The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1352: Emperor's request

? Speaking of it, Maximilian I was also very sad. The hallowed name of the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire? However, it is a poor ratio ...

Speaking of Maximilian I, Marin does not consciously think of Zhou Tianzi in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, which is as poor as that. After the demise of the Western Zhou Dynasty, after the death of King Zhou Ping, who moved to Luoyang, he had no money for the funeral, so he had to send someone to Lu Guo to ask ...

Of course, His Majesty the Emperor is a little better than Zhou Tianzi. In any case, the Habsburg family also had the basic plate of Austria, and later through marriage, they acquired the Netherlands and Franche Comté regions. In itself, it is a powerful prince. Unlike Zhou Tianzi, only the land around Luo Jing remained.

However, because of seeking expansion and real power, the Habsburgs maintained a strong army. For this reason, although the Habsburg family has a lot of financial income, many of them are hitting the mercenary army. In addition, the Habsburg family has a large number of branches and they all have to share a piece of the pie. As a result, the Habsburg family became poor. Emperor Maximilian I became Emperor Pombi ...

How poor is Maximilian I? Originally, the reason why he died in 1519 was to go out of debt. As a result, after arriving in Innsbruck, where his daily palace is located, because of the debt problem and the tension between the citizens of Innsbruck, the citizens of Innsbruck actually refused to open the city gate to let him in. In desperation, he had no choice but to live in a mountain hut at the foot of the Alps. However, it was January at that time ... Poor Emperor Pompey, probably frozen in a mountain hut, and then died ...

For 300,000 gold coins, for Marin, it's just the income from rye produced in 3000 Eugram. But for Emperor Maximilian I, who didn't make much progress, it was a lot of money.


Sure enough, when Marin sent people to change horses along the way and quickly arrived in Innsbruck, after he proposed Marin's conditions, Maximilian I, who was short of money, was moved.

However, instead of agreeing to Marin's conditions, he personally followed the messenger and came to Beihai to plan to interview Marin. In order to hurry up, Maximilian I, like the Ambassador of the North Sea State, could not change horses along the way through Marin ’s own post system. He quickly arrived in the North Sea State and saw the newly recovered city of Oldenburg. And intends to continue to march in Bremen Province, in order to eliminate the remnants of the noble Marin ...

"What? Do you want me to send troops and join forces with Frensberg's army to destroy the coalition of princes?" After hearing the emperor's request, the tea cup in Marin's hand almost fell to the ground.

Maximilian I said seriously:

"Yes, if you are willing to send troops and Frenzberg to strike back and forth, I think that the tens of thousands of princely coalition forces will definitely be unable to escape! When those princes are finished, we will divide Germany together!"

Marin suddenly had ten thousand MMPs to talk about-Nima, but also divide Germany? When am I a fool?

Marin knew very well that the current confrontation with Frenzberg in the north of Switzerland was only a group of secular princes led by Frederick III, not at all the strength of all German princes.

What's more, even for those secular princes who opposed the emperor, their potential has not been exhausted. For example, the Electorate of Saxony left half of its troops on the mainland. Other secular princes who participated in the Allied forces also left their hands. Not to mention, the princes of the church rarely sent troops.

Marin was sure that if he wanted to unite the emperor to eliminate the coalition of princes, it would surely cause a strong rebound from all German princes. When the time comes, no matter which princes, they will work hard to fight with themselves. Because, if not desperate, they might be annexed by the emperor and lose most of their rights.

By that time, Marin and the Habsburg family army will not face the tens of thousands of coalition forces at the front, but at least a hundred thousand troops.

Also, if he really joined forces with the emperor, the French would have to end desperately without ending. Because once Germany is unified, France will directly face a huge threat.

Not to mention that Germany is relatively poor, but Germans are more martial than French. A unified Germany is definitely a huge threat to France. It is a miserable thing to bully the French after the reunification of Germany in the future.

