The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 311: Extended Black Shirt Knight

Before the British army wrecked the Irish region, Van Gore took out with his men because Marin gave up the Tala lead-zinc mine. Fortunately, they withdrew early, otherwise, they were discovered by the British army who had gone to the countryside.

It's just that pity Earl Edward's more than 70,000 British semi-fine wool sheep. They were all caught by the British army and made into dried lamb ...

To be sure, after this war, Count Edwards once again lost its independent capital, and had to rely on France, Scotland and Marin to help.

However, after hearing that the British army had killed those half-fine wool sheep, Marin felt distressed. It took him a huge price to get 10,000 ewes from Edward, but he saved more than 70,000 British semi-fine wool sheep that produced high-grade wool. They were turned into dried meat by the British army, which is too wasteful Now ...

Fan Gaolei and a group of people took a boat circle from the north before returning from the North Sea. Fortunately, the British blockade of the fleet at the northern end of the Irish Sea has not yet arrived. Otherwise, Van Gore and others will be blocked by the British fleet.

Van Gore sent people to monitor the Battle of Dublin for a long time and brought back a lot of information. For example, the defenders of the British Army and Edward were stuck together. Moreover, most of the British army took advantage of the rain. As a result, Earl Edward ’s 2000 matchlock shooters lost their advantage. You should know that the matchlock and medicine pool of the matchlock gun are open and greatly affected by the weather. In rainy weather, it really became a burning stick.

This incident gave Marin a great shock. He understood that the matchlock can only bully and bully the enemy on sunny days. If it were changed to rainy days, those musketeers would become cumbersome.

Marin dare not imagine that if the rainy weather, the pride of the Marin phalanx, which he is proud of, will be cut by melons and vegetables?

So, Marin decided to make a change ...

After thinking about it, Marin felt that the clockwork flare gun was the best choice before the flintlock was born. So, Marin decided to expand the black-shirt knights who specialized in using clockwork muskets.

Anyway, the black shirt knight does not need many years of exercise, as long as he knows to use a clockwork to fire a rifle immediately.

The most important thing is that in the case of losing the matchlock, the biggest threat to the Marin Phalanx is the plate armor and plate infantry.

The most important are the infantry wearing chest plate armor and the first three rows of half-plate armor with iron helmets. Those infantry are elite and good at melee.

But neither the plate armoured knights nor the elite heavy infantry of the half-body plate armor are the opponents of the muskets. Marin ’s intention is to use the clockwork rifle to avoid the rainy weather and use the black shirt knight to specifically attack the opponent ’s plate armor and half body plate heavy infantry. At the same time, it also hit the morale of the opponent. After all, elite death or injury will inevitably affect the morale of the whole army.

However, with only the 800 black shirt knights, the firepower seems to be insufficient. So, Marin decided to expand the number of black shirt knights to 2,000.

After the war against Denmark, Marin's war horses are now counted as 5,800 horses. However, the number of cavalry is only 2,600, including Sauer's 800 reconnaissance cavalry, a thousand spear cavalry and 800 black shirt knights. In addition, there are about 1,000 horses belonging to officers and nobles at all levels. Therefore, there are still 2200 horses that are idle.

It happened that Marin decided to take out 1200 of them and add 1200 black shirt knights. The candidates for the black shirt knights are very easy to choose, just choose from the infantry musketeers. Of course, when choosing, you must choose to be good at riding and riding.

Infantry musketeers already have a foundation for shooting with muskets, plus they can ride horses and train them into knights in black shirts. It is relatively easy.

Although it is more difficult to ride and shoot than standing and shooting. However, the black shirt knights have summed up a set of shooting experience immediately. For example, when the horse is in the Mercedes-Benz, when the horseshoe touches the ground, this time is the most bumpy. Shooting at this time, it is easy to deviate from the target. But the moment the horse leaped, it was not bumpy. If the riding is good enough, you can use this moment to fire towards the enemy formation. Not to mention how accurate it is, at least it will not hit the gray machine, but will be able to shoot out smoothly and hit the bullet into the enemy formation. As for which unlucky egg will be hit, it depends on God ’s will ...

