The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 811: Win the battle (Part 2)

Schwartz's plan is well arranged, but reality often does not follow the plan. According to Schwartz's arrangement, let the eight thousand soldiers of the Principality of Cliff hit the weak right wing of the enemy army, which should be a successful one. However, it happened unexpectedly ...

General Wolfgang took the 8,000 men and women with confidence to attack the right wing of the Geddes army. That was a weak point, and the elite troops of the Principality of Geddes were all in front. Nature is not elite. So he confidently directed the army to charge the right wing of the Gedesi army ...

Then, what surprised General Wolfgang was that the army of the Duchy of Geddes actually withstood their impact ... Although it was a bit reluctant, it finally withstood ...

Originally, many people in the Geddes army were desperate. They all believed that after this impact, the Geddes army would be defeated. Therefore, some people are ready to run. But the right-wing spearmen gave the Geddes a surprise-they withstood the enemy's charge. Although they were very embarrassed, they finally withstood it!

At this moment, the despair of the Gede Division was forgotten, and Marshal Bonitz of the Gede Division took the opportunity to shout:

"The enemies on the side are the militia, we are not afraid of them!"

Encouraged by Marshal Bonitz, the morale of the right-wing generals of Geddes was greatly boosted, and he repelled the next two consecutive charges of the Cliff army.

"They are militia!"

"They are militia!"


Before the battle came the voice of General Geddes, and General Wolfgang almost vomited blood ...

What is a militia? Generally, it refers to the auxiliary army that regular army soldiers have brought together, and is also called conscription. This kind of army can only bully the common people, or follow the regular army to pick and leak, and it has no place in the army.

The Gedesi people called the Cliff Regular Army as a militia, which is simply an insult to the Gedesi Regular Army soldiers ...

The soldiers of the Principality of Cliff were very angry, because the enemy did not take them seriously. However, they are useless to be angry. Because the morale of the opponent has already risen, and the combat effectiveness of the forces on the flanks of Geddes is already equivalent to the army of the Principality of Cliff. Even if they are angry, they cannot break through the enemy's defense line.

Morale is really mysterious. If two people compete, even if the weaker side is more confident, it is inevitable that the master will be suppressed and beaten. Because, the gap is really difficult to close with confidence.

However, once the number breaks through a thousand, it is difficult to say. A weak brigade, if it comes to morale, is also likely to complete a major reversal and defeat a strong enemy. Of course, the weak and strong here refers to the army with the same equipment level. If one side is armed with a gun and the other side is armed with a large sword and spear, it is not morale to compensate ...

The right wing of the Gedesi army is not weak, but their combat effectiveness is not worse than that of the Principality of Cliff. In addition, they have withstood the opponent's attack before, and their self-confidence has come up, and morale has also gained. Then, there is how to play.

And the evil result of this is that even the morale of the entire Geddes army came up. Originally, in the battle before the battle, the veterans in front of Geddes were a bit overwhelmed. But as the overall morale of the army increased, they actually withstood the pressure of the North Sea army ...

"This is troublesome ..." Schwartz's face collapsed when he saw this ...

"Otherwise, we are on the Spike Commando?" Sauer who came to Schwartz suggested.

On this expedition, Marin allocated 100 Spike Commando fighters to Schwartz. These commandos are extremely strong fighters, wearing full-body plate armour, holding heavy mace, and they are the warriors charged. However, because the number is too small, it needs to be used in the most critical places.

Originally, Schwartz was intended to be used before the battle. His plan was to wait until the first three rows of the enemy's veterans were beaten and disabled, and dispatch a spiked commando to rush at the appropriate time, as the last straw to crush the enemy, so that the enemy would be defeated.

However, due to the ineffective combat of the Cliff Army, the enemy's popularity rose, but it made Schwartz embarrassed:

"Now the popularity of the enemy is soaring, if you use the Spike Commando, you may not be able to achieve the greatest results!"

Sauer thought for a while and said:

"Then send it to the flank to support the army of the Principality of Cliff! As long as you tear a big hole in the wing, I think the army of the Principality of Cliff should not waste this opportunity?"

