The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 401: Girls extrovert

Prince Siegmont fell, he had never seen such an elegant girl. In fact, in Poland and Lithuania, he did not uncommonly see those noble ladies.

However, many noble ladies are either too rude or too religious ...

Is piety wrong? Yes, there is a problem. Because, those devout noble ladies do not like to take a bath ...

Imagine a princess who hasn't bathed for a few years ... The princess in the middle ages is really not as beautiful as you think ...

Prince Siegmont really didn't have much interest in those noble ladies who had a rancid smell on their bodies and a smell of perfume.

Unlike Anne, Marin vigorously promoted hot bathing at Hoffman Estates before he even made a fortune. Therefore, Anne is always washed white, and her skin must be white and tender. Unlike those noble ladies who do not take a bath, there is a layer of dirt on their skin ...

Moreover, because she often takes a bath, Anne does not have any odor, but has a fresh and natural girly fragrance. Coupled with some high-end perfumes, the fragrance is naturally compelling. Moreover, the rose-scented perfume that Anne likes is exactly what Prince Siegmont likes to smell ...

Then, Prince Siegmont began to turn around Annie ...

And it was Marin who spurned food—Prince Siegmont found a reason to be close to Anne, and the pretext was to discuss literature and mathematics ...

Okay, this is the communication between the school tyrants ...

Coincidentally, under the guidance of Mrs. Mary, Anne is indeed a schoolgirl. It happens to have a common language with Prince Ziegmont. If you change a scum girl, and you are met by Prince Sigmund "discussing literature and mathematics", it is going to be forced ...

Watching the two discuss the study in a serious manner, Marin suddenly had the bad taste of watching the domineering love in the last life ...

Yes, during the last high school in Marin's life, I was fortunate to have watched two coca-cola things about my relationship with a schoolmaster. The love between school bullies is full of seriousness and academic atmosphere, and most people really can't learn. If you want to learn, you must have that level ...

While discussing the study seriously, Prince Siegmont and Anne, their favorability towards each other skyrocketed ...

Anni thought: "It really is His Royal Highness, so learned and versatile! It seems ... there is more rest than Brother Marin ... Well, Brother Marin knew to fight ..."

If Marin knew what Annie thought, it would be a spit of old blood. He is not talented, but, he doesn't like European medieval literature. On the contrary, he prefers Chinese literature. Therefore, he generally does not discuss European literature with others. This also led to sister Anne thinking that Marin's literary level was very poor ...

And Prince Siegmont thought to himself: "God, beautiful Anne is not only beautiful, smells good, but also so talented, it is the best match!"

Watching the two people's feelings continue to heat up, the old Huffman couples were happy. In order to entertain the son of the golden tortoise, the old Hoffmans took the black truffle from Marin's collection to entertain Prince Siegmont.

Fortunately, Marin doesn't like truffles very much, and doesn't feel anything. It was Angela who was a little unhappy. Because she likes truffles too ...

However, fortunately, Angela is sensible, knowing that the marriage between Anne and Prince Siegmont is more important, and did not say anything.

Uh ...

With the passage of time, spring farming in East Friesland and other places has also begun vigorously.

And Prince Siegmont did not have the idea of ​​traveling to other countries, so he stayed here. Fortunately, Marin took strict precautions against him, not allowing the two to be alone together at night, lest his sister suffer a loss.

However, what he did n’t know was that his sister Anne was “extroverted” at this time ...

Since whispering one day, Prince Siegmont vowed to marry her, and Anne's position changed immediately ...

For the sake of love, Anne quietly took Prince Ziegmont to the manor outside the city, so that Prince Ziegmont could see the cattle farming and the Quyuan plow ...

Although these two things are not top secrets, Marin is usually not allowed to circulate casually. Unexpectedly, before marrying, her sister Annie "treasoned" in advance ...

After receiving this news, Marin almost chewed his mouth:

"It turned out to be" extroverted girls ", they haven't gotten married yet, and haven't even been engaged yet, this wine elbow turned out!"

"Fortunately, we have a son and will not be an extrovert like a daughter. Caesar, good boy, Dad hurts you!" Then, Marin caught the playful little Caesar and put it on his knee. Disturbed Caesar's hair ...

