The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1748: Boy officer

The French messenger was a little dumbfounded. He happened to have studied the letter and the signature of the monarch and recognized the signature of the king. Moreover, you can smell the special ink.

But the result surprised him-this purchase contract turned out to be true! The seal and signature of the King above, including the smell of ink, are exactly the same as the regular English documents, which is obviously true. In this way, Marin dumped the pot successfully.

Seeing that the messenger believed the purchase contract, Marin smiled in his heart, but he explained in aggrieved face:

"Messenger, you know, I am also the Earl of Newcastle, England! Your Majesty the King wants to purchase a batch of muskets from me. Do I dare not agree? I did not send troops to go directly to the war. It is considered that I attach great importance to the relationship with the great French kingdom ... … "

Looking at the fact that there is indeed a formal contract, and the time is indeed a long-term look, the French messenger had to believe that Marin was unintentional. However, he didn't know-Marin turned around and bought 30 more red cannons for England ...

Although this is indeed a bit of counsel, the benefits are also obvious-this makes the French unable to get angry ...

Moreover, in this era, it is not surprising to recognize France. After all, France at this time is the number one power in Europe. Just like later generations, is it embarrassing to admire Lao Mei? It's really embarrassing, but everyone doing this is not particularly embarrassing ...

In this way, the French ambassador lame, was sent back so ignorantly. The news it brought back was obviously of little value.

In France, at this time, there is also a big discussion on the safety protection of sewer iron gates. Because, according to the findings of John Rafi, it seems that the Calais Fortress was broken by the British from the sewer gate.

After the assassination of the mother and son of Margaret in Tudor, the Briton escaped from the sewer gate, making the French aware of one thing-the British seemed to have found a good way to open the sewer gate. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the defense against sewer gates!

As we all know, the sewer smell is very bad. Especially in summer, the smell of sewers is almost unpleasant. Therefore, soldiers who generally guard the sewers are also deployed a few tens of meters away, so as not to be smoked.

But after the British used the sewers to bypass the city defense twice in a row, the French felt painful and decided to strengthen the defense against the iron gates of the sewers.

To this end, in order to ensure the safety of the city, King Francois I of France ordered the construction of a post at the sewer outlet, and let the soldiers watch the night directly at the sewer outlet ...

This is bitter for the French soldiers who are at night, because the smell over the sewer is really bad! If you are stationed next to the sewer exit, you have to smoke people ...

But for the sake of safety, the French Chaoye still decided to station troops on the side of the sewer outlet to ensure the safety of the sewer iron gate. As for the soldiers' unfamiliarity, leave him alone ...

In fact, the French did not know that when he planned to use the sewer iron gate to attack Calais, Marin had made plans to give up this method in the future.

Everything can be equal to one another, and this tricky way of using it twice or once may be fooled. But want to use this loophole all the time-people are not fools!

Therefore, Marin is not afraid that this loophole will be discovered. Anyway, he doesn't plan to use it next time. There is a king of water, let alone corroding the sewer iron lock, directly corroding the big iron gate. If it's a wooden door, it's even easier-a barrel of gasoline will burn the wooden door!

In this way, the French are too busy. It's just that the French soldiers who were sent to guard the sewer outlet were miserable and had to endure the torture of the sewer. Especially in the summer, it's almost stinking!


After sending away the French messenger, Marin was busy with his business. Right now, Marin has his own big things to be busy, very, very important things-the replacement of grassroots officers in the army!

Twenty years ago, when Malin Cao created the army of the North Sea, the basic people were the mountain people in southern Germany and the peasants of Alsace. Even grass-roots officers such as company captains and captains are illiterate mountain people. Because he has no literate grassroots officers available!

But 20 years later, the situation has changed a lot. Especially, more than 10 years ago, after Marin occupied East Frisian Lambert, he began to open schools in East Friesland, and also organized a junior officer crash course, and began to acquire some literate people.

The Crash Course for Junior Officers has been held for several years, and hundreds of Junior Officers have been trained. Later, these hundreds of young officers were recruited into the army and became the first literate grassroots officers in Beihai.

But this was not enough. Later, in the elementary students of ordinary schools in Beihai, they selected a group of not very smart (the smart ones were arranged to continue their studies at school), but they were very loyal and brave teenagers, and continued to train as officers.

Before going to Daming (around 1508), the first batch of primary school students graduated, and a batch of about 1,000 primary school graduates were sent to part-time and part-time non-commissioned non-commissioned schools to continue their training. The primary school graduates are generally around 13 or 14 years old. Now, in the past six or seven years, the first batch of primary school graduates are all adults ...

In fact, last year, there were 1,000 students in the non-commissioned school, and this spring there were another 1,000 graduated adults, making Marin suddenly have more than 2,000 non-commissioned students!

This is a non-commissioned non-commissioned student who has been educated since he was a child, and it is much higher than the students in the junior officer rush class. Anyway, people's cultural level is equivalent to junior high school students in later generations!

Of course, in the junior high school curriculum, a lot of knowledge is incomplete (Marlin deliberately deleted), but fortunately, these people have received a complete primary education. Unlike those students who are in the junior class of junior officers, their academic level is only in the third and fourth grades of elementary school. No way, quick, the foundation is poor ...

And the 2,000 disciples who are strong and normal non-commissioned students are the ones that Marin values ​​most. Before the hundreds of students in the crash course of juvenile officers, Marin found out that they were not brainwashed and were not as loyal to themselves as these non-commissioned non-commissioned students who had received formal education since childhood.

You know, Marin is performing a loyalty education similar to Beibang. These children have received brainwashing education since childhood, "Absolute loyalty to the Hoffman family, and absolute loyalty to Grand Duke Marin." They are very loyal to themselves. The students of the Crash Course for Junior Officers, though more loyal than the mercenaries recruited from the mountains of southern Germany, did not reach the point where Marin was completely assured.

So ~ ~ When two batches of non-commissioned officers graduated, Marin only paid so much attention. Because, this group of children makes Marin very at ease. At least, this is true of loyalty.

The only drawback is that they are too young. Unlike the first batch of graduates of the junior military officer's crash class, many people are in their twenties and can assume a heavy responsibility.

If these newly grown children hurriedly let them serve as military chiefs, Marin worried that they would not be competent. After all, not everyone is a genius. On the battlefield, experience is also very important.

Marin thought for several days before finally letting him find a solution-let these sergeant students enter the army first, serve as the deputy leader of the team leader and even the team leader, and learn the command experience with the old team leader and company leader . After a few years of practice, the ability is enough, and then let them replace those old grassroots officers. Anyway, there will be a lot of grass-roots officers getting old by then, just let these loyal children stand up ...

Of course, not all 2,000 non-commissioned officers and students will be placed in the army. Marin only intends to select half of the outstanding achievements to enter the army as a deputy to exercise. The other 1,000 people were temporarily unable to serve as officers because of their grades. However, Marin will program them a new army. Many military reforms that could not be carried out before can happen to be tried in this army composed entirely of educated young people ...