The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1954: Europeans' "political correctness"

How terrible is syphilis? It is said that after syphilis was introduced to Europe at the end of the 5th century, it lost a good opportunity to control proliferation early because it had been unclear for a long time. Then, syphilis was everywhere in Europe. Moreover, with the Portuguese merchant ships, they brought the Ming Dynasty in the east.

However, it is strange to say. Although syphilis was brought to the Ming Dynasty through Portuguese sailors as early as Zhengde and Jiajing. However, syphilis was not too widespread in ancient China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and there were no terrible legends.

It seems that in China, syphilis is a kind of intimate disease that is difficult to tell, but it rarely rots and dies like Europeans.

Therefore, Marin speculates that it is estimated that the Chinese and Indians are both yellow races, and they are more resistant to syphilis virus. Therefore, in ancient China, the disease of syphilis and willow was controlled in the lower body. Unlike European whites, sores on their faces.

In addition, during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Chinese rituals were strict, and syphilis was only spread among the wanderers, so it did not cause widespread spread in the whole society.

And Europeans have been more volatile since ancient times, and there is no restriction of etiquette. Therefore, it spreads extremely quickly and widely. Of course, later generations of China also learned from Europeans and Americans, and Aiz and others began to spread rapidly.

To what extent did syphilis affect Europe? Marin read a piece of information that showed that at the beginning of the 20th century, 0% of Londoners, 5% of Parisians, and 20% of American recruits suffered from syphilis.

In the early 20th century, the population of London exceeded 6 million, and the population of Paris exceeded 3 million. As for American recruits ... This is hard to say. If it was before World War I, there were a limited number of old and US recruits. But if you count the US troops during World War I, the number of troops sent to Europe reached 2 million ... Well, counting, there are more than 600,000 syphilis patients in London, more than 400,000 in Paris, old American ... about 400,000 recruits are syphilis Patient? This is not surprising, the old and beautiful soldiers are always very good ...

This is just a few big cities or groups. If it is the whole of Europe, the total number is simply ...

It is said that Beethoven suffered from syphilis and was therefore deaf. And Nietzsche, Mo Posang, Van Gogh and other literary circles, it seems that they have suffered from syphilis ... It can be seen that the entertainment circle is chaotic, it has a long historical tradition, and can not blame artists. Not to mention their disciples and grandchildren?


Of course, Marin doesn't care about those literary circles, or whether Chinese people are more resistant to syphilis. In this life, he was also a white man, and his resistance to syphilis was very low. Therefore, in order to avoid harming himself and his descendants, Marin said that he must not devote himself to block the syphilis stuff.

For this reason, Marin had to temporarily suspend the development of the Caribbean. Moreover, a lot of manpower and material resources will be invested to strictly screen the indigenous people in the Caribbean. Once a carrier of syphilis is found, it will be isolated.

Although for those indigenous people in the Caribbean, syphilis may be a slightly more severe skin disease. But as long as it is a skin disease, there are always differences. For example, the skin will be different from normal people.

Therefore, in line with the principle of "would rather kill than let go", Marin decided that anyone who sees a Taino who has a skin disease and a nearby Caribbean native, regardless of whether he is syphilis or not, will be isolated. Then, select a larger island and drive away the indigenous people who are suspected of having skin diseases. Moreover, men and women are placed on different islands separately.

In this way, even if syphilis is not lethal to these indigenous people, as long as the men and women are separated and the possibility of their fertility is cut off, syphilis will not be passed on to future generations.

As for whether pure men and pure women's islands will have any **** or ji guys, that's not Marin's concern. As long as they do not leave the isolated island, Marin will not control. As long as you dare to board the ship and go to sea, all ships will be sunk, the personnel will be killed, and lime will be disinfected ...

This is already the heart of Marin Bodhisattva. Changed to the colonists of various countries in history, they have already begun to slaughter. Marin just separated them and separated men and women, which was already a great compassion.

Of course, Marin will not give up the development of the Caribbean. For example, the island of Cuba is where Marin needs to work hard. After all, the natural conditions of Cuba Island are very good, and it can produce a variety of tropical crops to supply the needs of the North Sea country.

As for other islands in the Caribbean Sea, Marin thought about it, or planned to recruit local indigenous people to form puppet troops, occupy and search the islands, so as to clear out any suspected syphilis patients and avoid the spread of this virus.

Indigenous people themselves have a high resistance to syphilis. It is up to them to search and screen syphilis patients, and their safety is greatly improved. If you switch to white Europeans, you may get seriously ill and easily hang up when you get in touch, which is too scary.

Like Marin sent a group of white European death row prisoners to want them to be infected with syphilis and scare members of the investigation team with misfortune. As a result, after they contracted syphilis, they quickly rotted and died, and none of them insisted on the arrival of the investigation team. Later, the hundreds of syphilis patients, or the hundreds of poor health found by the colonial army from the locals, made the syphilis virus bigger. Switching to a strong local aborigine, it does n’t matter if you have syphilis ... because for those strong aborigines, syphilis is not much different from acne. However, this thing can kill the Europeans ...

Marin believed that his ability to control itself was good. Even if syphilis spread to Europe, he could control himself, not to mess around, and avoid contracting syphilis. However, he had no confidence in his children. If his sons are more affectionate and catch this, future generations may be wiped out.

Therefore, in order to prevent future generations from being poisoned by syphilis, he could only fight against the indigenous people in the Caribbean. Moreover, it is not too cruel, it is just isolation, and there is no direct slaughter.

Of course, this is also Marin's self-deception. After all, if a large number of patients are exiled to a desert island, although there is no direct slaughter, it is also equivalent to indirect killing. After all, there are not enough resources on the desert island to feed so many people. In the end, those patients will starve to death.

However, this decision was very popular with the Holy See ~ ~ because this kind of bloodless behavior was precisely promoted by Christianity.

It is precisely because of such a cultural tradition that animal protectors will appear in later generations. Even, even killing a chicken to kill a fish, legislation requires that the chicken and the fish not die too painfully ...

Marin sneered at this kind of second-hand goods—what kindness, kind of release! Why kill others? Therefore, this seemingly kind act is actually too idiot to make people lazy to evaluate ...

Therefore, many of the goodness of Christians are actually hypocrisy and belong to the tears of crocodiles. Otherwise, everyone is a Christian European colonizer, so brutal and crazy. It is Buddhism, although it is not very good, but it is much better than Christianity in doing good deeds. At least, people who eat Zhai Nian Buddha are really vegetarian and do not kill. Unlike Christians, boasting goodness while eating meat in large chunks. While slaughtering animals, disassembling honest and honest cattle and beef limbs into steaks ... while shouting shamelessly to protect animals ...

However, these are not important to Marin. The important thing is to hold the butcher knife and shout mercy, which is the "political correctness" of the Europeans. No matter how cruel, it ’s over to repent afterwards. For the politician Marin, it is enough to be able to achieve European-style “political correctness.”