During World War I, if it wasn't for **** sticks, Britain sent a large number of nobles and cannon fodder on the battlefield to accompany the Frenchman to death. The Germans, however, were able to defeat France by the Western Front and reproduce the shame of the Franco-Prussian War.

The French clearly knew this, so once the emperor had the idea of ​​unifying Germany, the French would definitely stop at any cost. By that time, Marin and the emperor would face not only more than a hundred thousand princely coalition forces, but also tens of thousands of elite French troops ...

Therefore, Marin refused the emperor without hesitation:

"Your Majesty, this is not possible! If I dare to send a large army south, those church princes who were originally neutral will definitely gather a large army to confront us. Also, the French who have always been enemies of the Habsburg family will never watch Your Majesty, you unified Germany. Therefore, we may face more than 200,000 troops by then ... "

In fact, the situation is not as bad as Marin said. As long as you do it quickly, wipe out the tens of thousands of princely coalition forces, and capture those princes, then you can take a great initiative. At that time, even if the church princes responded and sent troops, plus the French army, it would be too late.

Moreover, if Marin transferred both the Sixth Legion and the Fourth and Fifth Legions in England to fight, they might not be able to defeat the enemy ...

However, Marin is not that silly ...

First of all, even if they can defeat their opponents, the cost will certainly be extremely great, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Also, even if the coalition of princes is eliminated, what benefit will Marin have? After all, Marin is also a member of the princes. If all the other princes are destroyed, then the next one to be destroyed is himself.

The **** determines the head, and the identity of Marin determines that he cannot really stand on the side of the emperor to destroy those princes ...

As for what the emperor said to share the world with him, Malin, who had seen more history, couldn't believe it. He couldn't help but think of the fact that Liu Bang and Xiang Yu divided the Chuhe Han realm. When Xiang Yu turned back, Liu Bang tore up the agreement and sent troops to pursue ...

Although Maximilian I was not as shameless as Liu Bang, it was by no means a good husband. If the other princes are finished, the next one to be cleaned up is definitely Beihai ...

Do n’t look at the fact that the Habsburg family is not strong enough now, but that ’s not because of poor combat effectiveness, but because of lack of money! Now, the Habsburg family has Frensberg, a general who is proficient in the military training in the North Sea, and training is not a problem. The only trouble is that the Habsburgs have no money ...

If Marin helped him lay down half of the country, the loot alone would fill the lack of money for the Habsburgs. At that time, the Habsburg family recruited more people and they had the ability to fight against the Beihai Kingdom ...


After thinking about it, Ma Lin thought about it and then gently refused:

"Your Majesty, there are only more than 20,000 ministers ..." The subtext is-there are not enough people to go to the waves and will not help ...

After Maximilian I was silent for a while, he said:

"Okay, I'm not asking you to bring soldiers with me to destroy the coalition of princes. It may indeed be faced with the princes and the French of all Germany. That ... the loan of 300,000 Goulden coins ..."

"No! As long as you are willing to send troops to temporarily hold the coalition of princes and not allow them to return to the country. There is no need to divide the victory and defeat with the other party, as long as you drag the opponent for a period of time and allow us to annex 8 princely countries!"

But Maximilian I did not seem to be satisfied--

"I mean-can I borrow another 200,000 gold coins? After all ~ ~ now has so many troops, I also feel very difficult ..." Obviously, Maximilian I was sitting on the floor. . Of course, His Majesty did not lie. During this time, in order to fight against the coalition forces of the princes, the Habsburg family expanded its army vigorously.

Malin thought about it and thought it was not a big problem. As long as he sent troops to capture 8 princely states, the 200,000 gold coins were really nothing. Moreover, Maximilian I did not want it, but borrowed it. Although, this return date knows when. However, this is better than Marin's hasty dispatch of troops to help the Habsburg family wipe out the princes ...

So Marin nodded and said:

"Okay, I will say hi to Bank of Siena!"


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