The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1479: Simon Gordon

Marin is now waiting for the autumn harvest. Once the autumn harvest is over, he can send troops to the Irish island. Of course, in fact, Marin is fully prepared here, and does not have to wait for the autumn harvest. After all, the locals only need to send a sixth army mainly based on the Scottish Highlanders to fight with Edward. Several other legions did not need to move at all.

Therefore, this has little effect on the Beihai country's autumn harvest. But the impact on England is still quite big. Not to mention, Edward is counting on the provision of military supplies this time. There is also a strong army of 20-30 thousand people who follow the army. If the troops are sent before the autumn harvest, those who participate in the war will definitely delay the agricultural time. In this age without machines, people are the most valuable labor. If you send troops before the autumn harvest, it may lead to insufficient labor in England's autumn harvest ...

Moreover, this issue is particularly important for England! why? Because England is an humid and rainy island country!

Although most of the North Atlantic warm current is blocked by the island of Ireland, England is inevitably affected by the North Atlantic warm current, and the climate is warm and rainy.

If it's normal, it's okay to be warm and rainy, but it will make people feel that the climate is suitable. However, if there is a rain during the autumn harvest ... it will be terrible. In the case of rainy England without a modern harvester with drying equipment, it is necessary to grab time during the autumn harvest, race against time, and avoid the weather Cat cat. Otherwise, it is easy to rot in the fields before you can harvest the crops!

Therefore, before the end of the autumn harvest, Edward is unlikely to waste labor to do anything else. Because, at the moment of the autumn harvest, the more labor there is in England, the better ... It ’s better to use a word to describe the rainy autumn harvest in England-grab it! Grab the harvest before it rains ...

Therefore, whether to fight Ireland is not on the Marin side, but on the England side!

In fact, there is a reason why the English have not sent troops to reunify Ireland for hundreds of years. Because it was rainy there, there was no raincoat and umbrella in ancient Europe, and it was very inconvenient for the army to go out.

Fortunately, this problem is a piece of cake for Marin. He not only introduced Huaxia's clothes, but also made raincoats for future generations, which perfectly solved the problem of rain protection.

In fact, if the rubber production is not high enough now, Marin intends to sell raincoats on a large scale. For now, because of the limited production of rubber, Marin only intends to sell his waistcoat-style raincoat to the aristocracy. When the production of rubber increases, in the future, the sale of raincoats will definitely become a big business. Not to mention, on rainy Irish and British islands, the sales of raincoats will never be worse. The only problem is the threat of Yi. After all, the cost of clothes is lower and more economical. But the only problem with Shiyi is that it looks too ugly and shabby, and people with a little money will not be willing to wear it. And the ordinary people of this era certainly do not have the money to buy raincoats. So, don't worry about raincoats not selling ...


Before the arrival of autumn, there was good news from Kiev, Ukraine-the walls of Kiev city and the old palace in the city were almost restored, and they can be used ...

Earlier, Marin sent a more professional engineering team from Beihai to go to Kiev City to repair the city wall and the old royal palace in the city to prepare for Simon's arrival.

The city of Kiev used to be the capital of the Grand Duchy of Kiev, hundreds of years ago, and naturally has an old palace. However, after the death of the Grand Duchy of Kiev in the Khancha Khanate, the old palace in the city of Kiev became a decoration and began to wear out and decline.

Fortunately, most European palaces are made of stone and will not be damaged for hundreds of years. The only problem is that it needs to be repaired and refurbished.

Therefore, the engineering team sent by Marin, in fact, the amount of work is not very large, that is, to clean up the old castle that was originally covered with moss, and then use the cement to repair the fence and the ground, it is almost the same.

The same is true of the city wall, and the situation of the city wall is much better than that of the old palace. This is because the city walls of Kiev have been used to guard against the Crimeans in the south and the Moscow people in the east. Therefore, the city walls are usually maintained, and the use is much better than the old palace. The energy and material resources spent by the engineering team on repairing the city wall are actually not too great. The main thing is that the four gates are covered with galvanized iron to enhance defense.

In addition, at the city gate, a bastion design was also added. That is, build two protruding bastions on both sides of the city gate. The protruding bastion can see the gate on the battlement. When an enemy attacks the city gate, the defender can attack the enemy who destroys the city gate on the protruding bastion. Because there are protruding bastions on both sides of the city gate, it can form a cross fire attack on the enemy who destroys the city gate. Therefore, the chance of the city gate being destroyed by the enemy is greatly reduced.

In fact, this design has already been applied in Aurich. For the safety of the capital, Marin added ribs protruding from both sides of the four gates of Aurich to better protect the gates.

With the bulge structure protruding from both sides, it is quite difficult to send someone to rush under the door to destroy the city gate. Because the defenders on the bastions on both sides of the gate will use muskets to clean up the enemies that rushed to the gate. No matter what smashes the door, or blows the gun with the gunpowder barrel, the musketeer will take care of it!

In addition, Marin also transformed the gates of Aurich, adding urns, further increasing the difficulty of siege. The urn city designed by Marin was not added outside the main gate, but inside, that is, an extra gate was set up. In this way, the difficulty of breaking through the gates has greatly increased.

Moreover, because there are other gates inside the gates, it is difficult for the enemy to cooperate inside and outside. After all, if you want to seize the front door, you must first seize the inner door. But once attacking the inner door, the defender of the outer door must be alarmed. If you want to continue attacking the outer city gate, the difficulty is not so great. In this way, the existence of the two gates eliminates the danger of being stolen by the enemy's elite.

However, the design of the small urn city inside the city gate was not implemented in Kiev city for the time being. The main reason is that the amount of construction work for the urn is a bit large, as much as the construction of a small castle ~ ~ Moreover, the amount of demolition is a bit large. Therefore, Marin was not in a hurry to build a small urn in the city of Kiev.

In addition, the old Huffman couple urged Simon's marriage. In order to speed up the construction period, Marin intends to give up building an internal small urn city in Kiev City first, let Simon take office and get married first. Then, slowly build four small urns ...


Simon was obviously a bit impatient, because he wanted to leave Marin and try his own taste of being the boss.

In these years, Marin was affected by the murder of Edward V by his uncle, and he has been afraid to let the brothers take control of the military. It does n’t feel very good for people like Albert, but it ’s uncomfortable for Adler and Simon, two militants.

Therefore, when Adler heard of the opportunity to go to the Irish island alone to lead soldiers, he did not hesitate to accept the name of Earl Wicklow, and ran to become an overlord on the Irish island.

Simon is also envious, but unlike Adler, he has the credit for giving way to Marin. Therefore, he could only stare. Fortunately, Marin recently gave Simon a chance to go there as an earl because he wanted to set up in Ukraine, which made Simon very excited. He was not excited to be an Earl, but he could become a commander of thousands of troops ...


After hearing that the walls of the Kiev city and the renovation of the old palace were completed, Simon rushed to Marin and asked him to take his horses, so as to **** him to Kiev. So, Malin sent thousands of soldiers and horses to **** the cheerful Simon, and went to Kiev city first and then took office ...

Once Simon became a vassal, the next step was to arrange marriage with Princess Anna of the Lamarck family. After Simon's departure, the old Hoffmans and his wife also rushed to River City, and began to discuss the marriage of Simon and Princess Anna with John II ...