The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 333: Malin Xiantu

Julius II is right, if he is willing to use the coronation as a condition, Maximilian I will definitely be willing to help against Venice.

In fact, the Austrians have long coveted Venice, a rich country in close proximity. However, the Venetians are extremely financially capable and can hire many mercenaries. The Habsburgs, who had always been poor, were not sure they could win Venice.

In fact, Austria is already a relatively developed area of ​​the Shinra Empire. The climate here is warm, the agriculture is developed, and the mining industry is also very developed. There are many silver mines and copper mines. Calculated, the annual income of the Habsburg family is not low. However, the old traditional aristocratic family like the Habsburg family has a large number of members, and there are many high-weight ones. Therefore, so much income needs to be shared with many people. In addition, the people who manage the industries in various places are also on the rise. Therefore, there is not much tax finally falling into the hands of Emperor Maximilian I. Therefore, the finances of Maximilian I have been bad.

In addition, although under the guidance of Marin, Maximilian I bought the throne of the Eastern Roman Empire. However, all countries in Europe, except those recognized by Shinra, are not recognized by other countries.

For example, in France, Maximilian I believed that even if he bought the throne with the last emperor of Shinra, he would not be effective without recovering Constantinople. The implication is to encourage Maximilian I and Ottoman Turkey to fight each other.

In addition, Grand Duke Ivan III of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, after marrying Princess Sophia, claimed to inherit the throne of the Eastern Roman Empire. Upon learning that Maximilian I bought the throne from his uncle, Prince Vassily, the Duke of Moscow, declared angrily that the Eastern Roman throne can only be inherited by the blood of the Paliologos family. Maximilian I did not have the slightest blood of the Paliologos family, and his uncle Andrés Paliologos sold the throne to Maximilian I. It was illegal.

However, Andrés Pariorogs angered Prince Vasily's statement—since I knew that I was your uncle, how could you watch your uncles and family members unable to eat? At this moment, I knew I jumped out ... Therefore, Andrés Pariologos believes that although Vasily has the blood of the Pariologos family, he is not qualified because he ignores the life and death of the royal family. Coveted the Eastern Roman throne. He would rather sell the throne to outsiders than Vasily ...

However, although the former emperor Andrés Pariologs jumped out to endorse Maximilian I, France and some countries still did not recognize Maximilian I as the Emperor of Eastern Rome.

At this time, Maximilian I needed the support of the Holy See very much. If Julius II came out to speak for him, I believe most countries will recognize it. Just like when Andrés Pariologos was in exile in Italy, the Holy See recognized his identity as the Emperor of Eastern Rome, and other Western European countries naturally followed.

Therefore, whether it is the throne of Shinra or the throne of the Eastern Roman Empire, Maximilian I needs the support of Julius II. In particular, the Shinra throne, if Julius II is willing to crown it, then no one in Europe will object. Similarly, as long as the Holy See recognizes, the identity of Emperor Maximilian I of the Eastern Roman Empire will also be legal. Because the Pope is an important arbiter ...

Therefore, at present, the king of several great powers in Western Europe, Julius II is the easiest to handle, is Maximilian I. For the legitimacy of the throne, Maximilian I was definitely willing to fight for the Holy See. The only thing to consider is whether the army of Maximilian I can beat the Venetians. After all, the Venetians have a lot of money and can recruit several times more troops to fight against. Although the Austrian army of Maximilian I has a strong combat effectiveness, it may not be successful in the face of quantitative advantage ...

Of course, it would be different if it cooperated with the 10,000 troops of the Marinists in the Papal State. Austria and Venice are adjacent, only separated by the Alps. If the army of Marin and the army of Maximilian I were dispatched at the same time, the Venetians would inevitably be unable to look after each other. After all, Venice has never been an army power. If you are hit by two sides, you will inevitably fail.


A few days after Marin arrived in Rome, King Ferdinand II of Spain and King Manuel I of Portugal also arrived together. Manuel I was in a fleet of ships, and after crossing the Strait of Gibraltar, he met Ferdinand II at the port of Barcelona.

Although he is Weng son-in-law, he does not get along well. Because the two have too much differences on the Indian issue. Manuel I insisted that India belongs to the territory of Portugal and Spain should not get involved. Moreover, in the Treaty of Todes Silas, approved by the last Pope Alexander VI, the Eastern Hemisphere has been assigned to Portugal, and the Spaniard should develop his "barren continent" ...

Ferdinand II believed that India did not belong to Portugal alone. The reason why the Treaty of Todes Silas was wrongly signed was because Columbus mistakenly regarded the wild continent as India, and was "deceived" by the Portuguese to sign the unfair treaty.

Moreover, Pope Alexander VI also agreed to Spain's trade with India ...

In this way, Weng and his sons, who were completely opposed to each other, even hit the ship during the voyage ... If they were not pulled by their hands, one of the kings might be injured.

Later, the two kings simply stayed on the warships of their own countries and stopped seeing each other, so as not to pinch again after meeting.

After the ship reached the port near Rome, the two kings also disembarked separately, and even without greeting each other, they entered the city.

After hearing about this situation, Julius II and Marin, the couple, were very funny. Ferdinand II and Manuel I, the two sons-in-law, are both kings, and they even pinched ~ ~ It was too dissonant. Anything like Julius II and Marin, the two sons-in-law, conspired to count others.

For example, this time, the two sons and daughters-in-law planned to calculate the pair of Ferdinand II and Manuel I ...

The strategy set by Weng and his sons is to first deceive Spain and let Spain voluntarily give up America. Then, unite Spain, oppress Portugal, and force Portugal to give up the idea of ​​exclusive India. Even the interests of Africa must be given up.

If it was Isabella I, Marin might not have the confidence to cheat. However, it was Ferdinand II who was only interested in Europe, not Isabella I who was interested in America, and Marin was full of confidence.

So, Marin took the map of Africa personally drawn and went to the residence where Ferdinand II settled, intending to take advantage of the night and come to a "Zhang Song Xian Xian" ... Abu, "Marin Xian Xian".

On this map of Africa, Marin detailed information in addition to the West African Songhai Empire and the Gold Coast (now Ghana). At the same time, there is also information about the Great Zimbabwe Empire.

Although he does not know the specifics of the Great Zimbabwe Empire in this era, Marin still knows the control area of ​​the Great Zimbabwe Empire. It is mainly the area north of Limpopo River and south of Zambezi River. Moreover, the ruins of the Great Zimbabwe Empire seem to be just north of the Limpopo River.

Of course, this is not a problem. Just send someone to the coast of Mozambique and inquire about those Arab businessmen. Because, Great Zimbabwe is the only stone city in southern Africa in this era. Just find out where the Stone City is, you can find the Great Zimbabwe Empire.

With this map similar to the "treasure map", Marin firmly walked to the room where Ferdinand II was located, and began the "big flicker" mode ...