The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1790: Something went wrong

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Marin had calculated that the 7,000 soldiers and horses in Cuba and Haiti were enough. However, to conquer the Aztec empire in Mexico, the same number of soldiers and horses are needed. Moreover, they will need to be permanent.

On the Andean plateau, the temperature of the Inca Empire is not high. Like the Potosi Silver Mine, it is located on a plateau at an altitude of 4,000 meters. The climate is relatively cold, and there is no need for heat resistance. Like Cusco, the capital of the Inca Empire, the altitude reached 3,400 meters, not hot at all.

Although most of Mexico is also a plateau, the altitude is not very high. Like the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan (also known as Mexico City in later generations), the elevation is only about 2240 meters, which is more than a thousand meters lower than Cusco. The altitude difference between the two is more than one kilometer, and the climate is naturally very different. Therefore, although the climate on the Mexican plateau is much cooler than Cuba and Haiti, it is still slightly hot. The soldiers under his hands can resist heat, which is not a bad thing after all.

Moreover, regardless of whether it is Mexico or the Inca region, although it is not too hot on the plateau, if you want to ship the goods, you still have to rely on the port. And the ports are located in the lowlands of the sea, but it will not be cool, but it is a pure tropical area that conforms to the latitude. Therefore, no matter whether it is the Mexico area or the Inca area, some soldiers who need to adapt to the hot climate are stationed in the port.

In fact, Marin can actually train local Indians to act as "puppet troops" to help maintain local rule. However, Marin had some concerns. You know, those puppet troops can be used as supervisors, but they really depend on them to fight ...

Not to mention the issue of their combat effectiveness, even if their combat effectiveness comes up, Marin is more worried. Because they have the capital to rebel ...

You know, in history, San Martin, the leader of the Latin American region independent from Spain, joined the Spanish army. And another leader, Bolivar, who has not participated in the Spanish army, but has experienced more cattle-this guy has been a Napoleon's entourage, mixed with the European warlord of Napoleon ... and Washington, who leads North America's independent British Colonial Army ...

In other words, if people in the colony possess a certain degree of military command capability, they are likely to become powerful weapons of rebellion.

Therefore, Malining can let the troops sent by the locals fight, and he is not very willing to reuse those "pseudo-armies". At most, after the victory, let the "puppet army" play the role of supervisor and tax collector.

Of course, in the future, we will definitely need to recruit troops from the colonies and participate in some wars. However, Marin will strictly control an insurmountable red line-the officer must be from the homeland!

This is the most important thing. Even if there are so many soldiers in the colony, if there are not enough officers with sufficient weight and ability to lead them, they will not be able to make waves. It is impossible for officers from the homeland to lead those colonial soldiers against the homeland. After all, their families are all local.

But this is not absolute. If there are particularly outstanding colonial soldiers who need to be promoted, then the person who is promoted will have to move to the homeland, or to another colony. For example, from North America to South America, the family also moved to South America ... As long as the family leaves their hometown, it will not be easy to become a military commander of the resistance forces.

As for civil servants or something, Malin Dao doesn't care so much. Had to strictly implement the Ming Dynasty's hometown avoidance system of "more than five hundred miles away from home", local power could be avoided.


Just when Marin was planning on the issue of the future colony's troop deployment, there was a sudden news from Goslar-something happened!

Marin was taken aback and quickly called Kohler to ask what happened ...

As the chief intelligence officer, Kohler naturally knew what was going on. I saw Kohler guilty and said:

"Your Majesty, Kleiman may be in trouble ..."

Marin froze:

"What's wrong? Didn't he do a good job of picking people before?"

Kohler said helplessly:

"The problem is here ..."

Then, Kohler explained the cause of the problem in detail ...

It turned out that although Klayman had no problem in selecting people, he was too impatient to do things. He took away most of the coolies of the Goslar Silver Mine Smelting Plant at once, making the silver smelting of the silver mine suddenly lack of manpower.

Although some miners were urgently found from the underground to make up the numbers, those miners could not adapt to the high temperature environment of the smelter forty or fifty degrees at once, and the production efficiency could not be restored to the original level.

This time, the merchants who are waiting for silver, lead blocks and copper ingots stop doing it ...

The merchants in the Beihai country are a little better, so they dare not say anything. However, those businessmen from other princely states are different. They got into trouble, and finally, they learned that the smelter had been drained of 4,000 coolies.

Then, these foreign businessmen began to inquire--why so many smelters were taken away at once ...

Kleiman did not keep this secret, as many people in Goslar knew. Therefore, the foreign businessmen heard the news that the North Sea State would send 5,000 troops to the colony, and arrested 100,000 Taino people in Haiti to develop other areas ...

Originally, there was nothing wrong with it, even the businessmen did not feel anything wrong with this news. However, after the news was sent back to the princely states where the merchants were, something went wrong ...

Some of them, the princes of the princely kingdom, are very hostile to Marin themselves. In addition to their disagreement with their identity and worrying about Marin helping the emperor to reunify Germany, their envy, jealousy, and hatred for the fact that Marin can own a large North Sea country is also an important reason.

Many German princes who are waiting to die are not capable of it, but they are particularly jealous of Marin's ability to start a business empty-handed ~ ~ to lay down the big North Sea principality. Coupled with the previous disapproval of Marin ’s origin and the concern about the “co-confluence” between him and the emperor, some German nobles were somewhat sensitive to the affairs of the Beihai Kingdom.

No, some princes suddenly thought that this was a sufficient basis for discrediting Marin after they had connected and discussed privately ...

What basis? According to Catholic teaching, slaves are not allowed. Even the German serfdom did not dare to say that those serfs were slaves, only that they were farmers attached to the lord. Unlike the slaves, although the serfs were oppressed by the lords, they were "equal" to the lords in terms of doctrine. The lord cannot kill them at will.

Marin ’s plundering of the population in the Americas is obviously like an ancient barbaric means of plundering the population, which is contrary to the basic doctrine of “God loves the people and everyone is equal”.

Therefore, those Marin's "spots" princes seem to have found a basis, and they everywhere propagated Marin's slavery in his American kingdom, which violated the canon ...

Although the Holy See will not really pursue Marin, Marlin ’s reputation will stink if he is allowed to discredit those people. So, this time, Marin is indeed doing something ... please pay attention to the prestige "Fiction Search"