The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 853: Elementary school students are also "hig

What kind of existence do elementary school graduates exist? In modern times, elementary school graduation is almost the same as illiteracy. Not only that, elementary school students are despised groups. For example, the game propaganda of the unconventional games in the later generations is like "taking strength to take the lead and rejecting the primary school students" ... It can be seen that in modern times, primary school students are the object of being despised.

However, to Marin's surprise, in this era, the newly graduated primary school students are really popular ...

Marin's junior high school students only recruited 2000 students. Another 4,000 elementary school students are going directly to the society. There are generally two ways out for them-one is to be an apprentice to a craftsman, and the other is to enter a non-commissioned officer's school and work half-time.

What is a non-commissioned officer school? It is the school that trains the lowest-level small officers. Sergeants are under the rank of military officers, but have a higher status than ordinary soldiers. Specific to the military, in modern times, it is the status of the head and deputy squad leader. In this era, it is the existence of captains and deputy captains.

Generally speaking, in the ancient class society, civilians were the highest non-commissioned officers in the army, but it was almost impossible to be an officer above the non-commissioned officer. Don't look at the non-commissioned officer, it is one level lower than the lowest-ranking officer lieutenant, but this level is an insurmountable gap.

Even in later generations, noncommissioned officers are difficult to upgrade to second lieutenant. Lieutenant platoon leaders in the military are generally graduated from military schools. Ordinary soldiers want to upgrade, unless a war breaks out and makes merits.

However, that is modern. In ancient times, soldiers of civilian origin, even if they made military achievements, were only granted the status of non-commissioned officers and could not become true officers.

Of course, in Marin, it does not care about the identity of civilians and nobles. However, since becoming a great nobleman, Marin must also obey some rules. For example, if students from these civilian schools join the army, they will at most become non-commissioned officers. They cannot become officers at once, even the lowest-ranking officers. Otherwise, those officers will give up their lives and forget about their deaths. As a result, the treatment of future generations will be the same as that of civilians. Can others be happy?

But this is just a different start. Just like the games of later generations, noble children are VIP players, and the start is a set of excellent equipment. And civilian children, do n’t even have a dog ...

Marin ostensibly followed the rules of this era-civilians cannot start as officers. However, for future development, Marin did not intend to abide by the rules of this era, but changed to-civilians can also be upgraded to officers through meritorious service. However, in a peaceful era, if there is no war, the non-commissioned officer is the end of the civilian children ...

In this way, Marin's doing so can also be regarded as an explanation for those who followed his birth and death. Let them feel that it is still very good to be a noble.

But in fact, Marin felt that wars were so frequent in this era, and there was basically no peace era. Therefore, there are opportunities for civilian children to upgrade. Even if the war in Europe stops, Marin can send them to the Americas to fight natives, or to Japan to fight Japanese pirates ... In short, there are opportunities for escalation ...


This is Marin's definition of a non-commissioned officer-a senior soldier with a culture ...

The non-commissioned schools are very different from ordinary schools. The students in non-commissioned schools are not full-time students, but use busy farming hours to teach. Once the busy farming begins, all students in the non-commissioned officer's school have to go home to help. In other words, the students in the non-commissioned school are not full-time students, but must take care of labor. After all, these eliminated primary school graduates are also 13 or 14 years old. In this era, it can serve as an important labor force in the family.

Only when the farm is free, Marin will call them up in school to learn cultural knowledge and military skills. After these children reach adulthood, they can grow into high-quality grass-roots officers. Once the small grass-roots military officers are all culturally high-quality non-commissioned officers, then Marin ’s North Sea Army can transform into a powerful army like the Prussian army.

In Marin's opinion, the combat effectiveness of the army has a lot to do with the quality of grassroots officers. The German army was stronger than the French army because of the power of Prussian education in Germany. Prussia is the first country in the world to implement compulsory education for all, but its purpose is largely to improve the quality of military soldiers.

The opposite is France. The senior French officers are certainly highly educated and personable. But the French grassroots officers are all brutal and rude, and their quality is far worse than the Prussian grassroots officers. As a result, this resulted in the French army not catching up with the Germans. In the Franco-Prussian War, France was defeated. World War II was also wiped out. Only in World War I, with the help of British **** sticks, could it withstand the German offensive.

This half-work half-time non-commissioned non-commissioned officer school also has a three-year education system. After 3 years, these children are almost 16 years old. But at the age of 16, it was still difficult to pull directly to the battlefield. All Marin decided to temporarily put them into the militia, only to gather for training every winter. When they reach the age of 18, they will be recruited into the army as needed.


Marin planned this way. He planned to put half of them into the non-commissioned officer school, and then dispatch excellent grassroots officers to serve as instructors. At the same time, cultural missionaries were sent to teach them literacy and brainwashing.

However, the plan cannot keep up with the changes. Because, just for the 4,000 elementary school students, Beihai almost fought ...


How could they fight? It turned out that the big craftsmen in Beihai, in order to obtain excellent apprentices, withstand these eliminated primary school graduates ...

