The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1173: Fan trouble

Liu Jin's entire West House is a large warehouse. Zheng De and Zhang Yong, Gu Dayong and Liu Zhong and others directly dazzled.

In dozens of rooms, the big wooden boxes were slowed down in each room, and the opening was all silver. In several rooms in the backyard of the West House, Zhengde and his party were almost blinded by blind dogs. The boxes in these rooms were filled with gold ...

In fact, what they did not know was that there was a small room next to these houses full of gold, which were originally filled with jewelry and calligraphy. However, after Marin reminded, Liu Jin transferred those jewelry calligraphy and paintings. Otherwise, the eyes of blind Zhengde and others should be brightened ...

After visiting these rooms, Zhengde was numb. I saw him muttering to himself:

"It's said that the emperor is rich in the world. Why do I think I am a beggar compared with old Liu ..."

Zhang Yong, Gu Dayong, Liu Zhong and others listened, and they all looked upset. However, they did not say much. Because, they are all familiar with Zhengde, knowing that they can't add fuel to the fire at this time, otherwise it will cause Zhengde's rebellious psychology. Bear child, I like to work against people. The ministers and eunuchs are very tired ...


In fact, Liu Jin should be unlucky. He has already done the account book under the remind of Marin. It was originally intended that if Zhengde came to search, he would hand over the ledger to Zhengde, and then claimed that Xizhai was raising money for Neiku, not his own. As a result, Liu Jin's corruption has become a prosecutor's money. Although not glorious, it is great loyalty ...

Unfortunately, Liu Jin went to the cousin's funeral today, and forgot to give that book to the old butler Liu head. Therefore, Zhengde didn't see Liu Jin's "loyalty". Instead, he suffocated a fire and a minion was actually much richer than his master.

Although Zhengde is more tolerant to several eunuchs, Liu Jin has so much money but does not know how to honor him, making Zhengde very dissatisfied ...

Then, Zhengde, with dissatisfaction, followed the team back to the east main house to continue the search, looking for evidence of Liu Jin's "treason" ...


Originally, Zhengde came with the mentality to scrub Liu Jin. However, after seeing the Jinshan and Yinhai in Xizhai, Zhengde was dissatisfied, and his mentality also changed from "eluting the crime of Lao Liu" to "I want to find fault" ...

In fact, Zhengde is jealous of Liu Jin's wealth ...

You know, even if it is the Neiku in the palace, it is usually hundreds of thousands of silver, rarely exceeding one million two. Liu Jin is good at fishing for money, but it makes Zhengde's internal bank full, reaching 20 million two silver.

Earlier, Zhengde was complacent and felt that he was rich. Unexpectedly, when he went to Liu Jin's house, he realized that he really did, as Zhang Yong said, only took a fraction. The big head was naturally swallowed by the greedy Liu Jin ...

The emperor's private money is actually not as good as a eunuch's odds and ends ... This is no longer a question of money, but a question of face ...

Therefore, during the search of Liu Jin's main house, Zhengde was black all the way, with an expression of "I am in a bad mood, I am very unhappy" ...

By all means, Liu Jin ran outside the city to bury his brother and could not rush back to coax Zhengde to be happy ...

Then, something went wrong ...


In addition to the warehouse, the most important thing in Liu Jin's house is probably his bedroom.

Zhengde came to Liu Jin's bedroom with a group of people, and began to turn over the boxes to find evidence of "treason." But unfortunately, there really isn't ...

If Malin does not remind, the fake jade seal and jade belt made by Liu Jin must be turned out. Then, Liu Jin was dead.

However, because of Marin's reminder, Liu Jin destroyed all the contraband. In the corner of the back room beside his bedroom, there is a pile of jade powder, which is actually the powder after Liu Jin's fake jade seal and jade belt were smashed ...

But there is one thing that Liu Jin did not destroy. This thing is unremarkable, but terrible ...

The Jinwuwei people are turning over the boxes, Zhang Yong and Gu Dayong and others are supervising. As an emperor, Zhengde obviously does not have to come down in person. So, he was sitting at the table in Liu Jin ’s bedroom, tasting tea, and watching his men turn over the boxes ...

"Huh, isn't this the fan that old Liu Ping never kept away?" Zheng De, who was drinking tea, suddenly showed the fan Liu Jin usually used on the table.

It is hot in summer, and there is no air conditioner or electric fan this year. Therefore, people use fans to heat. However, the emperor always asked the **** to fan himself. Liu Jin himself was a slave-servant, so he couldn't let his men help his fans everywhere. Especially in front of Zhengde. Therefore, Liu Jin usually takes a fan and solves the problem himself. Only when Zhengde is away can he pose as a gangster and let his people help himself ... So, in front of Zhengde, Liu Jin usually carries a fan. It's okay to fan the wind yourself, and give Zhengde a few blows when you slap ...

But now it is the eighth lunar month, and the summer has passed, and it is not very hot. Therefore, Liu Jin does not carry the fan with him now. Coupled with the brother's burial today, he left the fan at home ...


Emperor Zhengde picked up the fan curiously, but as soon as he started, he felt like heavier ...

"How can a fan made mainly of bamboo and wood be so heavy?" Zhengde frowned ~ ~ Then he began to study this fan curiously ...

This research is a big deal ...

Because the handle of this lupin is actually hollow. Emperor Zhengde disassembled the handle and took out a sharp dagger ...

Zhang Yong was with Zhengde and saw this scene. So, he was overjoyed, and pretended to be shocked, saying:

"Your Majesty, the old Liu actually hides a dagger in his fan ... with a murder weapon, this is to kill the king!"

On the edge Gu Dayong and Liu Zhong and others were also excited at first sight. Gu Dayong also echoed:

"Yeah yeah, lord, Liu Ping took this fan in front of you. Is he planning to assassinate you?"

And Liu Zhong, at this time can not care about the true and false, at this time removing Liu Jin as the first priority. So he knelt down and said:

"Your Majesty, with the murder weapon to face the king, even if there is no intention of rebellion, it is also a death penalty!"


If usual, Zhengde may help Liu Jin speak. However, Liu Jin had just been stimulated by the huge wealth in the warehouse. Therefore, Zhengde was also a little calm at this time.

Thinking that Liu Jin usually took this fan with a dagger in front of him, Zhengde was also afraid that if Liu Jin wanted to stab him, wouldn't he easily take the trick?

Thinking of this, Zheng De suddenly burst into anger. I saw him furious:

"Come here, take me Liu Jin to me!"

Hearing Zhengde's command, Zhang Yong immediately took the order with brows and smiles. Zhang Yongke is the **** of the 12th Regiment Battalion and Shenji Battalion of the Admiral.

After being authorized by Zhengde, Zhang Yong immediately sent troops and rushed out of the city to catch Liu Jin, who was in a daze and still presiding over his brother's funeral ...

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