The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 863: Good things in pairs

With the signing of this peace treaty, Denmark is full. You know, the territory that Denmark cut off from Sweden this time is about the equivalent of Kalmar, Skona, Halland, Jönköping, Kronoberg, Blekinge, and so on. Gotland, as well as most of West Yotland and parts of East Yotland. They must add up to about 70,000 square kilometers.

You know, the land of the Kingdom of Denmark used to be more than 40,000 square kilometers. Although there is a large Smolan hilly area in the middle of the 70,000 square kilometers of land, the topography of most areas is relatively flat. The most important thing is that this is the most warm area in Sweden suitable for agriculture ...

In this way, although more than half of the country was lost in the war with Marin, but through this extortion of Sweden, everything was earned.

Moreover, there is only one ore strait between southern Sweden and Copenhagen, the core capital of Denmark. It is also more convenient to manage. Unlike the Kingdom of Norway, although it is also part of Denmark, it is difficult to manage because it is too far away from the Danish capital Copenhagen.

Not only that, because of the capture of southern Sweden, Denmark was lucky enough to escape a political crisis-the Kingdom of Norway wanted to stand on its own after seeing the decline of the Kingdom of Denmark ...

After all, after the defeat of Denmark, Denmark not only lost Sweden, but also lost most of its homeland, leaving only a few islands such as Zealand. In terms of strength, the Kingdom of Denmark is almost behind the Kingdom of Norway. The dominant weak and strong, Norway as a subject, naturally have ideas, want to learn Sweden. Unexpectedly, this time Denmark took advantage of a bit of money to seize southern Sweden, which not only strengthened its strength, but also deterred the opposition within the Kingdom of Norway.


Sweden, however, is more unlucky. The 70,000-square-kilometer southern region, which has lost its best, has to pay 400,000 gold coins.

Fortunately, Marin is willing to invest to increase the development and utilization of Fa Yilun copper mine, which can slow down Sweden's finances. However, this is not so beautiful ...

Why? Because, after all, mineral resources are limited. No matter how large the reserves of Fa Yilun Copper Mine are, there will be a day when the mining is completed ...

Marin remembered that the most prosperous age of the Fa Yilun copper mine was in the middle and late 17th century. At that time, the Fa Yilun Copper Mine produced an average of 3,500 tons of copper per year, which was the largest copper-rich super rich ore in the world at that time.

What is the concept of 3500 tons of copper? In the current situation where the ratio of silver to copper is 1 to 15, it is equivalent to 233.3 tons of silver! Then convert it into gold according to 12 to 1, which is 19.4 tons of gold ...

Of course, copper prices are not static. Before the Dutch introduced Japanese copper, Sweden was always the richest country in Europe. Anyone who has played with the P club knows that the 17th-century Swedish special has opened up-how much money ...

In an era when the price of copper was very expensive, the Kingdom of Sweden did not need big sailing, so I would dig copper mines, and the income would not be worse than others ...

However, copper mines are not endless. After entering the 18th century, there were fewer and fewer Swedish copper mines. Coupled with the introduction of cheap copper from the Dutch Red Hair from Japan, it has impacted Sweden's finances. At the same time, there was a Peter the Great at the edge of the bear, who flattened Sweden off the ground. Then Sweden fell ...

Marin estimated that although the Fa Yilun Copper Mine is rich ore and has large reserves, it can also maintain high-intensity mining for hundreds of years. If you continue to pick, there will be no profit. After all, the mine was already dug deep at that time, making mining extremely difficult and naturally costly. Unlike the new development, they are all mining on the surface, don't be too easy.

Moreover, it is now mined at the surface layer, which can be mined using the blasting method. Bury a gunpowder barrel and pick up the ore as soon as it explodes ... But when you get into the deep well, do you try to blast it? A landslide will kill many people ...

Marin doesn't know what the situation will be a hundred years later, but taking advantage of the fact that he still has half of the shares in Fa Yilun Copper Mine to expand production, large-scale mining of Fa Yilun Copper Mine is justified. As for the depletion of resources in the future, what matters to him? He just made a fortune ...

