The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1808: Magellan visits

There is no shortage of candidates for organizing the refugees, because he has installed a large number of spies in the disaster areas of northeastern and eastern France since last year. Moreover, they are all spies who speak fluent French.

These people have taken root in the local area and have managed to obtain a legal and reasonable identity. Moreover, they have received professional spy training. The basic ability to instigate people to make trouble is also available.

Therefore, Marin directly asked Kohler to arrange for the spies to select the most prestigious group of those hundreds of thousands of French refugees. Then, fooling them, pointing them to organize the refugees and march to Paris together ...

After arriving in Paris, they do not need to do anything, just gather outside Paris, and then send representatives to ask the French court for relief ...

This gentle approach may seem less tricky than rebellion, but in fact, it is more difficult to solve ...

If it was in the ancient Chinese dynasty, this approach undoubtedly helped the court. Because the court has the ability to mobilize food from other places to relieve the disaster. After the famine, these victims are good laborers.

But in Europe in this era, it is more terrible to do so than to launch a rebellion directly!

Because, for the relief of hundreds of thousands of people, the food needed by the French royal family is unaffordable!

If there is a direct rebellion, it's easy to manage, just send a knight to cut them! But this kind of large-scale request for help, instead of letting the French court have no reason to do so, can only come up with food for relief ...

However, European food in this era is so expensive. For two to three hundred thousand disaster victims, one day's food consumption is a terrible astronomical figure. If they have gathered around Paris for a long time, they will definitely be able to eat the French royal family!

Hundreds of thousands of disaster victims, no matter how they deduct food, no matter how they provide gruel, the daily consumption of food has to be equivalent to the daily consumption of tens of thousands of troops. Over time, how can the financial resources of the royal family of Ephraim be affordable?

Moreover, hundreds of thousands of victims surrounded Paris, even if no riots occurred, it was very embarrassing to France. After all, as the largest country in Europe, hundreds of thousands of victims gathered around the capital, absolutely leaving the Kingdom of France without a face!

If you meet an old king who has been enthroned for many years like Louis XII, you may be able to expel the refugees with a cheek. Even cruel men like Henry VIII can directly kill refugees.

But France is not good at the moment, because Francois I has only been enthroned for half a year, and he has not yet settled down to the throne. Moreover, unlike the orthodox heirs, Francois I became king by his son-in-law, not an orthodox heir.

Therefore, Francois I did not have the confidence to order the expulsion or even the slaughter of refugees. He can only solve this matter with gentler methods as far as possible. Otherwise, he will be questioned by his subjects as to his ability to be the king.

In other words, Francois I, the king-in-law who is not the former king's son-in-law, needs to care about his reputation. Otherwise, the throne is unstable.

As a result, this gentle method made Francois I feel more uncomfortable. It is not possible to send troops for expulsion, not even for slaughter ... It is most appropriate to send it to Marin in the end ...


"You arrange for spies to encourage those refugees to go to Paris for help! Remember, don't let those French nobles know that they are going to Paris. Otherwise, they will mistakenly think that these victims are going to complain, maybe they will send someone to intercept them halfway. And slaughter those refugees. So, confidentiality is important ... "

Kohler nodded and took down Marlin's request. Then Marin continued to tell:

"Also, send someone to secretly contact John Rafi, ask him to find a good candidate, and make a deliberate relationship. Eventually, the selected person will advise Francois I to sell those victims to ... remember, This matter must be concealed, and it cannot be said clearly that we must use side-by-side methods to inspire the selected person to carry out this matter ... "

"Yes, I get it!" Kohler finished recording Marin's request and went to arrange for someone to convey the order.


As soon as Kohler left, the deputy commander of the palace security, Kage (orthodox commander was Kahn), knocked on the door and entered the office, reporting:

"Your Majesty, a Portuguese captain named Magellan came outside the palace and said he wanted to see you and wanted you to support him in a maritime expedition. In addition, he asked me to send you this ..." Then, Cage took out A very simple globe with a very inaccurate map ...

"Globe ..." Marin narrowed his eyes sharply, as if remembering something. Then he asked:

"What do you call that guy's name?"

Cage thought for a while and said:

"It seems to be Ferdinand Magellan ... you know, the Portuguese's name is stinky and long. Isn't it simple?" After all, Cage shrugged helplessly.

"It turned out to be him!" Marin suddenly realized.

"I almost forgot this great **** ..." Marin patted his head.

In the era of great navigation, there are four people who have to mention it-one is Columbus, the pioneer of the era of great navigation; the second is Dagama, the big man who discovered the Indian route; But America is named after him, but it is the most famous; the fourth big guy left is Magellan. Because this guy is the first strongman to prove that the earth is round.

However, because this guy took the lead too late, Marin almost forgot such a man. It seems that this guy is sailing around the world around 1520 ...

And now only 1515, this Magellan ... should have started fooling the monarchs of various countries to sponsor him to sail around the world ...

Marin carefully recalled the history and found that Magellan returned to his hometown of Portugal when he seemed to be 33 years old (1513), and began to flicker the Portuguese King Manuel I, intending to let Manuel I support his voyage around the world.

However, Manuel I did not bird him. Because the Portuguese have already mastered the spice trade route to India, there is no need to take advantage of it. Moreover, the so-called "India" that Columbus discovered at the time was basically a wild continent and worthless. How could India's spice trade make money?

Therefore, Manuel I was reluctant to waste this money and support Magellan's voyage around the world.

In desperation, about 1517, Magellan ran to Seville, Spain, and began to flicker the Spanish ~ ~ The commander of the Spanish garrison in Seville appreciated Magellan and married his daughter to Magellan. Later, Magellan was recommended to Charles V. Relying on a globe full of mistakes made purely by conjecture, Magellan finally lurked at Charles V and was supported by Charles V. Then, the voyage around the world began in 1519 ...

Charles V did not lose money either. Eventually, Magellan discovered the Philippines on this voyage and obtained a colony for Spain in the Far East, which laid the foundation for the future trade between Manila and Daming.

However, the unlucky Magellan, unfortunately, died in the Philippines when participating in local tribal conflicts and failed to enjoy the glory of completing the first round the world tour ...

Of course, that is the original history. At this time, because of Malin's chaos, Columbus and Amerigo were the two major navigators under Marin. Magellan hadn't had time to go to Spain to play Flicker, but after Flicker the King of Portugal failed, he first ran to the North Sea Kingdom. It seems that Magellan feels that Marin attaches great importance to big sailing, so instead of going to Spain, he first came to the North Sea country and flicked Marin ...

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