The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1654: It ’s another autumn harvest

Although it says that it takes a dozen gold coins to buy a French teenager. However, Marin did not feel distressed. Why? Because, he used fake nickel nickel copper to buy people. The cost is almost the same as that of copper coins. Hundreds of white copper "silver coins" can count the value of one gold coin. Buying a strong French teenager is nothing more than a thousand silver-copper "silver coins".

In short, Marin bought people in France for a few dollars. The cost of nickel-nickel-copper copper is very low. More than a thousand nickel-copper-copper "silver coins" are worth about one hundred grams of silver. Converted to two or two silver. Converted into gold coins, it is two or three. In reality, it is much cheaper than buying Maozi and Maomei.

So Marin was excited-since the French population is so cheap and so surplus, then sell it to me! Train French children into mamluk cavalry like a murderous machine, and then go desperately with the French, the picture is simply beautiful ...

Thinking of this, Marin sent an order to Cuba Island-quickly produce more nickel! At the same time, Marin sent a fleet to go back to India and Huaxia to buy some cheap copper. If calculated according to the copper prices of India and China, the fake French Dnière silver coins used to buy French teenagers cost less than one gold coin ...

Such profiteering had to make Marin crazy. Buy a French teenager for less than the cost of a gold coin. This cost is much cheaper than Niu Ma. Used as a cannon fodder, even if a few teenagers can only survive one, it is also very cheap.

Then, the better news came-on the Swiss side, it seemed that people were very prosperous. Moreover, most of the Swiss are Germans!

Because Marin supported the Habsburg family's invasion of Switzerland, Switzerland has been in constant war for several years. Originally, a few years ago, Switzerland had a population of 750,000. But after years of war, Switzerland, which was already poor, is even poorer. The population has also been reduced by at least 100,000.

Some of the reduced population of 100,000 were killed by the war. Others fled to other countries. Now, whether it is the eastern part of Switzerland under the control of the Habsburg family or the western part occupied by the Swiss and the French, the economy is close to collapse and people's lives are very difficult.

According to the spy report in Switzerland, the main currency currently in circulation in western Switzerland is French currency. For example, the nickel silver bronze French Dnière "silver coin" cast by Marin is the main currency in western Switzerland.

Moreover, as a state of the Holy Roman Empire, Switzerland's serfdom is open, and it does not need to be covered up in the name of "employed servants" as in France. In the Swiss market, population buying and selling is legal and common.

Therefore, Marin can cast more French Dnier "silver coins", go to the western region of Switzerland to spend hard, buy serfs, and enrich the population.

As for the Swiss anti-Habsburg family problem, Marin is not a member of the Habsburg family, but only has a good relationship with the Habsburg family. Moreover, buying them yourself will make them eat and wear. If Taylor ’s apprentices and grandchildren are fooled and not taught after a few years of education, then they can only be dispatched to the tropics to endure hardship. Those who are obedient are sent to the North American colonies.

Taking advantage of the fact that there is no dissenting Calvinist thought in the Swiss region, the Swiss can still "save" ...

As for the eastern part of Switzerland, which accounts for the majority of the population, although under the control of the Habsburg family, Marin can still send people to buy serfs. Big deal, give the Habsburgs a little benefit. Anyway, Switzerland has a lot of mountains and can't support so many people.

In short, regardless of whether they are French or Swiss, as long as they are available in the market, Marin wants to recruit. Because of cultural reasons, the French are only willing to buy juveniles with great plasticity. The Swiss, because they are Germans, Marin is for adults and children ... However, in western Switzerland, Marin buys people with fake French silver coins. In the eastern region, Marin must be orderly in exchange for food that the Habsburg family lacks. After all, the Habsburg family has so many armies in Switzerland and needs a lot of food ...


When Marin secretly wanted to plunder the population from France and Switzerland at a low cost, the time entered the middle and late September, and the autumn harvest in the North Sea began earlier than other European countries ...

This autumn harvest is very different from previous years. Because the Beihai Kingdom introduced the harvesting artifact Maimai from the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, this year's wheat harvest is very efficient.

