The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1469: Women's Humiliation Act

If Marin saw this kind of situation here, it would be laughed to death. Because this scene is too much like the scene of the pig bajie and the sand monk fighting in the Liusha River-pig bajie didn't dare to go into the water, and said to the sand monk, "Come on!" The clamor called "Come on, you come down!"

However, in such a confrontation, it is France who ultimately suffers. Why? Because France was trapped in a lonely city in Naples, the supply was cut off by the opponent. The Spanish army can calmly control other parts of the Kingdom of Naples outside the city of Naples, with sufficient supplies. In the long run, the French must have suffered a great loss. After all, the French have too many people in the city, and the supply is limited ...

"What should I do? What should I do?" Louis XII turned around anxiously, not sure what to do. After all, his plan was to wait for the Spanish army to attack the city and then consume the enemy. However, who knows that the opponent is not fooled ...

At this time, John Rafi stood up again and presented his strategy (prepared by Marin):

"Your Majesty, that Gonzalo is a cunning and shameless general, but there are people on him ..."

"Oh, how do you say that?" Louis XII asked with some doubt.

"Chen means that since that Gonzalo refused to attack the city, we might as well try to find a way from within Spain to force Spain to urge Gonzalo to take a decisive battle ..."

"How?" Louis XII asked happily.

"Your Majesty, we can send people to give women clothes to Juan III and the Spanish aristocracy, mocking them timid as women, and persuading them to change into women's clothing to be women ..."

This trick was learned by Marin from The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Zhuge Liang wanted Sima Yi to fight decisively, but Sima Yi ignored him. In desperation, Zhu Geliang thought of this strategy, in order to humiliate Sima Yi, hoping to inspire the other party to fight. However, he used the wrong object. Because Sima Yi's face is so thick, he doesn't mind this humiliation ...

However, Sima Yi does not mind, does not mean that the European nobility in this era does not mind. This year, European nobles particularly value honors, and they will certainly be furious when they are so humiliated. Especially Juan III, who was just a young man, was very excited. Therefore, according to the script given by Marin, John Rafi suggested that the messengers of Louis XII send women ’s clothes and lipstick to the young Juan III and the arrogant nobles of the Kingdom of Castile, the goal of. As for Ferdinand II of Aragon, that is an old fox, not necessarily willing to be fooled ...

Louis XII felt very playful, so he sent people to send pigeons back to the country, ordered the local messenger to send women ’s clothes to King Juan III of Castile, and asked the messenger to laugh at Spain and all the ladies, no courage ...


Soon, the French mainland immediately sent a messenger from Toulouse in the southwest, borrowed the Kingdom of Navarre, and went to Toledo, the capital of the Kingdom of Castile, to give young Juan III a few exposed red skirts ... …

Juan III was stunned and asked:

"Why did your envoy send me women's clothes? My queen does not lack clothes ..."

The French Baron Novara sent from Toulouse said:

"No, your majesty, this is not for your queen, it is for you. It is said that this is the most popular style of women in Paris ..."

Juan III was suddenly angry:

"What are you talking about? What do you mean? Do you really think I dare not kill you the messenger?"

Baron Novara calmed down:

"Nothing, it's just that our majesty wants to laugh at the Spanish men who are bloodless. Just like your General Gonzalo, who has shrunk in the barracks in Naples, he refused to fight. Our Majesty thinks the Spaniard is too beautiful and bloody, otherwise we don't know What is honor. So, simply give your majesty clothes to your majesty and suggest that all Spanish men put on ... "

"Shut up! Drive him out to me!" Juan III growled.

Then several guards blasted Baron Novara out of Toledo's palace.

However, Baron Novara did not stop. After leaving the Toledo Palace, he came to the Castilla Parliament Building. In front of many Spaniards, at the gate of the Parliament Building, he sent a stack to the big brothers of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Castile. Red women's clothes, and despise that Spanish men are all bloodless soft eggs, like a lady, it is better to wear women's clothes and be a woman ......

Suddenly, Baron Novara angered and was beaten by the crowd. But he had been prepared for a long time, squatting on the ground. Moreover, he wore a double layer of leather armor in his robe today, but he was not seriously injured ...


In the palace of Toledo, as expected by Marin, the furious Juan III was persuaded by the calm Queen Margaret. Juan III originally wanted to force Gonzalo de Cordoba to fight the French, but Queen Margaret thought that this was what the French wanted and that the French could not succeed.

But the couple is okay, but the Parliament of the Kingdom of Castile has exploded. Even, the whole city of Toledo was fried ...

Baron Novara's indignant words quickly spread throughout the city of Toledo, causing the Spaniards' anger throughout the city.

Then, a group of Castilian nobles rushed into the palace and asked Juan III to force Gonzalo de Cordova to fight the French as soon as possible, proving that the Spaniards are straight steel men ...

As for the baron Novara who was beaten, he was pushed out of Toledo like a dog ...

However, on the road, Baron Novara, who received minor injuries, smiled:

"Haha, Your Majesty's trick really works! In this way, we are going to Zaragoza and going to the House of the Kingdom of Aragon!"

His entourage worried:

"But you will be beaten again ..."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you have fulfilled His Majesty's entrustment, you will get what you plan to get again ..."

Then, Novara and his party came to Zaragoza, the capital of the Aragon Kingdom. In front of the people of Zaragoza, they presented a stack of women's clothing to the nobles of the Aragon House and laughed at the Aragon's no men. , All ladies ...

So ~ ~ Baron Novara was beaten again without incident. This time, Baron Novara could not stand up ...


However, halfway through Zaragoza, Baron Novara laughed happily:

"Haha, this time it's stable. The Spaniards can't bear this humiliation!"


He was right, even though Juan III was persuaded by the queen, Ferdinand II of Aragon was also an old fox. However, those nobles who can't stand the two kingdoms love face ...

The bigwigs of the two Kingdom Houses urged the two kings to order Gonzalo de Cordova to order the Spanish army to "show their own manhood" ...

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