They are all eliminated, why are they still said to be "excellent"? This starts from the background of this era ...

In this era, there are very few literate civilians. Generally speaking, the nobles and priests are mainly cultured. Of course, in addition to these two groups, there are some civilians who are also literate. They are craftsmen and businessmen ...

However, the literacy of these craftsmen and businessmen is very limited, limited to the needs of daily life. In addition, they will also have a little elementary school math.

So, how do these artisans and merchants read? Here we have to mention a custom in ancient Europe-apprenticeship ...

In this era, civilians generally do not have the opportunity to go to school. Except for a small number of wealthy civilians who have spent a lot of money to send their children to school, most civilians have only one way to read-that is, to be an apprentice ...

Ancient apprentices are completely different from modern apprentices. Modern young people who work just now enter the factory and are nominally apprentices, but they still enjoy apprenticeship salaries and do not have to treat their masters as uncle. In ancient times, whether in China or Europe, apprentices were actually free labor recruited by artisans and merchants. Moreover, it is generally child labor ...

In ancient Europe, the apprenticeship generally lasted 7 years. During these 7 years, the apprentices worked for the master craftsmen and merchants for free, and it was good to be able to manage the food. Some stingy masters do not care about meals.

However, the apprentices have no choice. Because their only chance to learn craftsmanship is to be an apprentice. In the 7-year apprenticeship, not only can they learn craftsmanship, but the masters will also teach them literacy and simple mathematical calculations. Generally, this level of calculation does not exceed the third or fourth grade of elementary school ...

Even so, being able to learn craftsmanship and simple cultural knowledge is also a great accomplishment for civilian children. After all, the children of civilians generally do not have the opportunity to go to school and can learn literacy, most of them learned from the master.

However, those craftsmen and businessmen actually only have a half-skilled level of education. Often those apprentices are not necessarily up to the third grade of primary school after seven years of education.

And the batch of eliminated primary school graduates in Marin's hands may have a higher education level than most artisans ...


In this way, these artisans can take these children who have graduated from elementary school back to apprenticeship, which can directly save the teaching of literacy and directly enter the teaching of skills.

Of course, those craftsmen are not so kind. There is also an important reason why they want this group of elementary school graduates-these primary school students have higher math skills than many craftsmen. Moreover, in the last semester of elementary school, the school also taught the basics of drawing ...

In this way, the apprentices obtained by the craftsmen are not simple apprentices. Such an apprentice not only has a good cultural foundation, but also has a certain drawing ability. Even, their mathematics level surpasses many craftsmen and businessmen themselves. In this way, after the craftsmen get such an apprentice, it is very easy. Some troublesome calculations and drawings can even be left to such advanced apprentices.

what? Are you afraid that these apprentices have learned the ability to walk away? It doesn't exist ... because, these apprentices will sign a 7-year apprenticeship contract at the beginning. In these 7 years, the apprentices are equivalent to selling themselves to the master, there is no freedom at all. Usually, apprentices not only need to help the master. Even, you need to help the master to do the housework. For example, help the master pour the urinal ...

Even if the apprentice learns the technology, it is difficult to leave independent under the contract. Within 7 years, the apprentice was a free helper for craftsmen. If the ability is stronger, it will help the craftsman more. Moreover, a lot of teaching time is also saved.

Therefore, for this batch of 4,000 elementary school graduates, the craftsmen and merchants in Beihai, it is very greedy ...

Not to mention the batch of 4,000 elementary school graduates, that is, the 4,000 people who were eliminated in the third grade of the elementary school two years ago, many of them were robbed (in order to save money, Beihaiguo Elementary School is a five-year system).

Of course, the children who were eliminated two years ago were not very capable. Otherwise, it will not be eliminated. But even those children who are not very good, after all, are in the third grade of elementary school, which is much better than those apprentices who don't know a lot of characters. At least, the teaching link can be omitted. You know, those artisans also have a headache about how to teach literacy and calculation. After all, they are not professional teachers. Moreover, their level is very limited.

The batch that was eliminated two years ago is so easy to use ~ ~ Not to mention that this batch was eliminated?

You know, many of the batches that were eliminated two years ago were poor. Many people have poor literacy levels and poor mathematics. Therefore, they were eliminated.

But even so, the more aggressive group of 4,000 people, in the eyes of many craftsmen, is considered an excellent apprentice.

And this group of 4,000 people who have been eliminated is even more powerful. After all, in the big elimination two years ago, these people were the winners. The second of them is also better than the top two years ago.

Obviously, the education level, including the computational ability and so on, of this batch of students who can reach elementary school graduation far exceeds the batch that was eliminated two years ago. What's more, they also learned the basics of drawing ahead of this era (this is a textbook suitable for elementary school students that Marin compiled based on the "Engineering Drawing" self-taught in the previous life at work).

It can be said that these elementary school graduates, in this era, are especially "high-quality students." So, as soon as they graduated, they caused the robbery of the craftsmen. In order to **** the "high-quality students" who graduated from these elementary schools, some prominent big craftsmen did not hesitate to get to Marin ...