The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 607: Sweden is changing

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Because of the limited zinc ingots, Marin could not start mass-producing gunmetal and navy copper now. Therefore, it is necessary to wait until the Bakken lead-zinc mine on Newfoundland produces more zinc before it can consider mass production of gunmetal and navy copper.

At the same time, the Bakens lead-zinc mine can also produce a certain amount of lead, copper, and a small amount of silver and gold. Needless to say, the role of lead requires a lot of lead. The value of copper is also high, especially now that copper prices in Europe are very expensive. However, the average grade of copper ore here is only 157, plus the difficulty of ore transportation, the mining cost is much higher than that of Sweden's Falun copper mine.

Thinking of the Faylun copper mine in Sweden, Kohler suddenly came to report the intelligence on the Swedish side-Old Stensile died ...

Marin nodded and motioned to know. Marin was not surprised at the death of old Stensle. Because old Stensteure should have died at the end of 1503. It was Marin, who sent two Mongolian doctors. With superb medical skills, plus the use of the magical oriental radish from the Central Asian trade route-ginseng, he renewed his life.

It is a pity that Old Stensure was already in his sixties, and his body collapsed as early as 1503. Although ginseng was used to extend his life, it was a pity that the old guy did not care for his body and did not cultivate himself in time, but continued to work hard. After two years of strong support, he died ...

In fact, the death of Old Steen Sturre also has a certain relationship with Marin. In the past, in order to renew the life of old Steen Sturre, Marin at any cost, from the Crimean people, spent a large price, bought ginseng produced in the East, and renewed the life of old Stensur. But after reaching a settlement with Danish King Hans, Marin deliberately stopped the supply of old Stensure ginseng. Moreover, this stuff is indeed not easy to sell, and the price is high.

Without the continued life of ginseng, coupled with old Stensure ’s day and night work for Sweden ’s national events, he was finally unable to hold it up-as Marlin expected ...

So, before the arrival of winter Christmas in 1505, the weak old Stensure finally fell down ...

And at this time, in Sweden, it is arguing about who is the new king. The death of old Stenstore also had a major relationship with the choice of the king.

If resting on ancient China, a prestigious regent such as Old Stensure would be directly on his own when he was vacant.

It is a pity that this is Europe, ancient Europe, very particular about blood. Old Stensle came from the noble family at the bottom. Although he had outstanding ability, he was not really noble. Replaced with military powers like Marin, it may be possible to directly ascend the Swedish throne. Unfortunately, Sweden and Poland are similar, and the system of king election is popular. Moreover, it is popular to choose new kings among the great aristocrats of the country. Large families such as the famous Vasa family, the Bundai family, the Tot family and the Oxenchener family in Sweden are the strongest competitors of the Swedish king.

But the problem now is that these large noble families currently have no particularly outstanding representatives. Old Stensure took the right and left, and he could not find a new king who could be accepted by the whole of Sweden. To this end, Old Stensure is at a loss. In addition, the ginseng soup that had always been there suddenly cut off the supply, and the already weak body finally failed to support ...

After the death of Old Stensure, the country suddenly became chaotic. Originally, the old prestige and highly capable big man Sten Sturre suppressed, Sweden is still peaceful.

But the sudden death of old Stenstuere suddenly made Sweden messy. Everyone was already fighting for the throne, and now the principal died suddenly, making the battle for the throne even more chaotic. Even some families have started to rub their hands, intending to use force to solve the problem of the throne ...

After the death of old Stensure, he left a son, Stensurere. It is a pity that Steen Sturre was born in 1492 and is now only 13 years old. No matter how you choose, the benefits have nothing to do with the little guy ...

Seeing that the Swedish civil war was about to break out, in order to stabilize the situation, everyone finally made a compromise-let the former old Steen Sturly's deputy Swanten Nielsen succeed the position of the governor and manage Sweden. However, at the same time continue to discuss the question of who will be the king ...

Swant Nielsen has good ability, but no prestige. The most important thing is-he can't suppress the big families in Sweden ...

When Old Stensle was alive, several big families were restrained because of their prestige. However, the new incumbent Svante Nielsen has the ability, but the prestige is too different. At the government affairs meeting, the representatives of those big families didn't give Swantenier a face.

In fact, Swanten Nielsen was considered noble-his mother came from the Bundai family who had been born to King Karl VIII.

If Swanten Nielsen was born in the Bundai family, it is estimated that there is no need to choose. The king must be Swanten Nielsen. After all, he has no prestige anymore, and he is better than the unwieldy guys of those big families.

However, the Stuart family of Swanten Nielsen's patriarchal family is not a few top-level families, and can't compete with the Vaasa family and the Bundai family. Even the head of the Bundai family, where his mother was, did not support Swanten Nielsen. After all, the Bundai family also wanted to compete for this throne.

Therefore, in Sweden, after the death of old Stensure, there is chaos. Because, several powerful families, all want to compete for this throne ......

It should be understood that competing for the king and the president for future generations are completely two concepts. Because the king is hereditary ~ ~ and the president does it in turn.

As long as the throne is won, if not heirs, the throne is generally hereditary by a family, which belongs to "a success, benefit for generations." Therefore, the fight for the throne is very fierce, and everyone does not give in to each other.

For example, the Bundai family believed that their family had been born to King Karl VIII and belonged to a family with a noble lineage, and they should inherit the throne. But the Tot family expressed strong opposition because Karl VIII had only one daughter and was married to the Tot family. Therefore, the Tot family believes that the throne should be in the Tot family.

The Vaasa family and several other powerful families believe that Karl VIII was also selected by several big families. Since Karl VIII was chosen by everyone, why can't you choose again ...

For this throne, several big families have tortured extremely hard, almost reaching the critical point of using force ...

Originally, this has nothing to do with Marin. However, according to information, after the death of Old Stensure, some large Swedish families began to covet the huge benefits of the Falun Copper Mine. In particular, the Vaasa family who later gave birth to Gu Erye. Because the Fa Yilun copper mine is very close to the territory of the Vaasa family. Facing the huge reserves and output of the Fa Yilun copper mine, the Vaasa family moved on and tried to join other powerful families to **** the huge benefits of the copper mine ...