The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1338: Completely misfire

After the firearms and white eyes of the young sharpshooters in front of the side appeared, many coalition artillery soldiers also looked at them with a playful eye.

In their view, shooting at a distance of one hundred to dozens of meters is no different from a fool. As an artillery, naturally familiar with firearms. At present, firearms are mainly two kinds of guns and artillery. As a more advanced artillery than a musketeer, these coalition veterans of the coalition also know the musket's performance.

In this era, musketeers were mainly musket guns, but also smoothbore guns. The smooth-bore gun likes to roll during the flight of spherical lead bullets. It is generally 50 yards (45.7 meters) away, and the hit rate will be reduced by half. And over 100 yards, the hit is pure luck. Often, at this distance, it is not the person who was shot by the musketeer ... after all, the enemy troops are standing in line on the battlefield. So many people can always catch some bad luck.

Even during the Naval War period, with the modern flintlocks of sight and sight, at a distance of 100 yards, 500 people made a volley and struck the opposing infantry line array.

In this era, the matchlock gun was very rudimentary, with no front sight and no attention. As for aiming, purely looking at the talent of the Musketeer, follow the feeling ...

Only the Beihai country's musket, with a front sight on the top of the barrel, but no security door behind. The matchlock equipped in other countries is purely a bald tube. In addition, the top of the barrel is specially made with a horn opening to facilitate the pouring of gunpowder. If you want to hit such a barrel, you really have to rely on Mongolia.

Therefore, for the shooting of this group of children more than a few hundred meters, these old coalition artillery soldiers are basically watching jokes. Even at the moment the opposite fire opened, there was a coalition artillery who laughed:

"Haha, it really is a group of baby girls who have never seen the world. They fired at such a long distance. Is this betting that God is on their side today?"

Hearing this, hundreds of coalition artillerymen on the position laughed ...

However, the next moment, they couldn't laugh ...

The young shooters burst into flames and kung fu in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, the allied artillery position heard the strange sound of "poo-poo-poo-"-that's the sound of bullets ...

More than thirty gunners standing in front of the right are busy pretending and aiming. Suddenly, they all felt the pain from their bodies ...

"Mad, you're shot!" The commander in charge of the artillery, Jacobs, immediately realized that it was wrong and reacted. However, he reacted too late ...

As the commander of the coalition artillery, he shouted just now, and has long attracted the attention of the young marksmen.

These young marksmen, but Marin sent people to select the most talented shooting children among thousands of young people. After more than two years of training, after thousands of precious steel-core single-head shots have been eliminated, today's shooting accuracy is quite high.

Under three strikes, the 33 musketeers in the front row all hit their respective targets. The commander of the coalition artillery, Jacobs, was shot by Hank, the captain of the young marksman.

When Jacobs responded that he was "shot himself," he swayed a few times and fell down unwillingly. And with him, there were 30 gunners in front of the right of the coalition artillery position. There were only two gunners who had just avoided the bullet because of the large range of movement. But the bullets continued to cast off, hitting the infantry behind them ...

After being hit, it took about two seconds for the unlucky egg to react and let out a heartbreaking howl— "Ah, I was shot!"

Of course, what can be miserable is not hit. For example, the unlucky Allied artillery commander Jacobs was hit in the heart, because the heart and lungs twitched and affected the tracheal vocalization.

"What's going on? What's going on? The other party didn't fire artillery ..." Many soldiers of the coalition forces of the Eight Kingdoms were confused.

The more than one hundred coalition artillery in front of the formation was dumbfounded, and then they looked subconsciously to see what the commander said. But what does the commander say? Jacobs has been hit for a long time, falling down and burping, how can he give guidance?

Just when they were stunned, the second row of musketeers of the young marksmen also came up ...



As Hank yelled, the young shooters in the second row also pulled the trigger ...

"Puff-puff-puff-" ... It was another burst of flesh ...

Afterwards, many people howled afterwards ...

Then, the artillery of many coalition princes of the Eight Kingdoms reacted-God, their muskets can really hit so far ...

As a result, many old artillery soldiers simply fell down on their feet ...


Coincidentally, after they got down, the Beihai artillery fired. It's just that because the artillery lay down early, they didn't make merit. But the infantry in the back row was unlucky. They replaced the coalition artillery with a meal of cement ball shells as usual ...

What tragedy of missing arms and legs, or being smashed by the head, is staged again in the coalition infantry ...

The infantry commander John at the back suddenly lost his hair, and he shouted excitedly:

"Artillery, what are you doing? Fire the artillery! Suppress the group of G mother-in-law artillery opposite!"

However, the group of artillery did not have him, and continued to lie on the ground and dared not look up. Why? They are noble artillerymen, your cannon infantry officer shouted? I will ignore you!

This year, artillery is a technical arm, all uncles!

Is it easy to load this backward smoothbore gun? Take out Zi Bian, put gunpowder into it, and then tamped it, then put in stone bombs, tamped ... Then put in the mother blunder, insert the breech ...

This process seems very simple, and future generations may feel that there is no technical difficulty. However, in this era, this is technology ...

Don't laugh, this is really technical! The ancients were mostly illiterate, and kept awe of the artillery weapon. Because they do n’t understand, they feel scared if they do n’t understand. Those who haven't gotten used to it always feel tall when they see the artillery. In addition, how to clean the cannon, control the rhythm, and ensure that the artillery does not explode the cannon, there is indeed some technical content.

Therefore, the artillery who has mastered the "core technology" is the uncle's general presence in the army of this era. Ordinary artillery, treatment is equivalent to low-level officers. In terms of later generations, it is equivalent to the treatment of non-commissioned officers.

As an "noble" artillery, how could a captain of an infantry company? Therefore, the artillery continued to lie silently. They have lost almost 60 artillery, and now only half of them are left. If he dies again ... the Qiu Ba infantry can't get the artillery ...


However, behind the Brunswick-Duke Henry of Wolfenbüttel was dissatisfied, he also saw the situation before the array on the high platform after the array. So he shouted:

"Let that John take over the artillery and resume the bombardment! The artillery on the other side must never be allowed to continue to attack! Wait until the artillery on the other side is finished, and then clean up the group of baby gunmen!"

Because far behind, Duke Henry did not see the artillery casualties. After all, those who are alive are also lying on the ground, unable to tell who is dead and who is alive ...

The appointment came to the front, and the captain of the infantry company suddenly shook. He shouted:

"Now I am the artillery commander, you cowards, stand up and shell the opposite artillery! Disobey, then die!" After that, he waved his knight light sword ...

In desperation ~ ~ These surviving artillery had to get up and continue to prepare for the bombardment. However, this time they did not dare to stand up and load even when the artillery was on the opposite side. Because, there are a group of fierce dolls in front of them to kill them ...

However, they still underestimated the fierceness of the dolls ...

Even when squatting to load the shells, they still gave the group of young magic shooters ...

"Bang--Bang--Bang--" A burst of gunfire came, and the surviving sixty or seventy coalition artillery squats and bombs fell more than twenty ...

Although the squat is much smaller than the standing target, the aiming distance of the young marksman is up to 200 meters. Coupled with talents, there are still more than twenty artillery soldiers on the street ...

In horror, these surviving coalition artillery soldiers lay on the ground again and were afraid to stand up again. And the 40 artillery of the coalition forces were completely misfired ...

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