Fortunately, Caesar is still young, and I do n’t know the truth of “the head can be broken, the hairstyle ca n’t be messed up”. Otherwise, Marlin will cry for sure.

Fortunately, Anne still knew the weight and did not tell the secret of the fertilizer. Otherwise, Marin is absolutely crazy and will even want to kill.

Because Anne once witnessed the horror scene where Marin had lived a family of craftsmen who wanted to secretly escape with fertilizer. Therefore, she did not dare to talk nonsense.

Therefore, she just came to Marin pitifully and asked if she could reveal the fertilizer secret ...

After thinking about it, Marin refused to disclose the fertilizer formula to Prince Ziegmont. However, in order to take care of his sister ’s interests, Marin made the following arrangements-if Anne really married Prince Ziegmont, Marin would make the fertilizer processing plant and vacate the compound needed for 10,000 Ugram ’s cultivated land every year The amount of fertilizer is sold to Anne at cost ... Later, depending on the situation, decide whether to increase and how much supply ...

In addition to protecting secrets, it also means to consider for Anne. If the fertilizer formula was really given to Prince Siegmont, Annie's value would not be so great.

Moreover, Poland is a big agricultural country and has mastered fertilizer technology. East Friesland must be squeezed by the other party's grain and go bankrupt.

Therefore, Marin severely warned Annie not to talk nonsense. At the same time, promised to provide Anne with no less than 10,000 Eugram (120,000 acres) of arable land compound fertilizer after marriage. In this way, Prince Ziegmont will increase the income of hundreds of thousands of gold coins every year.

Furthermore, Marin specifically requested that Anne be in Poland or Lithuania to find a relatively hidden arable land that is not in contact with other nobles. In this way, after using the fertilizer, even if the yield is high, others will not know.

In fact, the Polish and Lithuanian nobles were too powerful, and the king was only one of the big nobles. If you tell Siegmont I about fertilizer technology, the biggest possibility is that it is cheaper for the big nobles, not just the family of Siegmont I.

Therefore, Marin asked Anne to find a remote and secluded agricultural area, buy all the land, build a serfdom manor, use fertilizer secretly there, and make a fortune.

Anne also deeply agreed. Her IQ is not bad, knowing that this is more beneficial to herself. At least, his status in front of Prince Ziegmont will be higher. After all, she can master the "money bag" ...

With Marin's permission, Anne told Prince Siegmont that Marin had mastered the "special fertilizer technology" and told him that after using the special fertilizer technology, the yield per mu could reach 400 pounds (of course, it is a conversion) Value, after all, Europe does not have a unit of city acres) ...

Prince Siegmont was taken aback, and then finally understood why a young count in the Marin district could maintain tens of thousands of troops for a long time ~ ~ If there is such a high yield and a lot of land, anyone can feed tens of thousands Army ...

Do n’t look at Prince Siegmont and his family are royal families of Poland and Lithuania, and their land is no less than Marin. However, in terms of income, their annual income does not exceed one million gold coins.

If there is fertilizer technology ... Prince Siegmont is suddenly hot ...

However, Anne told him that the fertilizer secret is the top secret of East Friesland, whoever touches and dies. Even the rest of the Huffman family is not very clear about the specific secret ...

Anne was right, in fact, the members of the Huffman family only knew that there was feces in the fertilizer. As for phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer, Marin let Kohler do it all. Others are unclear about the sources of phosphate and potash fertilizers. Even Annie only knows that except for feces, they are minerals brought back from other places. No one knows what it is.

Moreover, since Marin publicly lived the family of the craftsman in the fertilizer processing plant who tried to escape secretly with fertilizer, no one dared to inquire about the secret of fertilizer.

For this, Prince Siegmont was helpless. Moreover, he also understands Marin's secrecy. After all, as fertilizer technology becomes public, food prices will plummet.

Prince Sigmund knows Marlin ’s willingness to provide Annie with the fertilizer needed for 10,000 Ugram ’s arable land every year at cost. Malin is telling him vaguely-marry my sister, there will be an extra income of hundreds of thousands of gold coins every year. No marriage, no part of you ...) !!