Approximately 40,000 farmers in Beihai have received training on the use of samarium. They used 20,000 double samariums. Under the watchful eyes of other farmers, they began extremely efficient harvesting.

Because they have been trained on how to use it for about two months, they can use it. Although they cannot achieve the efficiency of harvesting 20 acres by two skilled Dutch farmers each day, there are more than 15 acres per person per day. On average, each person harvests seven or eight acres a day.

For ordinary peasants, harvesting two acres of land with a sickle every day is considered to be the sky. A couple of middle-aged men will reap about 3 acres a day.

When the 40,000 previously trained farmers, in pairs, swayed two pairs of samarium and swayed in the wheat field, the sides were full of silly farmers ...

There are a total of 400,000 peasants in Dinghai, and a total of about 12 million mu of cultivated land has been cultivated. On average, only 30 mu of land has been cultivated per Zhuangding. This used to be the limit for ordinary farmers to cultivate land. However, with the introduction of Prader plow carts, wheat samarium, and columbine, the land that 400,000 farmers can cultivate can actually reach about 40 million mu.

However, that is the next season. This season, because advanced agricultural tools have not yet been used, the autumn harvest can only harvest 12 million mu of land.

Among them, of the 12 million mu, even 6 million mu is Marlin's private land. This is also regarded as the biggest dividend that Marin has acquired after annexing countries. He relocated the defeated nobles of all countries to the province of Bremen, and then the land of those nobles' homes belonged to him ...

However, of the 6 million acres, only 2.4 million acres are located in East Friesland, West Friesland, Schleswig, Oldenburg and North Münster, where new fertilizers are promoted. As for other areas, the old farming method is still used, but volcanic ash is introduced as fertilizer.

Therefore, of the 6 million mu of land under the name of Marin, only 2.4 million mu of land has reached more than 500 pounds per mu due to the application of new agricultural technologies and fertilizers. For another 3.6 million mu of land in other provinces, the yield per mu is only about 200 pounds.

But even so, this total output can scare countless people. Of course, this is only an estimate of production, and it has to wait for the harvest to be completed.

However, the 2.4 million mu of cultivated land to which new agricultural technologies and new fertilizers are applied should yield only more. The 3.6 million mu of land only sprinkled with volcanic ash, the output is not easy to say, there may be high or low. After all, Sanfei is not complete, everything is possible.

But the total output ~ ~ should not be much different in the end. Because, on the 2.4 million mu of fields with new technologies and new fertilizers applied, the total output should be much higher than estimated. Even if the output of the 3.6 million mu of farmland using only volcanic ash is less than 200 pounds per mu, the missing part can be filled. Therefore, unless there is heavy rain during the autumn harvest, otherwise this year's autumn harvest, Beihai Guoguang is the cultivated land under the name of Marin, and the total output of rye can certainly exceed 1.9 billion pounds. As for the other half of the cultivated land that does not belong to Marin, the promotion of new agricultural technology and three fertilizers is not high, but the total output of more than 1.5 billion pounds should not be a problem.

All in all, as long as the rain cannot fall in the autumn, billions of pounds of grain will be put into the warehouse this year. And because of the harvesting artifact such as wheat samarium, this year's autumn harvest is expected to end many days earlier than in previous years. It's just that because only one-tenth of the farmer knows how to use it, and he's not very skilled yet. Therefore, this year's autumn harvest is generally a few days faster than in previous years. If everyone is familiar with using samarium next year, the harvesting speed will be faster.

However, Marin has plans to reclaim more fields during spring ploughing next year. After all, with the Prader plow cart, Columbine and Sm, farmers have more land to cultivate. In this way, the corn field has increased, and the autumn harvest speed has been pulled back ...

In any case, even if the cultivated land area does not increase, the agricultural output of the North Sea country is enough to be proud of Europe. After all, Beihai has only more than 2 million people. The total grain output is more than enough to feed 7-8 million people. If it is calculated according to other countries where more than half of the dirt, wood chips, wild vegetables and stones are mixed into the brown bread, it is no problem for these grains to feed 10 million people ...