"Just don't touch the opponent's musketeer, otherwise wearing plate armor is useless."

"It's okay, I can tell the spiked commandos that after breaking through the line of defense of the enemy spearmen, they turn right and hit the rear of the enemy veterans. This way, they can avoid the enemy musketeer front and interfere with the front The Veteran Front of the Gede Division against our army! "

"Good idea, I'll leave it to you!"

"Yes, just look at it!" After receiving the military orders and tokens signed by Schwartz, Sauer went to take over the soldiers of the Spike Commando ...

The soldiers of the Spike Commando were now in the rear convoy, all wearing plate armor, but were sitting in the car to rest. After all, walking in plate armor is tiring. Therefore, although they were wearing plate armor to prepare for the battle, they sat down to save energy.

After showing Schwarz's warrant and tokens, Sauer ordered:

"Hurry up and follow me, let's go to the flank!"

Then, Sauer took a horse convoy carrying 100 Spike Commando fighters to the camp of the Principality of Cliff. But before that, Sauer sent scouts under his command to inform General Wolfgang, let their army make way, and let the Wolves Commando march forward ...

After reaching the middle of the army of the Principality of Cliff, Sauerzema came to General Wolfgang and asked:

"What's the situation, General Wolfgang?"

After Wolfgang glanced at Sauer shamefully, he said depressively:

"The morale of the enemy has come up, this battle is a bit difficult to fight!"

"If my people can tear a hole in the flanks of the enemy, will your people be sure to expand the results?"

"Does this work?" Wolfgang didn't know the existence of the Spike Commando, so he was a bit puzzled.

"Of course, we have secret forces, and we can completely tear a hole in the enemy line. However, this force has few people and lacks long-lasting combat effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to stabilize and expand the results of the large force!"

After thinking about it, Wolfgang said:

"Guarantee to complete the mission, this time, I personally take the lead in charging. If I can't fight, I won't come back!" After that, Wolfgang began to inspire his men, saying that this battle was not successful ...

Sauer nodded and began to arrange the Spike Commando to get out of the carriage, lined up, and hid behind the Cliffs of the Cliffs in order to give the enemy a surprise ...

"Charge!" General Wolfgang personally mounted the horse, withdrew his sword, and rushed forward with the major forces of the Principality of Cliff ...

"Hey, the militia on the opposite side is here to die!" The right-wing soldier of the Geddes army with high morale saw the Cliff army charge again, but he was not afraid, but full of confidence ...

However, when the Cliff army rushed to the front and back, the spearmen in the front row suddenly spread out to the left and right. Then, in front of the Geddes army, there appeared a hundred plate armoured infantry armed to the teeth, holding a stout, nail-stuck wooden stick ...

"Wolf Commando, Assault!" Nicholas Cage, who commanded this unit, spearheaded the mace, and rushed into the enemy line in the surprised eyes of the soldiers on the opposite side ...

Seeing the enemy rushing up, Geddes spearman speared the spear over. However, this is useless, because the spiked soldiers are wearing full-body plate armor, and are high-carbon steel full-body plate armor, the protection is super high ~ ~ Poke up, and only hear the crisp sound of "dingling" .

Cage didn't care about the spears that stabbed him. He waved the mace and smashed the spears, and then greeted the enemy's face and body with the nailed part on the front of the mace ...

"Ah-" The Geddes soldier who was greeted by the spikes on the mace suddenly wailed. Of course, it wasn't just the Gedes spearman who was hit by Cage alone. Near this person, other Gede spearmen who were hit by the mace of the mace commando soldiers also sent out bursts of sorrow ...

Soon, the 100-man Spike Commando ripped a large opening in the right wing of the Gedesi army. General Wolfgang immediately shouted after seeing it:

"Follow up!" Then, with a team of guards, he charged forward and followed behind the Spike Commando.

Cliff's army officers and men saw that the coach had spearheaded, how could it make sense? So, they also rushed ...

Then, the more torn the opening ...

In the end, the right wing of the Geddes army collapsed ...