The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1414: Secretly developed, Japanese back pot

This three-step strategy is much safer than what Cortés did in history. In the history of Cortez, the troops were originally sent out by blood. After waiting for the Aztec Empire, he was also lucky, and was mistaken for the messenger of "White God", and was also regarded as a guest of honor. Otherwise, the barbarians of the Aztec Empire have long been killed to sacrifice heaven.

As for the enemies who later united with the Aztec empire, it was also a mistake, who asked him to have a local lover named Marina. There is a local twenty-five and a leader party, naturally doing things is much more convenient.

All in all, Cortez was a lucky man who rushed to Mexico with a **** heart and a wave of recklessness.

Later, Pizarro was probably stimulated by Cortez's shit. After all, Cortes later got into the high position of the Marquis. Before conquering Mexico, Cortés was nothing more than a noble child with no inheritance rights. Of course, Pizarro also succeeded in taking risks ...

Switching to Marin's three-step strategy is much safer than Cortez's approach. After all, in terms of art of war-"Knowing yourself and knowing one another is a battle". As an ingenious monarch, Marin does not put hope on luck, it is better to be safe.

Moreover, the early use of the Aztecs to mine silver mines is also a trick. Marin provided technologically advanced smelting furnaces and provided experts to help mine exploration, which will certainly greatly increase the silver production of the Aztec Empire.

However, the Aztecs are foolish after all, similar to Lao Hei. Even if they get a lot of silver, Marin can easily exchange silver from the Aztecs with cheap goods, such as glass beads. Then, take it back to Europe to solve the money shortage problem.

This method is extremely slippery for Westerners in later generations. They used scissors to buy cheap minerals from African blacks. Then, sell industrial products at high prices to earn huge profits. It's a pity that after generations came out of a country like Huaxia, a spoiler who sold for money. Then, the European and American industries are all unlucky. Your product sells for 10 dollars, right? Huaxia sells it for $ 1. Lao Hei was already poor, and of course he bought bargains ... Therefore, it is not without reason for the future generations of Europeans and Americans to hate China. Because, their rice bowl was smashed ...

That is to say, if there is no disruptor, Marin can use the scissors difference method, or the more abnormal big flicker method, from the Aztecs to buy a large amount of silver at a low price. Then, use it to make money and use it in the trade with Daming.

Finally, when the Aztecs felt wrong and wanted more, they sent troops to win Mexico. By that time, Marin had already penetrated most of Mexico. The army also has a specific target, and will never bump like a headless fly.

This trick, Marin learned from the little devil. Although it is said that Marin is more hostile to the little devil, it has to be said that the little devil did a lot of preparations for invading China in the past. For example, many spies were dispatched to enter the map of China to prepare for the future entry into China.

The same is true of Marin's plan-he first sent engineers to instruct the Aztecs to develop silver mines, and then expanded the scale of the trade. In this way, a large number of businessmen will enter the territory of the Aztec Empire. Marin would send spies dressed as businessmen, wandering around the Aztec Empire, mapping maps, and marking the terrain. Then, after the conquest war begins, the army can quickly go straight to important targets.

In fact, this trick can be used not only in the Aztec Empire, but also in the Inca Empire. As long as you are well-prepared, you will be able to do it in one fell swoop ...


The reason why Marin changed his mind and did not immediately send troops to push Mexico was because he was dissuaded by Kohler. Kohler asked Marin-why did you occupy Mexico?

Marin naturally said that it was for silver, but Kohler asked-if the other party actively mines silver and exchanges it for you at a low price, why would you want to violently conquer it? In addition, if the Aztec Empire is really knocked down, then it is called a pit ...

If the Aztec empire was really defeated, it would definitely be impossible to hide. By then, news of silver production in Mexico is hard to keep conservative.

At that time, it was troublesome. If Marin did not have enough preparations, Spain and Portugal would definitely flock to compete with Marin for the site. what? You say agreement? This thing can be torn at any time, as long as the benefits are large enough ...

Therefore, Marin was frightened by this ...

Yes, if the Aztec empire was really captured, it would be impossible to hide it. By then, Mexico, the country of silver, will be exposed to the world ~ ~ Then, the silver-rich thing in Mexico must not be covered in fire. Then, Spain and Portugal certainly couldn't help it. As for other countries-few are good ...

Therefore, Marin stubbornly endured the temptation to annex Mexico now, and instead supported the Aztec Empire to vigorously develop silver mines. Then, use it to trade with yourself.

Moreover, the late annexation of Mexico is not easily noticeable. When France and Spain were torn apart on a large scale and attracted the attention of Europe, Marin could quietly send people to engage in the Aztec Empire. Because everyone's attention is drawn away ...


Now, for Marin, the most important thing is not to send troops to annex Mexico, but to develop the navy. For example, vigorously build ships and recruit more sailors. When you can single out the warships that are swept up by others who are coveting Mexico, you can "officially declare". At that time, even if someone was jealous, it was useless. Because, Marin's strength can already covet the challengers ...

Another point is the need to cover the silver produced in Mexico. Therefore, Marin needs to "fake" another silver origin. For example, Marin had long thought about Japan ...

Japan is indeed a silver producer, and it is far east of the Far East. At the beginning, Marin signed a treaty that stipulated that Japan was a colony of the North Sea country.

If Marin pretends that all the silver is made in Japan, then the problem is fine. Not to mention that many countries do not have routes to Japan, and even if they do, it is difficult to invest in the Far East.

Marin could then buy silver from Mexico at a low price while lying that "these silvers are all made in Japan." In this way, the eyes of the world turned to the east. And Marin can hide in the Americas and make a fortune ...

Moreover, Japan does not complain about this pot. Because, Japan is indeed very rich in silver ...