, a weak and wandering knight who could train troops.

Those educated wandering knights may not be strong enough. However, they may also give birth to strong sons, as long as they marry a strong wife ...

What's more, no matter how weak they are, they can also martial arts. Even if the elite veterans of Beihai have not been beaten, they are better than ordinary soldiers. Coupled with their ability to write accounts, they can not only serve as quartermasters, but also as infantry commanders. For example, you can be the captain of an infantry company ...

In the German mercenary world, many mercenary officers actually came from wandering knights. Many wandering knights will first look for opportunities to become official cai knights. After all, cai knights are considered true aristocrats.

However, if they encounter walls everywhere, and feel that they are hopeless to become a formal knight, many wandering knights will choose to become infantry officers of the mercenary regiment. Because, after all, these knights have been educated with certain military command capabilities and know how to command a team of troops.

Moreover, the most important thing is that these wandering knights have a certain level of education, they can understand the military orders, and the ability to execute orders is much stronger than those civilian mercenaries who do n’t know a big character.

Therefore, Mrs. Mary suggested taking these homeless knights, who are barely literate, and taking them to County Wicklow, Ireland, either as a quartermaster or infantry commander. It can even be used as a civil service.


After the exam, Adler personally invited these dozens of relatively educated wandering knights to invite them to serve as quartermasters or infantry officers in their count. Even when there is no battle, you can serve as a civil servant.

And after thinking about these dozens of wandering knights, they all agreed to Adler's invitation. Because, they also know that their martial arts are too bad, even if they look for opportunities elsewhere, it may be difficult to become a formal knight. In this way, it is better to follow Adler to become a quartermaster or infantry officer. In any case, it is also a way out, better than doing nothing now. And some of them are already financially constrained, and they need a job to feed themselves, including their warhorse and servants ...


After the first round of selection, the next round is the official competition of the second round.

But before the contest, Marin asked the referees to test the basic skills of the remaining 1,200 wandering knights, and then rated them.

Why do you want to do this? The main reason is that Marin wants to get to the bottom, and has a rough understanding of the strength of each wandering knight, so it is convenient to group.

Marin intends to divide these wandering knights into four grades according to the habits of the UEFA Champions League group stage. Then, break up the lottery and divide the group into groups according to the method of 4 people in each group and 1 person in each of the 4 grades.

Then, according to the methods of the UEFA Champions League group stage, the four people in each group played a step fight and a horse fight with each other. Among them, horse battle points are higher than step battles.

In this way, after the group match, the top two qualify, and then play against the top two of the corresponding group to enter the knockout stage.

However, because there are more than 1,200 people participating, if there are 4 people in each group, there must be more than 300 groups, which is very spectacular. Then, more than 600 people from the qualifying team will play another match-up game.


As for how to divide the fourth gear, Marin ’s way of dividing the gear is also very simple and rude-in the process of fighting against the ordinary elite veterans of Beihai, while defeating the opponent, the faster the end of the battle, the higher the score, not There are also points for injuries.

Then, in the basic test of horse warfare, they will ride on the prepared warhorse and plate armor of Beihai Kingdom, charge with a rifle, stab the heads of 5 grassmen along the way, and get some points.

Finally, according to the sum of the points of the step battle and the points of the horse battle basic test, the total points are obtained, and the grade is divided by the number of points, and the wandering knights are divided into four grades. Then, draw a lot to form a group for the points competition, the top two qualify.


In the formal knight competition, the scores of horse battles and step battles are different. The points of horse fighting are twice that of step fighting. After all, this is to choose the knight's competition, not the infantry. Therefore, the points of the horse battle account for two-thirds of the total points.

In this way, in fact, the side that wins the horse battle is equal to winning.

However, the horse battle may not be able to determine the victory or defeat, because the horse battle belongs to the knightly hedge. But in order to ensure the safety of the knights, hollow rifles are used. Moreover, Marin prohibits attacks on the heads of war horses and knights. Moreover, the Cavaliers have only 5 chances to hedge. After each hedge, the lance will be changed again, regardless of whether the lance is broken. The end of 5 rushes is over, but if someone loses the horse before 5 rushes, the winner will be awarded. If after 5 rushes, both sides are evenly matched, then look at the results of the step battle.


The reason why Marin forbids to stab opponents in the competition ~ ~ is because of fear of casualties. In the original history, King Henry II of France stabbed his head in the Scottish bodyguard of the Northern Knights in 1559, killing him.

In fact, the lance that stabbed Henry II in the head was also a wooden lance, and it was a hollow rifle made of weak wood. But the problem is that the eyes of Henry II ’s helmet are open, and after the wooden spear head of his Scottish bodyguard hits Henry II ’s helmet and breaks, a piece of wood happened to pass through the eyes of Henry II ’s helmet The crevice penetrated Henry II's eyeball and reached the brain deeply. Because of the backward medical conditions at that time, the wounds were seriously infected, and Henry II not only broke one eyeball, but also suffered from sepsis and eventually died.

Therefore, even Marin's Beihai state-owned alcohol and other disinfection methods will not help in the face of such injuries. Even in the 21st century, if the brain is injured, it is difficult to treat.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, Marin forbids the knight to stab the opponent's head in the battle, even if it is protected by a helmet. Moreover, even if both sides were not beaten down during the riding battle, wouldn't they still have the result of a step fighting ...


In this way, after dividing the group and explaining the rules of the competition in detail, the second round of the group competition of the Cavaliers Competition officially kicked off ...