The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1441: Advice from Queen Margaret

On the way back to Zaragoza, many aristocratic Aragonese noblemen complained to Ferdinand II:

"Your Majesty, that group of Castilian **** is too much. In the future, we can only take advantage of the interests of the Spice Islands, the loss is too great!"

Ferdinand II sneered, saying:

"Why would it be so easy? I thought about it, although most of the benefits of cloves and nutmeg in the Spice Islands should be given to the Castilians. But it is only the cloves and nutmeg in the Spice Islands ..."

Some ministers heard the voiceover:

"Your Majesty, do you mean?"

"I heard that when the Grand Duke Marin of the North Sea State went to India to buy spices, he brought back some spice seeds. Moreover, the tropical island called Grenada was successfully planted. Although the current production is not large, we can Find a place to grow more cloves and nutmeg! "

At this time, Aragon ’s Foreign Minister Fernandez hesitated:

"Your Majesty, our current colony of Mozambique may not be suitable for spice cultivation. The spice islands should be suitable for cloves and nutmeg ..."

Ferdinand II waved his hand and said:

"I know this, so I have no plans to grow cloves and nutmeg in Mozambique. I plan to find a big island on the edge of the Spice Islands, take them down, and grow cloves and nutmeg. You have seen the expedition A map? To the southwest of the Spice Islands, there is a big island called Timor Island. It is close to the Spice Islands and the climate is similar. It should also be suitable for the cultivation of cloves and nutmeg. The large-scale cultivation of cloves and nutmeg on Wen Island is that by then, our interests will be no less! "

Hearing this, the great nobles of Aragon finally felt relieved. But Ferdinand II was relieved in his heart, because half of these words were true, and the other half were actually flickering.

He had experienced the development of the West Indies. At first, it was very clear how difficult it was to cultivate sugarcane plantations on the island of Hispaniola (Haiti).

Even if Timor Island is really suitable for planting cloves and nutmeg, it has not been possible for it to be developed without decades of development. Moreover, he certainly couldn't see the day when the clove and nutmeg planted on Timor Island came up. After all, he is 61 years old and will not live for a few years. In fact, in history, he only lived until 1516. Of course, in Europe, where medicine is extremely backward, longevity is already counted.

Therefore, he said that it was nothing more than comforting the Aristocratic nobles whose interests were damaged. As for the future, God knows ...

Ferdinand II has heard that there are some spice trees that only take five or six years to grow. On a tropical island full of poisonous insects and mosquitoes, a spice plantation was planted and then expanded ... The ghost knows how long it will take to catch up with the spice islands that have been well developed ...


But in any case, Ferdinand II's flicker, finally appeased the great nobles of Aragon. Right now, the whole of Spain is in full operation to regain the Kingdom of Naples.

In order to concentrate on dealing with the French, Ferdinand II and his son Juan III decided unanimously-to temporarily put the first Spanish general Gonzalo de Córdoba stationed in northern Morocco and his 20,000 troops. Transferred back, sent to Italy.

As for defense in northern Morocco, Queen Margaret's daughter-in-law gave a very good suggestion-hire Italian mercenaries to replace the Spanish army originally stationed in northern Morocco.

Just as the French used Italian mercenaries as cannon fodder, Queen Margaret thought that the Italian mercenaries could not beat the Spanish army, the German mercenaries, and the French ... but, after all Is a professional soldier. The cavalry transferred to Morocco and the Vatas dynasty will certainly not work, but it is no problem to guard the important towns of Fez, Tetouan, Ceuta and Melilla. They can't beat people in the wild, but it's okay to keep the city.

What if Spain lost most of its Moroccan territory during this period? As long as you have guarded a few important towns, wait for the Spanish army to resolve the French in Naples, and then come back to clean up the remnants of the Moroccan Vatas dynasty ...

In addition, Queen Margaret also suggested that—while taking advantage of the current truce in the German area, quickly hire a group of old German mercenaries to participate in the Italian battle. Even, you can hire some people to help Marin, the number one player in the North German region ...

The pair of Ferdinand II and Juan III were stunned by the daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law), and nodded ...

It's no wonder that in history, after Margaret of Austria died of her husband, she returned to the Netherlands and brought her nephew Charles V with him. It can be said that the famous European overlord Charles V in history was brought out by the Queen Margaret. Can such a woman be simple?

Then, Ferdinand II and Juan III, who were shocked by their daughter-in-law (daughter-in-law), took action ...

After Ferdinand II brought the great nobles of Aragon back to Zaragoza, he began to explode soldiers inside the Aragon kingdom and imposed a wave of war tax. Although the spice trade is so profitable, there is no need to levy a war tax. But there is no harm in being able to prepare more money.

Similarly, Juan III, on the side of Castile, also declared a state of war and began recruiting troops from the country. The main purpose is to recruit a group of Spanish savage mountain people, including the Basque barbarians in the northern mountains.

Spain in this era is not the funny Southern European waste wood of the later generations, nor is it the fifth of the five stupid countries. At this time, the Spaniards have not been amused and degraded, and it is still one of the countries that Europe can fight. Otherwise, there will be no Spanish phalanx that is famous in Europe.

Because there are more mountains in the territory ~ ~ There are still more mountain people in Spain at this time. Even if it is not as tough as the German mountain people, it is always better than Italy. In history, Spain has really fallen. It seems that after having the golden mountains and silver seas of the Americas, the social atmosphere has become extravagant, and the Spanish have begun to greedy to enjoy ...

This is like the Mengyuan and Manqing Eight Banners that entered the Central Plains and quickly corrupted. The Spaniards had the golden mountains and silver seas of the Americas, and the elite class was rapidly corrupting. As for the civilian class? Sorry, in ancient times, the civilian class was uneducated. Their fashion is that the aristocracy learns the king, the common people learn the aristocracy ... The elite class is abolished, and also count on the illiterate civilian class?

There is also a long-term hostility between Spain and Britain and France. By the way, these two opponents were so strong that they rubbed Spain on the ground for two or three hundred years ... And in order to prevent Spain from re-emerging, Britain and France both suppressed Spain for a long time without taking them to play or let them interfere. European affairs. Then, Spain can only entertain itself by reminiscing the glory of the colonial empire. Slowly, it all became a tease ... This is like the later Britain. After the collapse of the colonial empire, the British guys became a group of teases immersed in the memories of the past, and they also broke up to break up with Europe ...

But for now, the Spaniards are still at war. Even if the quality of the soldiers is slightly lower than that of the French, it can still be better than the French by relying on advanced tactical battle formations. In particular, they now have a top star-Gonzalo de Cordoba ...