The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 766: Saved a group of Daming refugees

"Bang-Bang-Bang-" After the round of shooting was completed, when the smoke had dispersed, the second row of musketeers had not opened the fire. Commander Wisett began to observe the results ...

Generally speaking, at a distance of 50 to 60 meters, the shooting is more certain. However, Wissett was surprised to find that the other party did not die a few people ...

Why? Because this group of Japanese pirates charged the squad line, it was the most suitable for dealing with queuing shots. This is not because the Japanese pirates know how to deal with muskets, but they are equivalent to the martial arts masters in the novel. They have strong martial arts but no discipline. Therefore, when charging, the formation is chaotic. But precisely, this is very consistent with the tactics of dealing with volleyball.

Of course, this is just one of them. Another important reason is-height problem ...

Yes, height problem. This group of Japanese pirates are generally only 1.5 meters tall, and those who are more than 1.6 meters are considered "great men". However, the general height of the sailors of the North Sea country is more than 1m6 and 1m7. In this way, the height difference between the two sides ...

According to the habits in Europe and Daming, when these musketeers shoot, they will raise the muskets to the level of their shoulders, and then point them forward to shoot ...

The problem is here ...

These pirates were shorter than the sailors of the North Sea Kingdom, and the sailors' guns were moved forward. Then, the height of the rifle is aimed at the pirate ’s head instead of the chest ...

But how big is the head area? In addition, when people are charging, their heads are also shaking, which is very difficult to aim and hit. In later generations, even snipers aiming at human headshots with their sights, only dare to aim at their heads when the target stops. If the target is active, it is better to aim at the upper body. Because, grasp more ...

The sailors and musketeers of the North Sea country committed empirical dogmatism and still fired their muskets flatly, but the shooting coverage area was the heads of the Japanese warriors. The hit rate of the smoothbore was not high, and the hit rate was even lower.

Therefore, in the first round of shooting, only a few Japanese warriors were shot. But the Japanese pirates who were shot all died on the spot. Why? Because of the headshot ... the bullet hit the body, and it may take a long time to die before dying. But when he hit his head, dozens of grams of lead bombs came over and basically died on the spot. And some of the pirates who were hit by the unfortunate head, some of their brains were smashed out ...

If the farmer army of the Daming Southeastern Guard House sees such a scene, they may be frightened. However, this group of pirates was not scared. Because they are all murderous robbers, they have been numb for death ... even if they were splashed by their companions' brains, these pirates still fiercely waved their swords and continued to rush forward ...


Wissett thought for a moment, and reacted too-this group of opponents was too small to target with the old method. So he commanded the second row of musketeers loudly:

"Everyone, the muzzle is slightly depressed, aiming at this group of enemies' chest!"

So, the second row of musketeers pushed their muzzles down ...


Sure enough, the second round of shooting brought more casualties to the pirates-dozens of pirates fell to the ground ...

But this group of Japanese pirates was still unaffected. Under the leadership of the lucky Samurai leader Fujita Kijiro, the remaining Japanese pirates shouted "onboard" and continued to wave their swords forward ...

"Third row, aim at--"



The three-stage strike was over. There were more than 30 Japanese warriors, but only four people were left, including Fujita Kijiro. However, the Musketeers also had a short gap period. Because the reloading of the first row of musketeers is not over ...

Therefore, under Wessett's order, a total of 40 spearmen on both sides, holding a 4 meter long spear, outwrote the four surviving Japanese warriors ...

Forty spearmen and four pirates, everyone thought they were stable. However, the result was surprising ...

Although these four Japanese warriors were short, they were extremely flexible. Although so many spears came, they did not panic. Relying on their short stature, they flexibly avoided the stabbing of dozens of spears ...

Moreover, the daggers in their hands were so sharp that they even cut off several spears ...

"Fu Qian Qian Liu Liu!" After cutting off the spear of a Beihai sailor, Wu Yiqiang Fujita Kijiro took advantage of him, shouted it, and wiped it on the neck of the sailor with a spear, and killed on the spot The unlucky sailor ...

When the battle ended, Columbus and Conte were surprised to find that-40 spearmen dealt with these 4 Japanese warriors, although they were all killed, but 3 sailors were killed and 5 sailors were killed. Cut ...

"What a fierce enemy!" Kong Tai surprised.

"Yeah, despite being short!" Columbus nodded.

At this time, Kong Tai suddenly remembered that when Marin was teaching them Chinese, he said a word—for the Japanese warrior, it is better to use a gun or a plate armor knight. (Of course, Marin did not say that Yuanyang array is also suitable. But he did not engage in such a thing as Yuanyang array, so there is no need to mention it)

Needless to say with a gun, the results just now proved everything. The plate armor knight is also very powerful, and the plate armor can resist the pirate's sword, and it can prevail.

And Weissett also summed up a point-that is, when attacking the pirates, the musketeers must press the muzzle slightly, otherwise they will not hit ... After all, the other party is a little short ...

It is important to know that before the later generations of Japan vigorously promoted the policy of drinking milk to grow tall, the height of the Japanese was indeed not high. Even during the Anti-Japanese War, although the Japanese soldiers had good living conditions, their height was generally only 1.6 meters. Moreover, it is mostly 1m6. If there is a devil with a height of one meter seven or even eight meters ... do n’t guess, it is a Korean devil ...


Looking at the three dead sailors, Kong Tai suddenly had a big head. The five wounded sailors are very easy to say, because a lot of gold wound medicine, alcohol and gauze are prepared on board. The knife wound looks horrible, but as long as it is not cut to the vital or vascular artery, and it is disinfected to ensure that it is not infected, it is not a big deal.

