The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 2015: Idea of ​​playing boy

In the autumn of 1516, the North Sea country has a good climate and little precipitation, which is very conducive to the harvest of crops. With Mai SM, the autumn harvest in Beihai is no longer a problem, but a more enjoyable one. The previous 10 million mu of cultivated land has increased a lot this year, reaching 13 million mu.

After all, the application of Prad plows, wheat samariums and aquiles has greatly enhanced the working capacity of Beihai ’s limited labor force. That is, it is difficult to reclaim wasteland, otherwise Marin intends to expand the total area of ​​the local cultivated land in Beihai to more than 15 million mu.

Among them, Marin originally owned 6 million mu of 10 million mu of cultivated land, newly reclaimed 3 million mu, and Marin accounted for another 2 million mu. In this way, the arable land in the name of Malaysian wealthy has reached an astonishing 8 million mu.

In fact, if there is enough labor, Marin even wants to be a man with more than 10 million mu of cultivated land. Ten million mu, that is equivalent to 200,000 hectares of land in the Ming Dynasty. However, the richest prince, Fu Wang, of the Ming Dynasty was only 40,000 hectares when he was a vassal.

Sadly, the King Fu had 40,000 hectares of land, because the imperial court officials were desperately restricted to avoid too much land. As for labor, the Central Plains province where Fuwang is located has always been one of the most densely populated areas in China. There is no shortage of labor, and some tenants can be recruited.

And Marlin? In the North Sea country, he has the final say. If the labor force is sufficient, the area of ​​the North Sea country comparable to that of England can be cultivated 70 to 80 million mu. This is not yet half the area of ​​the North Sea country, and most of the North Sea country is a plain suitable for reclamation.

However, Marin is short of people! The population of more than 2 million in the later generations is only equivalent to the population of a second-tier city in China. Change to the rural area, which is the population of two more counties in the southeast region!

In other words, the sad reminder of Marin's population is only equivalent to the population of more than two counties in later generations of China.

Think of this Marin is depressed, but the population is like this, the growth is slow. Unless, there are large-scale immigration. You must know that during this period, the entire German region had a population of 12 million. Marin ’s Beihai country already accounts for more than one-sixth of its population. But with a population of 12 million, in later China, the population of two prefecture-level cities ... Of course, here is the southeastern coastal area ...

Even if Marin strongly encourages childbearing, women of school age will have children at a rate of one child a year. After birth, it will take 18 years before they can raise adults and serve Marin.

How to quickly increase the population? Marin thought left and right, and then thought of the practice of the ancient nomadic people in northern China-plundering women and children ...

However, plundering women is not feasible. The ancient East allowed a man to have multiple women, while the Western Christian world only allowed monogamy. Even a king who wants to find a mistress must be sneaky.

Previously, Marin planned to make women who acquired the Aztec Empire in the Americas as mistresses and give birth to children. It's the Americas, far from Europe, so it's no problem. But in Europe, if you do this, the church will not be able to hang on its face, and will come to trouble. Because this is obviously a big problem that violates the doctrine. Even if there is a pope father-in-law, it can't be carried around.

So, what about acquiring children? Just like the Turks, in the Slavic family of the Balkans, boys under the age of 10 were taken away and brought to Istanbul (that is, Constantinople) for training. Years later, the children of these Orthodox or Catholic families were trained as pure green believers, and they were extremely loyal to Turkey.

Marin also intends to learn from the Turks, the boy who acquired the Maozi, to train from an early age to grow into a loyal warrior or laborer in the North Sea.

However, the cost of doing so is too high. This is because the Crimean Khanate does not offer low prices for healthy boys. Special equipment is a tall and strong boy, the price is not lower than the beautiful Maomei. If hundreds or thousands are introduced, Marin can still afford it. If you want to buy tens of thousands of dollars, Marin can't help it. Moreover, the Crimean Khanate may not be able to plunder so many healthy boys.

In addition, the Maozi boys captured by the Crimean Khanate from the Grand Duchy of Moscow will also be sold to their Ottoman Empire. After all, the Crimean Khanate is now the younger brother of Ottoman Turkey. If there is a good thing, we must give priority to the boss. In this way, Marin's chance of getting enough Maozi boys is even smaller.

Marin deeply regrets this. You know, the Grand Duchy of Moscow founded by Mao Zi was not strong in this era. However, the population is very large. Its population has reached tens of millions. The area attacked by the Crimean Khanate is nothing but the southern frontier of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

If it is possible to lead the army into the hinterland of the Grand Duchy of Moscow and plunder a large number of people, that's fine ... By then, aren't Mao Zi boys picking themselves? Don't be too much, just pick a few hundred thousand boys ...

Marin got caught in YY ...

But he quickly sobered up because it was too unrealistic for the Beihai Kingdom to send troops to the Grand Duchy of Moscow. In addition, the encounter of the emperor and the mustache army made Marin not dare to send troops easily. If the expedition to the Ross area leads to the completion of the elite main force of the North Sea country, then the North Sea country is in danger.

"Unless ... I can pull Lithuania and Poland together ..."

Marin suddenly remembered that it seemed that the friction between Lithuania and the Grand Duchy of Moscow had been constant over the years. However, under his own influence, Lithuania bought the Crimean Khanate early, much better than it was in history.

Originally in history, this time, Lithuania was already beaten by the Grand Duchy of Moscow. That is, Sigmund I bought the Crimean Khanate and attacked Moscow, so that Lithuania was not destroyed by the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

In this time and space, Lithuania bought the Crimean Khanate early, resulting in the Grand Duchy of Moscow not being able to establish an absolute military advantage over Lithuania.

But neither side was reconciled, the Grand Duchy of Moscow coveted the vast land of Lithuania. And Lithuania also wanted to reclaim large areas of land occupied by the Grand Duchy of Moscow. Therefore, both parties want to kill each other. At the very least, you have to kill your opponent ...

In fact, Marin ’s brother-in-law, Sigmund I, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania. He has repeatedly invited Marin to lead the army and attack the Grand Duchy of Moscow together.

However, Marin feared that Lithuania would be too powerful after exterminating the Grand Duchy of Moscow, threatening the German region. Therefore, he has refused to send troops to help. Because, at the time, he was worried that Lithuania was too strong after annexing Moscow, and he saw no benefit.

The most important thing is that he is worried that the elite of the North Sea State will repeat the mistakes of Napoleon and the mustache army! If you lose your elite in the ice and snow in the Ross area ~ ~ it would be too miserable.

But now, Marin has seen the point of interest-that is, the opportunity to plunder a large number of Maozi boys to cultivate their own opportunities. So, Marin was moved this time and began to seriously consider the matter of cooperating with Poland and Lithuania to attack Maozi.

Once things are done, Marin can get hundreds of thousands of Maozi boys. After raising them for more than ten years, the Beihai Kingdom will have hundreds of thousands of more years of labor. Even these hundreds of thousands of men can be brainwashed from childhood to become the most fierce and loyal warrior, conquering the entire German region for him ... Ten years later, they will be fluent in German, holding the sharpest weapon, pregnant With unlimited loyalty to the Marin and Hoffman families, to conquer other German states ... And, because it was robbed, Marin does not have to spend hundreds of millions of gold coins to buy it, it is completely free, and most foods are ordered. And food, Marin is so much ...

Not to mention hundreds of thousands of Maozi boys, that is, hundreds of thousands, that is also scary, okay. Hundreds of thousands of troops can definitely sweep Europe in this era. The premise is that as long as the gunpowder supply keeps up ...

Thinking of this, Marin's saliva could not stop ...

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