Of course, this will also benefit the current Kingdom of Sweden. After all, the output of copper mines has increased, and they also took more money. In this way, they can also have capital against Denmark. If Denmark is too strong and Sweden is too weak to reunite Northern Europe, Marin will not be happy.


In addition, this peace agreement is very special. This is because Marin, Lubeck and Hamburg, as mediators, actually signed the contract and ensured peace between the two countries. This is very unusual.

Even at this time, most monarchs in Europe did not see the intention of the three families, thinking that they were really maintaining peace in Northern Europe. Only a few powerful monarchs such as Louis XII and Maximilian I, after thinking, saw the intention of the three families-to maintain the balance of power in the Nordic countries and avoid the emergence of the Kalmar Union as a powerful country. After all, the Danish Kalmar Union robbed the Hanseatic League ’s business in the Baltic region, and it still prevailed. Because Denmark controls the Øresund strait leading to the Baltic Sea ...

Of course, these clever monarchs did not expect that this was Marin's idea. They all thought it was Lübeck and Hamburg. After all, from the end point of view, Lübeck and Hamburg are indeed the biggest beneficiaries.

However, they neglected the benefits of Marin-half of the proceeds of Fa Yilun Copper Mine, but it was not a joke. In the previous life, Marin played "European Storm". During the 17th century, he always started with Sweden and then penetrated Germany. Because there is no strong enemy around Sweden at the start, and there is strong financial support from Fa Yilun Copper Mine. It is much simpler to take the route of the second ancient master interfering in Germany than to use the vassal kingdom in Germany.

However, that was the 17th century, and Sweden's good times were like a hundred years. Later, when I met a rising bear, I was beaten ...


In fact, Marin has worked so hard to maintain the balance of Northern Europe. In addition to conspiracy to benefit from a copper mine in France, there are also concerns about Sweden ’s future intervention in German affairs.

This is also the pit that Marin dug himself before ...

At the beginning, in order to fight against Denmark, the enemy of life and death, Marin did not hesitate to support Sweden, which was at that time making an independence. Not only did he attack Denmark militarily and help Sweden, he also sent someone to help Sweden develop the Fayilun copper mine.

After the first victory in the war against Denmark, Marin also helped Sweden get the whole territory and Gotland ...

However, when Marin won the Jutland Peninsula, it only came to mind-broken, Sweden is going to get bigger ...

When did Sweden become a power? 17th century. Why become a powerful country? First, they recaptured the southern coastal area from Denmark; second, they developed the Faylun Copper Mine ...

That is to say, in order to fight against Denmark, Marin accidentally nurtured a Swedish with great potential ... So, this is a pit dug by Marin himself ...

If Marin was picking up the German princes during the religious war, the Swede suddenly inserted a knife from behind ... Marin's efforts may fail ... Therefore, restricting Sweden has become Marin's second. An important mission after defeating Denmark this time ... and now, this mission is finally basically completed ...

After letting Denmark and Sweden reach a balance ~ ~ When Marin fought a religious war, neither Denmark nor Sweden had the energy to intervene. Because, as long as one of the parties dares to send troops to Germany, the other party certainly does n’t mind copying the other party ’s home ... In this way, Marin does not worry about Sweden sending troops to Germany like in the "Thirty Years War" ... At the same time, Marin can use Half of the equity in Fa Yilun Copper Mine, making big profits ...


With great satisfaction, Marin left Lübeck and returned to Aurich. Unexpectedly, I just solved the problem of taking back half of the equity of Fayilun Copper Mine from Sweden, and another good thing was also sent to the door.

Just after Marin came back, the next morning, there was good news from Emden Port:

"Duke, the governor of Cuba's Tara ordered to bring back the news-the seeds of sisal, found!"

Marlin, who was still a little sleepy, was refreshed:

"Where? Quickly show me!"