Fortunately, although the wounded five sailors had deep wounds, one of them was cut off a piece of meat by a sharp Japanese knife, but it didn't hurt. After urgent treatment, as long as you rest for a while, it will be fine. But the three unlucky eggs that were hacked to death on the spot couldn't help ...

Therefore, Kong Tai decided to take the ashes back to his country in accordance with the method of the Marin Army-cremation ...

In fact, Christians do not popularize cremation, but rather burial. However, Kong Tai once heard Marin explain that if the fleet returned to the country with a coffin containing dead people, it would be easy to breed a plague halfway. Once the plague breeds, no one else on the ship can run away ...

Therefore, in order not to let the dead people hinder the living people, Marin's attitude is-the cremation of the war dead and the ashes to return to the country for burial ... or, burial on the spot ... Moreover, Marin gives each soldier his right to choose, choose After cremation, he returned home with cremated ashes or buried in situ ...

Most soldiers chose to cremate and take the ashes home, because the soldiers believe that the soul will be redeemed when they return home ...


Just when Kong Tai was worried, the more than 50 refugees who had escaped came to Columbus and Kong Tai under the leadership of an old man in his 50s ...

I saw that the old man came to Columbus and Kong Tai, who were wearing Chinese costumes, and bent down to say:

"Old Liu Liugen, representing the survivors of Jilong Village, has written the life-saving grace of the two adults." The old man used the less skilled Daming mandarin, but Kong Tai could understand it.

Hearing what the old man said, Kong Tai was surprised:

"Do you understand Mandarin?" This is not to be confused by Kong Tai. During that time in Guangzhou, Kong Tai discovered that the villagers of the Ming Dynasty generally spoke dialects, which he could not understand. Only those officials and scholars with high status can understand Mandarin.

However, this is Dongfan Island, not Daming native, and it is too rare to encounter an old man who can speak Mandarin. It stands to reason that Fanmin should be right here. However, looking at the old man's clothes, it is a bit like the people of Ming Dynasty, and he can speak Mandarin ...

Liu Laogen rolled his eyes and said, "Your yellow-haired, blue ghost can speak Mandarin. Is it strange that the old man speaks Mandarin?"

But he explained patiently:

"When I was young, I also studied in private schools for a few years. Although my studies were not good enough and I couldn't get merit, I would also speak a little Mandarin!"

"It turns out that ..." Kong Tai realized, but asked with doubt:

"Listening to the old man's talk and dress, it should be the people of Daming, how can it appear on Dongfan Island?"

Old Liutou sighed and explained:

"Do not hide this adult, the old man and dozens of people in the same village, originally lived in the small Liuzhuang on the seaside of Putian County, Hujian Xinghua Prefecture. In the twelfth year of Hongzhi (1499) in April, Putian was flooded and the landslide overflowed. I took the villagers and took a dozen fishing boats to take refuge in the sea. I originally wanted to go north, but was hit by strong winds and was blown to Dongfan Island ... I accidentally discovered this island and took dozens of survivors to settle down on the island. After six years, I am happy ... Unfortunately, I met this group of pirate pirates ... Today, more than a dozen people were killed by pirates, only 50 people are left ... If you do n’t meet the army of adults, I am afraid that all will be killed here ... "" After finishing the speech, he made a deep blow to the two ...

"You're welcome, just a show of effort. We're the ship from Daming, a country in the northwest of Thailand. We just passed by. Save you, but it's just a matter of effort. However, Lao Zhang, why don't you board the big island? On this small island, The land that can be reclaimed is very limited ... "

Indeed, the total area of ​​Sheliao Island is only over 100 hectares. Among them, 66 hectares were classified as Heping Island Marine Park in later generations. In the park, there are mainly rocks on the seaside ... That is to say, this island can cultivate up to 30 to 40 hectares of arable land. Even if the whole land is reclaimed, Liu Laogen ’s dozens of people in the whole village, each family will have ten acres of land ... And looking at the degree of development on the island, it seems that the cultivated land on the island is divided equally among the villagers of Jilong Village. Only five or six acres of land ...

Liu Laogen, the village head of Jilong Village, sighed:

"We also want to go farming on the land across the river, but the Fans are not allowed! We tried to go to the island, but they were rushed back! We are just like this ~ ~ People, they can only nest on this small island to farm! "

"So it turns out ..."

To put it bluntly, the Han people in exile in Jilong Village could not beat the indigenous Fan people on the main island. If they could fight, they would have landed to grab the fertile land on the Keelung River ...

As for why it is called Jilong Village, it is said that he fled to this time a few years ago to deal with the local indigenous people and ask them about their place names. Those indigenous people preached the chicken cage ... So, the name of the new village simply used the Minji chicken cage Named here ...

That is to say, on Sheliao Island, Kong Tai rescued a group of Daming refugees inadvertently ... However, after this group of refugees fled to Sheliao Island, they found that the area could be cultivated. If you farm here, you are not subject to the jurisdiction of the government, you do not need to pay taxes, and you do n’t have to serve. Therefore, the whole village simply settled down here ...

It's just that they didn't expect to live on an isolated island. The surrounding water can resist the indigenous people on the main island of Taiwan, but it cannot stop the pirates who are good at sailing.

If there were no Kongtai to lead the army, Jilong Village would become history today ... after all, those Japanese pirates were all murderous demon ...