Of course, not only the novice black shirt knights have to adapt to riding, but also the horses to adapt to gunfire. Therefore, for a long time to come, the black shirt knight recruits will generally practice first aiming the gun at the front. When it's okay, use your mouth to simulate gunshots and scare the horse. Wait until the horses are used up, and then test it with real gunshots. Only when the horses are fully adapted to the gunfire can they be pulled out to fight. If you can't stand the shock of the gunshots, you can only eliminate them.

However, Marin also prepared earmuffs for the war horses to reduce the impact of gunshots. After all, 2,000 people rode together and the gunshots were very loud. Putting on earmuffs, although not completely soundproof, can also reduce the impact of the warhorse.

In addition, there is the problem of gun supply. Be aware that the difficulty of producing a clockwork lighter and a matchlock gun is very different. Among them, the difficulty lies mainly in the production of clockwork. That requires a senior craftsman and it takes a long time to lay it well.

Fortunately, in the previous production of the 800-man clockwork flare gun, watchmakers from Italy created a lot of spare clockwork. There are about 2,000 sets, which can produce 2,000 clockwork lighters. However, the standard configuration of a black shirt knight is 5 clockwork muskets. In other words, there is still a lack of 4,000 sets of springs for guns.

And there are only twenty or thirty experienced craftsmen who are good at building clockwork. Each experienced craftsman can create a qualified gun spring in three or four days ...

However, this is not the case. When Marin went to the clock workshop to understand the situation, the head of the clock workshop Anthony told Marin that their scrap rate is already very low. Unlike before, to build a qualified stainless steel spring, several of them have to be scrapped. This is why it takes a watchmaker a few days to make a qualified steel spring.

However, since the development of spring steel was successful, the watch workshop introduced spring steel for the manufacture of shock-absorbing carriage springs to create the spring, and found that the yield was several times higher. Now, only a few springs will be scrapped.

More importantly, the hundreds of apprentices they brought with them were also brought out. Even if the apprentices create springs for guns, as long as they use spring steel, they can create an average spring for guns every day ~ ~ and thirty masters can create two springs for guns on average article. In this way, the production efficiency of the mainspring for guns has been greatly improved. The 4000 gun springs needed by Marin can be completed in less than a month.

Marin was very happy to hear the great news. The strength of the material is really strong. A spring steel can actually increase the yield of the spring by several times, which is really awesome.

So, Marin instructed the Musket Workshop to build the body, trigger, spring and other materials of 6000 carbines. Then, the spring for the gun was inserted, and the flint stick was stuck, and a carbine with a clockwork for the black knight knight was formed.

The clockwork lighter is not afraid of wind and rain, and can shoot freely on rainy days. As for the problem of loading ammunition on rainy days, Malin intends to arrange a group of rain-proof carriages to accompany him, and arrange for some young men with ammunition to load ammunition to sit in the carriage and wait for ammunition.

On a rainy day, once the black-shirt knight has finished the ammunition of the 5 clockwork carbines, they will come to the convoy behind the infantry phalanx and put the 5 carbines into the carriage window, waiting for the loader in the carriage Under the condition of avoiding rain, help them to finish the filling and wind up the spring. After the filling is completed, pass it to the black shirt rider through the carriage window. Then, the black shirt knights went to charge 5 times, causing damage and destruction to the enemy.

The 2,000 black shirt knights fired 5 times in a round, shooting a total of 10,000 bullets, and the damage caused was absolutely considerable. Under the current scale of the European war, the blow to the opponents is very fatal.

In order to train these 1,200 new black shirt knights, Marin decided to call back Steindorff, the former black shirt knight who served as a lieutenant in Stade in Rome, and let him train black shirt knight recruits. After all, he is a veteran, and his talent is not bad ...