The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 509: Imperial Council Decision


() & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Deutschland is a big cake, its number is limited. Some people are full, but some people are not full. The rise of new princes will naturally **** the interests of old princes.

Most of the princes who participated in the Imperial Parliament belonged to the old princes who had passed on for a long time, and they were most uncomfortable with the newly rising princes. Because, those new princes came to grab food with them. Therefore, it is not surprising that Frederick III can move most princes this time. Because, everyone is really upset to watch the newly emerging rookie prince Marin.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp This time, limiting the expansion of Marin's power, not only most secular princes, but also most religious princes participated. Because, in Marin's victory this time, there is an extremely sensitive thing-kingship ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Because Marin has defeated Denmark, once again captured the Danish royal family and most of the Danish nobles. Therefore, if everyone does not restrict it, Marin may **** a crown from the Danish royal family. At that time, Duke Marin will become King Marin.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp What is this concept? This means that Marin's status will be elevated to the same level as the seven electors. Even higher than half of the six electors. Of the seven Electors, only Bohemian king status can be equal to that of Malin who has won the Danish or Norwegian throne.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Once Marin became king, the princes here were embarrassed. In the past, they were on equal footing with Malin, and even had a higher status. And after Marin became king, they had to take the initiative to salute Marin ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Moreover, people are also kings anyway. How should Marin be positioned in the Imperial Parliament? Is it necessary to add an eighth electorate? This is what the old electors would never want to see. At the same time, other princes are envious, jealous, and hate, not happy that Marin really got a throne, even the throne of the poorest Norwegian kingdom.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp You should know that although the Kingdom of Norway has a population of only about 240,000 people, the territory it controls is vast. In addition to the area south of the Arctic Circle in later Kingdoms of Norway, the Kingdom of Norway also controlled the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland. Although the population is sparse, in terms of area control, the Kingdom of Norway is really the largest country in Europe (if the area of ​​Greenland more than 2 million square kilometers is included) ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp As for the throne of the Kingdom of Denmark, let alone the Danes refuse, and other European countries are not happy that Marin will get the Danish throne. After all, the Danish mainland, especially Zealand, controls the throat of the Baltic Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, which is very important.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The princes present were mainly secular princes. Apart from Wang Vladislas II of the Kingdom of Bohemia, other princes did not want to be kings. After all, the king is the pinnacle of feudal lords.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, the king is not so good, not because you want to be independent. In Europe, if you want to be a king, you must be recognized by the Holy See and other nobles. In this way, you can be regarded as a king. It is as strong as the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and its population and national strength are among the top in Europe. However, it is not mixed with the title of a kingdom. The reason why Norway can be called a kingdom was that the Norwegians were too fierce during the Viking pirates, and people on the European continent were forced to coerce and had to admit.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp At this time, there are few kingdoms throughout Europe. Apart from the Kingdom of Bohemia in Shinra, there are only Britain, France, Scotland, Aragon, Castile, Portugal, Navarre, and Naples. , Hungary, Poland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Superpowers as strong as the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania are nothing but a Grand Duchy.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp A crown can almost make German princes crazy. They ca n’t get it, and they do n’t want Marin to get it—this is human nature ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Therefore, the result of the negotiations between the many princes in Worms was-a strong intervention in the negotiations between Marin and Denmark, rather than letting Marin take more advantage in compensation and land ceding, and never let a crown fall On Marin's head ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So more than 180 powerful princes in Worms, co-signed, issued an official letter, and asked Marin to come to Worms to attend the Imperial Conference and negotiate.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Moreover, the official letter specifically requested that the captured Brandenburg Elector Joachim I and King Hans be brought together to participate in the final negotiations. In this way, it is possible to solve all problems thoroughly with a joint negotiation ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp is also the Archbishop of Cologne. He knows the intimate relationship between Pope and Marin. The key point is that he also hopes that through the relationship of Marin, the Pope will soon promote his cousin as a bishop. Therefore, although Archbishop Hermann IV of Cologne participated in the signature, in private, he sent someone to notify Marin. The decision of this meeting made Marin ready. In addition, Herman IV told Marin to bring as many soldiers as possible so as not to rescue the two valuable prisoners of war, Joachim I and King Hans.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Because, now in Worms, the guards of the princes combined, there are also five or six thousand people. If Marin has fewer soldiers and is forced by others, he may lose the biggest bargaining chip in these two negotiations ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp The secret letter of Archbishop Hermann IV of Cologne arrived early, because the men of Herman IV rushed to a few horses along the way. The messengers sent by the Imperial Parliament did not desperately hurry.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Therefore, the messenger of Hermann IV arrived in less than two days, but the messenger of the Imperial Parliament arrived only four days later.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp received a secret letter from Herman IV, and Marin was furious about the decision of the Imperial Parliament. However, he had no choice. Because he also understood that he was indeed too high-profile.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Moreover, it would be frightening to change to other princes. A prince with a 40,000 powerful combat soldier no worse than a Swiss mercenary is indeed scary.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp So, after this war, Marin decided to show his weakness. For example, public disarmament (but in fact hiding the army first, such as where to go to Ireland, etc.) or something, so that others can breathe a sigh of relief. Indeed, if you still retain the huge military scale of 40,000 soldiers after the war, it will be difficult for others to sleep peacefully. It is better to pull the army to the British Isles to participate in the battle for the throne. In this way, not only the army is hidden, but also the military's combat effectiveness can be trained through war.

Of course, it is estimated that Marin has to publicly promise a promise like "no first use and weapons" afterwards, saying that he will never take the initiative to invade other princes, so that other princes can be assured. Of course, it's really time to go to war. This sentence is no different from p. Want to go to war? Learn little devil, deliberately stir up trouble first. Although the devil is cheap, other people's cheap tricks are easy to use. For example, to deliberately say that a soldier is missing, to go to another country to search ... what? Do you want to save your face? Well, this is your first choice, not my first violation of you. You have killed my soldiers, it is equivalent to declare war on me first, then, let's fight ...

Marin was also very unhappy with the imperial parliament's request that he take Jorgem I and King Hans to negotiate in Worms. Because, at the Imperial Conference, these two people may be out of their control. Those princes may pressure themselves to release the two.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp However, Marin is unlikely to agree. Do n’t you have five or six thousand guards in Worms? That's good ~ ~ I'll take 10,000 elite troops. Want to grab someone from me? Let ’s see if I can beat my men ...

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Therefore, Marin started to let Kahn and his 250 muscles accompany him. At a critical moment, these muscles are very suitable for group fights. The 250 muscles were released, and the knights brought by the princes were also in vain. A muscle may be a knight who can use martial arts to defeat it. 250 muscles together, plus an invincible majesty Kahn, no one can stop them.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Moreover, there are two or three hundred bodyguards wearing half-plate armor beside Marin. With the accompanying 10,000 troops, Marin can completely overwhelm those princes.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp If they were n’t worried that those princes were too afraid, or even really united to fight against themselves, Marin planned to take the entire army.

& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp brought 10,000 people past, enough to suppress the guards of those princes. However, it will not cause panic among those princes. If there are fewer people, you might be bullied by those snobbish princes ...