The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 459: wait

The North Road Army was completely wiped out, which Marin had never thought of. Previously, Marin's plan was to make the fake reinforcements of the North Road attract the attention of the Bossa Allied Forces, and allow the other party to divide part of its troops and a large number of scouts.

Moreover, for the safety of the fake reinforcements on the North Road, Malint specifically asked them to find a place close to the battlefield, but it was convenient to protect themselves and avoid direct confrontation with the enemy.

However, in his plan, he did not expect that the Bossa Allied Forces would cease. Originally, according to Marin's plan, at this time, his 20,000 people were under the attack of 50,000 Bossa coalition forces. When the two sides are at war, sending a large army to attack the reinforcements is indeed rare. Under normal circumstances, if the two warring parties find that the enemy's reinforcements are arriving, they will send troops to temporarily block it, so as not to affect the frontal battlefield.

The problem was that Marin ’s shelling against the Saxon artillery smashed the head of the guard of Brandenburg ’s Elector Joachim I, and scared Frederick III and Joakim I.

As a result, the Bossa Allied Forces stopped the attack and waited for the rain. While waiting for rain, the Bossa Allied Force was able to draw energy and strength. Moreover, the North Road Army showed so many fake artillery to death, caused the covetment of Jokim I. Then, the North Road Army had a cup ...

Therefore, the more than 10,000 strong military officers including Knight Sternier and other commanders were also tragically captured. This is completely beyond Marin's expectations.

What's worse is that Knight Sternier is one of the few officers who knows the real reinforcements. As for the few other officers who commanded the more than 10,000 strong people with the Knights of Sdenier, they were only the noble children of the Principality of Schleswig in Marin. Their identity is the sons of several nobles who have no inheritance rights. This time he followed the fake reinforcements of the North Commander of the Sdenier Cavaliers for the purpose of melee.

It's just that they don't know much, just know that Woolf Esbrand took 8000 main force north to intercept the Danish army. After that, they don't know. And they do n’t know the 10,000 English mercenaries in Saqqara.

Only Knight Sternier, as an official officer of the Principality of Schleswig, was originally sent by Woolf Esbrand to carry out his mission. Of all the plans, only he knows best. It would be terrible if the Knight Sternier betrayed and told the truth.

Fortunately, after weighing the pros and cons, the Knights of Denier chose to conceal, and also laid the foundation for his post-war achievements and rewards. Otherwise, the family is waiting for him, the family went to the execution ground ...

When he heard that the North Road reinforcements were all fake and strong, Frederick III was very angry. He thought of Jim who changed his name to John. So he called Jim and sent a whip to vent his anger:

"Don't you say that half of the North Road Army are veterans? Why are they all strong? Why dare you lie to me?" Then, with a whip, he left a blood stain directly on Jim's face.

Jim is playing a noble boy who is afraid of death and pain. So he rolled his head with his hands on his head and cried:

"Forgiveness, Lord Frederick, I don't know the specifics of the Northern Army. I'm just a regular bodyguard, so where do I know confidential things?"

"Asshole, your kid's words are not credible. If the ten thousand burger reinforcements in the west are true, I must kill you!" Frederick III said angrily.

For this, Jim is still very confident. He said in a positive tone:

"Adult, I dare to take a life guarantee. What I said is true. The 10,000 reinforcements over Hamburg are really fake. Unbelievable, you will send troops to fight to know. If it is true, you kill me! "

"Really?" Frederick III asked doubtfully.

"Of course, my lord, I am here. If the 10,000 people are true reinforcements, you can kill me at any time! I can't run away!"

See what Jim said so surely, plus that Jim was indeed under his care at this time. As a result, Frederick III dropped his whip and did not continue to beat him.

But at this time, the Knight of Sdenier was staring at Jim. Because he knew Jim. After all, he is one of the guards of Woolf Esbrand. Earlier, he also dealt with Jim.

However, Sternier was a wise man, not rashly speaking, but stood by and watched the changes. Jim also knew that Steiner recognized himself, so he concealed a glance. Then Sternier lowered his head and said nothing.

As one of the children of the Schleswig native aristocrat who was valued by Woolf Esbrand and brought to his side, the Knight of Sternier was still very smart. Before, fortunately he responded quickly and coaxed Frederick III. It would be bad if Frederick III discovered the problem when he was almost out of his mind.

In the evening, at dinner, Jim deliberately passed the Knight of Sdenier with bread. Then, quietly using a lip-free method, whispered:

"My name is John Kovac, one of Lord Marin's bodyguards. Remember, you don't know me. I will come to inform you if there is a chance. When we fight, we will run together in chaos!"

Then, Jim pretended to be okay ...

And not far away, Frederick III sent to monitor Jim's bodyguard, stunned that he did not find Jim talking to Sternier. Because, Jim's lips did not move-this is one of the spy skills.

At night, Frederick III cunningly arranged the tents where Jim and Sternier lived. Then, he also arranged a scout in the dark, trying to eavesdrop on the two.

As a result, Jim was so smart that he didn't even go out of the tent to find Sternier. And Sternier, after learning that Jim had changed his identity at dinner, because in theory both parties did not know. Therefore, I did not go to Jim.

In this way, Frederick III's plan to get some "inside information" failed. As for sending officers to monitor the remaining officers who were captured with Knight Sternier, it is even less rewarding. Because those few people really don't know the movement of real reinforcements. They hadn't even entered the regular army of the Principality of Schleswig, but the militia officers had no internal information at all. The people sent by Frederick III only heard the outdated news that "Woolf Esbrand led eight thousand troops to the north to resist the Danish army".

As a result, Frederick III and Joachim I were relieved, no longer worried about the real reinforcements coming over ~ ~ In the evening, when drinking, Joachim I asked Frederick III:

"Sir Frederick, why did you leave the more than 10,000 people in Shilesuige? You know, with more than 10,000 mouths, the consumption of food is huge!"

Frederick III took a sip of wine and said:

"I left them in order to wait until the rainy day, let these people carry mud sacks to fill the two trenches. The more than 10,000 people are all strong and strong, so I put those The farmers were dismissed, leaving these people, and when the war started, let them carry sacks to fill the pits! "

After listening to Joakim I, he froze for a while, then laughed:

"Good idea, let the other party's strong men fill the pit. Even if they are killed, it is the other party who suffers! Alas-no ... they are from the Principality of Schleswig, and in theory, it belongs to my father-in-law after the war The subjects of His Majesty Hans. Let them go to death, and it seems to be my father-in-law who suffered at a loss ... "Jokim I struggled ...

"It's nothing, I just let them fill the pit when it's raining. When it rains, the musketeers and artillery under Marin's boy are stunned, and they don't do much harm to the people who fill the pit. By then, they should be able to Leave most of them. Anyway, as long as we win, everything is worth it ... And, let the boy Marin face his subjects, it is estimated that he will be entangled ... "

"Yeah, the kid must be very entangled. Because, now the Principality of Schleswig is still in his hands. Every time a Schleswig is dead, he loses ... and if he does n’t kill these people, These people will carry sacks to fill the pits, destroying his greatest reliance ... What a trick ... "

"Well, now, let's sit and wait for the rain!"

"Well, to rain, cheers!"
