The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 357: Army pressure

Just as Malin shrank from Rome to avoid Maximilian I, George, Duke of Saxony, finally gathered all the troops and prepared enough food supplies to plan a battle against the Principality of Geddess, which controlled West Friesland .

The Duke George took the 80,000 Allied forces from the Saxony line and set off from Dresden in a mighty way to West Friesland. And Maximilian I agreed that the 4,000 soldiers from the Flemish Army were transferred to the port of Emden in Marin by boat, and then to the Ems River, waiting for the main meeting with George. .

At this time, East Frisian went up and down, and was nervously alert. Although George ’s coalition was only crossing the border, God knows whether they will seize the opportunity to seize East Friesland. Schwarz, who is in charge of military affairs, remembers what Marin often said: "For any army in transit, be alert, even if it is an friendly army!"

It is natural to be wary of the army of unfriendly forces. When the relationship is already bad, it is sure to guard against the other party's sneak attack.

While guarding friendly forces is mainly to prevent trouble and robbery of friendly forces. You should know that in ancient times, no matter whether it was the East or the West, most of the army was no different from the live bandits. If there is no strong force to control what the army has passed, it is easy for soldiers to oppress the people. In the era of European mercenaries, this problem is the most serious. Because, one of the characteristics of mercenaries is that they like robbery.

Although Marin's troops were also mercenaries hired from the mountains of southern Germany. However, because these mercenaries had no previous experience as mercenaries, they were trained from a blank sheet into a regular modern army. Therefore, the East Frisian army has good discipline. Without orders, there will never be a robbery. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the East Frisian army is the best disciplined army in this era.

But the army of other countries, especially the army of European countries in this era, robbery is the basic skill of their army. Therefore, in the face of the crossing of the army, the East Frisian army must stay in line and monitor the whole process to avoid robbery.

As the army of Prince Philip, the only son of Maximilian I, the nominal boss of Marin, Schwartz is still quite face-saving. Not only helped the 4,000 soldiers of the Flemish Army build the camp, but also provided a lot of food to make this group of Dutch people have a face.

As for the Saxon coalition led by George, there is no such treatment. When George the Duke of Saxony brought 80,000 Saxon coalition forces and 10,000 civilians into East Friesland, he was monitored by 7,000 elite soldiers throughout the process to prevent their soldiers from looting.

Schwartz's fears really made sense. Some soldiers from the Saxon army borrowed by George were not honest enough and wanted to ransack some manor houses. However, it was quickly stopped by the East Frisian army. In the face of the 7,000 most elite East Frisian troops, the troops of the Saxony princes did not dare to build again.

But, Duke George looked at these seven thousand troops, drooling:

"It would be nice if these seven thousand people helped me fight Severisland! That way, the victory over the opponent would be stable."

Unfortunately, George also knows that the possibility is very low. The main reason is that his Lao Tzu once led a large army to invade East Friesland and became hostile to others. Nowadays, East Friesland seems to have faced George's emperor's cousin in the face, without stabbing the army of Saxony from the back, it is considered a face, so don't think of others sending troops to help yourself.

According to the emperor's cousin, the emperor's cousin wanted Marin to send troops to help, but unfortunately, they refused and ran to Rome to escape. For this, George has no choice. Moreover, Marin was indeed summoned by the Pope, but after finishing things, Lai refused to return in Rome ...

On the Ames River, the 20,000 coalition organized by George finally got together. Looking at so many armies, Duke George is also very proud, and his confidence has been greatly improved.

In fact, Charles II, the Duke of Geddes at this time, was more confident than him ...

Why? The Duchy of Geddes received secret support from King Louis XII. The French were closely related to the Swiss. This time, French King Louis XII specially paid for himself and helped hire 5000 Swiss mercenaries and sent them to the Principality of Geddes to help the Principality of Geddes defeat George Duke of Saxony. Coalition forces.

Under normal circumstances, Louis XII may not be willing to help so hard. However, after hearing that the 4,000 elites of the Flemish Legion of the Habsburg family were in the coalition, Louis XII became obsessed and spent vigorously hiring 5,000 people to help the Gede Division fight and defeat this one. Coalition forces. By the way, the sharpness of the Germans and the Habsburg family was frustrated.

Louis XII is very clear. The reason why France lost the Principality of Milan is inseparable from Maximilian I's support for Ludovius Forza. Therefore, the Habsburgs are their enemies. It's definitely something Louis XII loves to see that the enemy is unlucky. So, he hired 5000 Swiss mercenaries to help Charles II to defeat the Saxon coalition.

In this way, Charles II, Duke of Geddes, sent the total number of troops in West Friesland ~ ~ to reach 90,000 (excluding the waste wood of the 3000 West Frisian Resistance Army).

The most frightening thing is that of these 90,000 troops, 20,000 are simply Swiss mercenaries. Therefore, this is a powerful army ranked high in all of Europe. The 20,000-strong army of Duke George of Saxony is a patchwork army. It seems powerful, but the combat effectiveness is actually average.

Among them, the most powerful of this coalition army are the thousands of Saxon heavy cavalry and the elite Flemish Legion of 4,000. However, the Swiss mercenary is specifically to restrain the German knights. Therefore, the thousands of Saxony heavy cavalry could not play at all. The 4,000 Flemish regiments are elite and less powerful than Swiss mercenaries. Therefore, it is more of a win for the Principality of Geddes.

Therefore, the self-confidence of Charles II, Duke of Geddes, George, Duke of Pisaxen, is much larger. When it comes to combat effectiveness, it is indeed that the Gedesi army surpassed the Saxon coalition.

However, what made Charles Duke of Geddes strange is that before the French supported him with 5,000 Swiss mercenaries, he actually sent people to Switzerland to recruit mercenaries.

However, it was not recruited. Asked why, it is said to have been hired by a mysterious employer and left 20,000 troops. So, for a time, there was a shortage of mercenaries in Switzerland. Most of the remaining Swiss mercenaries are hired by the French. Therefore, as a last resort, the Principality of Geddes went to France for help. French King Louis XII heard that Maximilian I had sent troops to the war, and he lent him 5,000 Swiss mercenaries without hesitation.

With so many powerful Swiss mercenaries, Charles II, Duke of Geddes, did not care about the pressure of the Saxon army. Because, he won ...

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