The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 57: Share the beauty

On the European side, after returning from Lübeck, Marin was surrounded by a group of men. But, why is the embarrassing face of the helper who surrounds himself?

Asked Marlin only to know that this group of kids wanted women ...

Before, Marin had promised to divide up the 2000 Italian beauties. However, after returning, Marin was anxious to calculate Denmark together with Lübeck, Hamburg and Sweden, and temporarily forgot about it.

Forgot Marin, the men were unhappy ...

After Marin came back from Lübeck, he had just arranged for people to spread the news, and the soldiers nominated a group of representatives to come to Marin to ask for salary ... Oh no, it was to ask the woman to come ...

Standing at the front is the stupid Kahn ...

I saw Kahn rubbing his hands, embarrassed:

"That, young master ..."

"What's up? Say it."

"That ... that ..."

"Which one? Have something to say!" Marin kicked Kahn.

"Master, our ... our ... beauty?"

"Beauty?" Marin wondered for a moment, then slammed his head:

"Oops, I've been too busy recently and almost forgot about this ..."

Suddenly, a group of single dogs looked at Marin with extremely disgusting eyes-you took off the order yourself, don't forget us ...

"Sorry, sorry, I'm so dizzy during this time, I forgot about this ..."

Then, Marin hurriedly called to Kohler to consult the results of the credit allocation.

The merits of the battle are to be counted. This time offensive to Jever, the first merit was given to Stade. His Northern Army was the smoothest and rushed directly into Wangland. The second function is naturally the courage to blow up the bunker ... oh no ... it is the courage to blow up the gate of the city.

As for the third credit, naturally he was the pioneer Kahn ...

Kahn's credit is naturally qualified for two beautiful women. As it happens, this kid's "spring" has arrived. Moreover, this guy is still very greedy.

Kohler felt very embarrassed about his brother Kahn's approach. Now, Kahn and Kohler are both given the surname "Bodigard" by Marin, which means guard, no longer a serf class without a surname. Budgarde means "guard" in German. Marin gave the family of Kahn and Kohler as the "Bodigarde" family, which is obviously a lot of trust and glory. The bodyguard, but the king's cronies ...

After receiving Marin's surname, Kohler paid much attention to the honor of the emerging Bodegaard family. For brothers and sisters, they also invested a lot of money to help them learn culture and court etiquette.

However, for the big brother Kahn, Kohler was also very helpless. Since Marin brought back 2,000 Italian beauties from Italy, Kahn seemed to be suddenly stimulated and glowed with spring ... Then, opening his mouth was to ask the two beauties to give Kohler a shame to drill a hole.

From Kohler's point of view, the Bodigard family is now also a noble family. After all, the brothers are now both barons, and they are hereditary nobles. However, why does Kahn still so stubborn ...

The group of Italian beauties, which Kohler has seen, is indeed beautiful. But, they are all village girls ... village girls ...

From Kohler's point of view, it would be better to marry a lady of a less beautiful cavalier family than to marry a village girl ...

Marin's idea of ​​Kohler is actually very disapproving. However, he could not reverse Kohler's ideas. But for Kahn's directness, Marin liked it very much. Therefore, Marin also supported Kahn's idea, but let Kohler lose his temper. Otherwise, he would definitely stop Kahn.

Now, Marin's army is divided into two groups. One is the civilian faction, and the biggest boss is Kahn. This group of people, originally born as civilians, had no other ideas about marrying villagers. Anyway, Marin agreed to help promote the girl's identity. They are all promoted from civilians, even serfs, and are not exclusive to civilian girls.

And the other faction is the noble faction, the main representative is the officers who came from the knight family. Although, they also covet those Italian beauties. But if they want to marry those Italian rural girls, they can't do it. Because, in their hearts, the concept of hierarchy and bloodline penetrates into the soul and is difficult to change.

Even Schwarz and Kohler were influenced by the noble ideology. Schwartz was a descendant of the nobility and had been educated by his father's nobility since childhood. But Kohler, after being named as a baron by Marin and given his surname, believed that he had an obligation to revive this emerging noble family. Therefore, he also began to learn aristocratic etiquette, seeking marriage with noble families. It's a pity that the noble families in East Friesland were mostly destroyed by Marin. It is not easy for these two people to find suitable objects ...

For both groups, Marin can understand. Not only do the civilians understand, but they also appreciate it. Because, they retained the civilian character and did not forget the original.

However, Marin understands the nobility. After all, in this age, it is normal to have such an idea. In this era, people with a little culture will have similar ideas.

Is like the Kahn and Kohler brothers, although they are also born in the poor, but Kahn has no culture and belongs to the civilians. After reading a lot of books, Kohler became a noble faction ...

Education in this era is the nobility supremacy. In the textbooks, the aristocratic class is also extremely beautified. As a member of a vested interest group, Marin will naturally not oppose this idea. Therefore, he also supports the nobility.

After Kohler sent the combat statistics table, Marin took the gang of single dogs to pick up the women ...

Stad was born in the knight family. Although he got the first merit, he belonged to the nobility and gave up the opportunity to choose a civilian as his wife. Then, the first one to pick was naturally the Donnie Curry who bombed the city gate ...

Donnie Curry is also a descendant of a knight, but an offspring of an illegitimate child. He never regarded himself as a noble. Therefore, although there are surnames, but no aristocratic thinking.

Therefore, he rushed into the 2000 Italian beauty group generously and began to pick left and right ...

Has been selected for a long time, this kid finally picked a good person. Marin had fun at first glance-this kid is real, the two beautiful women picked are both **** and big hips, and they can be born at a glance ...

Then, the goods hugged left and right, pulling the two shy Italian girls away. Donizri was banned as a knight this time for his military merits, and the two Italian girls he chose ~ ~ will also be banned by Marin as a female jazz.

Then, it was Kahn who picked it. Marin thought that Kahn would have a higher taste, but he was disappointed-Kahn chose two sisters with **** and big hips, and they seemed to be real rural children ...

Kole on one side had already covered his face embarrassedly, and even felt a bit shameless. I thought that Kahn was drooling on the spot after choosing a good girl ...

Next, it's someone else. A few officers from the knighthood gave up the opportunity, while the other more than 300 meritorious workers were all polite and took 350 Italian beauties.

As for the remaining 1,650 Italian beauties, Marin is not in a hurry to divide up. He wants to hold everyone's appetite and stimulate them to make merits. Because, the time to start working on Denmark is getting closer. These beautiful women have appetite, and the soldiers underneath have the motivation to make merits ...

Next, it was Marin who was busy signing the seal. In addition to giving some soldiers a knighthood, it was in the name of the "Duke of Egypt" to register the selected Italian girls as female nobles.

This time I attacked Jaffre because it was not difficult. Therefore, the rewards for combat achievements are not as high as before. In this war, there was no baron who was promoted. Only Stade was originally a hereditary jazz. This time, because he did n’t want a beauty, Marin simply gave a grace-his second son, who had no shadow Knight ... As for the eldest son, it is naturally hereditary knight identity ...

However, according to Marlin's standard of rewards for points of achievement, if Stad has another achievement, he will be eligible to be promoted to a baron. By then, his identity will be very different. However, this opportunity is not far away. Because, Marin will start with Denmark next. At that time, there are some battles to fight ...