The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 845: Hydrogen balloon event

When he made the hydrogen balloon himself, Marin realized that the original production of hydrogen balloon is also high-tech ...

There is no problem in the hydrogen production step. Marin has zinc metal in hand, and dilute sulfuric acid can be scooped from concentrated sulfuric acid and diluted with water. But the collection of hydrogen seems a bit difficult. Mainly to ensure that hydrogen does not leak.

In the beginning, Marin used wide-mouth bottles, and found it difficult to guarantee that hydrogen would not leak. Later, he directly used a thin-mouth bottle to make it, and directly put a balloon on the bottle to collect hydrogen.

But the balloon also went wrong. Marin didn't have high elastic rubber in his hands, so he could only sew a simple balloon out of cowhide. However, the sewn balloon is not well sealed, and there is a slight leak. Although gluing can solve the problem, the problem is that the quality of the glue in this year is very poor, but it does not have the ability of 502 glue in later generations. Marin can guarantee that the glue-bonded balloons of this era will be fine if they are small, and they will definitely collapse when they are bigger. Therefore, don't even think about the large manned hydrogen balloon or something.

In the end, Marin found a suitable hydrogen balloon raw material-pig urine bubble from the slaughterhouse ...

But what makes Marin depressed is that in this era, the domestic pigs in Europe were smaller in size, and the pig urine bubbles were smaller. Marin was speechless when he looked at a pig urine bubble that was one size smaller than the one seen in the previous life.

But in any case, the tightness of the pig urine bubble is indeed much better than the sewn leather ball, but it can also be bigger. Then, in the backyard of Aurich ’s palace, I saw the bear child Caesar, with Robert, who was still unsteady walking, dragging a few pig urine bubble hydrogen balloons to the wild yard ...

Later, the deeply inspired Marin went to the slaughterhouse again, made a cow urine bubble, and made a large hydrogen balloon. But I didn't expect that this large hydrogen balloon was too buoyant. When young Robert took the large hydrogen balloon alone, he was almost taken away. If it were n’t for Marin ’s eyesight, Comrade Robert, the future Pope, might have followed the hydrogen bubble of the cow urine ... Then it must fall into a meatloaf ...

Then, Felice, a pregnant woman with a big belly, broke out-she chased Marin, wanting to bite and scratch ...

You know, Felice regarded Robert as the future pope. After all, for a woman, the temptation of "the pope's mother" is too great. Malin was so messed up that she nearly broke her dreams, and the mother's love for the cubs and the pregnant women were already unstable, so she broke out.

To replace this with other women, Marin had already suppressed it. However, Felice was the pope's daughter-in-law, too big to come, and with his children, Marin had to admit that he was wrong, and finally calmed Felice's unstable mood. It was also because he had practiced martial arts and hid fast, or his face would be scratched with blood marks.

Marin, who learned his lesson, quickly took away the large hydrogen balloon made of cow urine and left it to the two sons to play with a little pig urine bubble.


Unexpectedly, this matter disturbed Da Vinci. After hearing about the fact that the hydrogen balloon almost brought Robert Jr. to heaven, the greatest scientist of this era suddenly had a dream of flying:

"Dagong, please make a few more urinary hydrogen bubbles for me. I want to tie them together and take myself to heaven ..."

Marin almost jumped up:

"Ada, why do you want to die if you think so?"

"Seek death?" Leonardo didn't understand.

Marin hastened a wave of science popularization:

"The hydrogen balloon itself contains flammable and explosive gas, and when the hydrogen balloon reaches high altitude, because the high air pressure is very low, the pressure in the balloon is much greater than the external environment, and then it will burst through the explosion ... Barabara Barbara ... In short The day is dead! "Marin explained for a long time, his mouth dry.

Da Vinci blinked and blinked, saying:

"What is air pressure? How do you know that high air pressure becomes low?"

Marin is crying-I am a liberal arts student! Although the basic physical chemistry in the middle school is okay, it is not professional ...

Then he had to come up with the ultimate shield:

"This is what my teacher Einstein said ..."

Leonardo was even more confused ...

Marin had no choice but to demonstrate the danger of the hydrogen balloon. In front of Da Vinci, he detonated two cow urine bubble hydrogen balloons and instantly burned a sheep as a test sample ...

However, Da Vinci was frightened, as were Angela and Felice. After confiscating the children's pig urine bubble hydrogen balloon, Marin was also pursued by the two women for a while:

"Dare to give children such dangerous things to play, do you want to kill them?" Even Angela, who is very gentle, has soared this time ...

Marin wanted to cry without tears, so he had to sleep alone in the office at night ...

Speaking of it, Marin was careless. Although the pig urine bubble hydrogen balloon is small, it can also contain hydrogen gas. The two little guys are exactly the age of the bear children. If they accidentally encounter an open flame, they may really be burned. Therefore, in the face of the question between Angela and Felice, he can only admit his mistake. If it weren't for Da Vinci to play in the sky, Marin almost forgot the danger of hydrogen balloons.


Although the old man Da Vinci gave up the unreliable plan to tie the flying sky with a cow urine bubble hydrogen balloon because of the high risk, he still had a strong interest in hydrogen and applied for more concentrated sulfuric acid to experiment.

A look at Marin—Is it worth it? Da Vinci is the only reliable scientist under Marin. If he is accidentally killed or burned by playing with hydrogen, his loss will be too great.

So Marin had to use other things to divert Da Vinci's attention:

"Ada, can you help me redesign a steering wheel system? The steering wheel is a bit behind now, and no one can turn ..."

Marin is also right. The steering wheel system, which was designed by a group of watchmakers before, used a large number of copper gears and rods as levers. Although it can also be used, it is only half the effort than the early rudder stock. That is to say, in the past, 4 sailors were used to pull the rudder stock, now only 2 sailors are required to pull the steering wheel together ...

However, this is not enough. Marin feels it is better to use the descendant version of the moving pulley and rope. However, there is a problem that the ropes for navigation in later generations are basically nautical ropes made of sisal fiber that are resistant to wear and seawater corrosion. But now Marin only has linen rope, and the quality is obviously not up to standard. Therefore, Marin originally planned to wait for the Mexican sisal to be found, and then let Da Vinci build a new steering wheel system. Anyway, it's useless now.

But seeing Da Vinci obsessed with dangerous hydrogen, Marin had no choice but to use the research and development of a moving wheel rope to control the steering wheel system. Anyway, get it out first, and wait for the sisal to change the rope.

"Should Ada stop now?" Marin breathed a sigh of relief.

It is estimated that it will be a long time until the new steering wheel system is developed. Maybe Leonardo has forgotten the hydrogen ...

But things didn't work out. Within a few days, Leonardo came to Marin with a calm face holding a stack of drawings:

"Duke, I researched it ..."

Marin: ...

"So fast?" Marin was a little surprised ~ ~ He remembered that he spent a long time with the group of watchmakers who studied the steering wheel system of the gear lever series before.

But unexpectedly, Da Vinci raised his head in doubt and asked in reply:

"Does it take a long time? You have all come up with ideas. I will turn it into a real thing, will it take a few days?"

Marin suddenly suffered 100,000 crit damage ...

"It seems that we don't understand the world of genius ..." Marin sighed.

I also thought about it. The former watchmakers were at best artisans. Who is Da Vinci? People are the top scientists of this era. At the same time, they have super hands-on skills, or they ca n’t make machine lions—although that ’s about 1516 ... If you use one identity to quantify Da Vinci ’s ability, then academicians and academicians of the Academy of Sciences The best description of Leonardo's ability ...

Therefore, you can't look at geniuses with ordinary people's eyes, they are not in the same plane as you ...