The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 340: What can I do if I'm not convinced?

Manuel I screamed, stunned Julius II, Ferdinand II and Marin. However, this matter is mainly a problem in Spain. After all, Spain wants to divide India's interests. Therefore, both Julius II and Marin set their sights on Ferdinand II.

Ferdinand II also knew that this time Spain took advantage of Portugal, making it inappropriate for others to come forward. So, I can only go on my own ...

Ferdinand II remembered a gassy Portuguese trick that Marin had taught him before-he pretended to carelessly took out his ears, and then bounced out the excavated earwax towards Manuel I . Then, in a careless tone:

"How can I be dissatisfied?" That look didn't take Portugal seriously ...

If you have friends who have watched more films in Hong Kong, you can tell at a glance that this is the arrogant move of the Black Brothers when they negotiate. Although the movement is very inelegant, it expresses the contempt of the other party most vividly.

Manuel I was really irritated and wanted to come to beat Ferdinand II, but he was caught by the guards at the negotiation site.

"I'm going to fight you!" Manuel roared angrily.

"It's really a kid. Who will duel this year, and wait for you to defeat my tens of thousands of Spanish troops, and come to fight with me again ..." Ferdinand II continued to say madly.

"I ... I ordered the powerful Portuguese navy to sink all the Spanish ships to India!" Manuel I said angrily.

"That's fine, I sent tens of thousands of troops to capture Lisbon, and took the Portuguese nobility, including you, stripped their clothes and tied them to the cross on the square in front of the palace ..." Ferdinand II said viciously.

Although Europe cannot kill nobles casually, it is normal for the victor to humiliate the loser. If the king of Portugal was stripped and tied to a cross for people to visit, even if he was put down later, Manuel I might not be a king. Because his people will despise him. After all, in this world, not everyone can be humiliating and burdensome.

And, this is not over:

"In addition, I will also find a woman with syphilis from the wild continent, and you will be infected with syphilis ... Haha, although it is impossible to kill the nobles, but you will be infected with syphilis, and then you will rot and die But it is not within the limits ... "Ferdinand II carried the line given by Marin, but it was a cold sweat-Nima, too vicious ...

Manuel I was also frightened by this vicious plan-what a terrible thing? First stripped off and tied to the cross for people to visit, and lost his face. Then, another syphilis that caused the whole body to rot and die ... It was almost vicious ...

Through this vicious strategy that made people feel cold in his heart, Manuel I's anger was finally suppressed. Moreover, the momentum is also much weaker. Next is the beginning of real negotiations.

Manuel I, who had calmed down, was no longer noisy, but calmly looked at Pope Julius II. Because he knew that Ferdinand II couldn't be more angry. After a long silence, Manuel I asked hoarsely:

"Master Pope, why do you favor the Spanish?"

"Your Majesty Manuel, I am not partial to the Spaniard." Julius II said calmly.

"No favoritism? Africa is clearly Portugal's territory. India is also Portuguese ..."

"Wait, what are you saying? India is Portuguese? Who stipulated it? Are you?" Ferdinand II asked disdainfully.

"Isn't it? According to the Pope Meridian, isn't India in Portugal's sphere of influence?"

"I remember that the reason for the division was because Spain and the former pope thought that Columbus had discovered the real India. So, that was a mistake ..."

"But the treaty has been signed!" Manuel I said relentlessly.

"That was His Majesty Alexander VI's mistake. Later, did His Majesty Alexander VI also allow us to trade in India? Obviously, His Majesty Alexander VI also recognized these mistakes ..." Ferdinand II argued.

"But our treaty ..."

"Don't open the treaty and close the treaty, it was the wrong treaty signed on the premise of wrong understanding!" Ferdinand II was made impatient by Manuel I, so he shouted loudly.

"Cough, that seems to be the case. I checked the information of the Holy See. At that time, the premise of this treaty was indeed based on Columbus's view of the wild continent as a real India." Since Julius II wanted to help Spain, he naturally stood Came out to assist.

"I don't care, the area east of the Pope's Meridian should be Portugal!"

"Then you mean that all Europe is also yours? After all, Europe is also east of the Pope Meridian ..." Ferdinand II retorted with a sneer.

Manuel I was immediately choked, and then retorted:

"I mean the newly discovered land ..."


Next, Ferdinand II and Manuel I had an argument for more than an hour. However, both sides insisted on their opinions and ignored the opinions of the other.

So Julius II coughed and attracted the attention of both parties, then asked Manuel I:

"Your Majesty Manuel, I remember when Alexander VI signed the Arbitration of the Treaty of Todes Silas, in addition to mistakenly thinking that Columbus discovered India, there is another very important principle, that is, the spread of God. The gospel and expanding the influence of the church. "

"Excuse me, how many churches have been built in Africa over the years? How many black people have developed as believers? Also, Portugal has several strongholds along the coast of Morocco. How many churches have you built here and how many believers have you developed?"

A series of questions immediately asked Manuel I to be ashamed. Where did he know how many churches and how many believers the Portuguese built in Africa? Throughout Portugal, the big voyage is for trade, but not to spread the glory of the Lord.

Of course, there are also missionaries. However, that was basically done by the churches in Portugal, and the Portuguese authorities did not pay much attention to it. Even the Prince of the Congo Kingdom became a Christian, Manuel I did not know.

"This ... probably ... is a lot ..." Manuel I said uncertainly.

"How much is there?" Julius II asked. Julius II was obviously very angry about the Portuguese not paying attention to missions, which is simply disrespect to the Lord ...

"I don't quite know ..." Manuel I said dejectedly.

"Formally ridiculous. At the beginning, Alexander VI told you to pay attention to spreading the gospel of the Lord. I didn't expect the Portuguese to be regarded as the ears. It seems that giving them an inch of land is too much ..." Said nonchalantly.

"You are awesome. How many churches have you built in the wild continent? How many believers have you developed?" Manuel I said angrily.

"Well, I really know ... Before the outbreak of syphilis, on the island of Hispaniola, we in Spain built a total of 5 churches here ~ ~ developed more than 600 local people as believers ... "Ferdinand II and Isabella I are both devout Catholics, but they pay close attention to the development of religious undertakings.

"Cut, that's what ..."

"Hey, that's just a small island. Unlike your Portugal, it occupies so many places on the west coast of Africa. Excuse me, how many churches have you built and how many believers have you developed?"

"Moreover, we have the merit of eliminating the pagan kingdom of the Kingdom of Granada ..." Ferdinand II said provocatively.

"Well, indeed, His Majesty Ferdinand and his wife did make a huge contribution to expelling the pagans out of Western Europe. So, whether it was Pope Alexander VI, or myself, I felt that Spain traded with India and there was no problem ... … "Julius II said seriously.

"India is from Portugal ..." Manuel I was not stubborn.

"Who do you think you are? Lord of the world? You can get where you want? Who stipulates that India must be Portuguese? Which document clearly states?"

"But the arbitration of the last pope ..."

"The last pope also arbitrated that Spain could go to India for trade!" Ferdinand II said aggressively. For the huge profits of the Indian spice trade, he must defeat Portugal today. What's more, the Holy See also stood on the Spanish side, giving him confidence.

Suddenly, the arrogance of Manuel I was suppressed by Ferdinand II, and I didn't know how to refute it for a while ... 8)