The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 963: Plan to attack Scotland

With the passage of time, the rumors that "John X. Stewart and Queen Margaret conspired to kill James IV" of the "Gold X May" version fabricated by Marin, and with the efforts of the North Sea Chamber of Commerce spies, moved from France to All Europe spread.

Hearing this rumor, both John Stewart and Queen Margaret were so angry that they arrested several drunken men who spread rumors in a Scottish tavern and hanged them in public, trying to quell the spread of the rumors.

However, their approach can only calm down the spread of rumors in Scotland, and they are powerless to spread rumors in other countries. Of course, as an ally, French King Louis XII also ordered the prohibition of the spread of rumors in France. However, because it is not a French matter, France is not strong enough to ban rumors. After all, it is impossible for French local officials to wantonly persecute their own people for the sake of a foreign monarch. Therefore, in France, rumors are only transferred from the public to private, but cannot be prohibited. Not to mention other countries that are not friendly to Scotland.

In England, Edward had been secretly reminded by Marin, pretending to be unknowing at first. Later, the Scottish side unilaterally accused England of murdering James IV and the rumor that "dogs and men murdered James IV" successively spread to England.

At this time, Edward jumped out and strongly condemned the "coup" and "killing" behavior in Scotland. Edward pointed out publicly that-His Majesty James IV was killed near the Scottish capital Edinburgh, which is far away from England, and there are too many mountains in the middle, the English people can not cross the mountains. Even if they were able to cross mountains and hills, they sent at most a small number of infantry, and were not at all opponents of the mighty Scotsman. James IV had 50 martial arts strong and heavily armed Scottish knights who guarded all the way. To kill them, there must be more martial arts strong knights. The English Cavaliers could not cross the mountains to ambush James IV, and the infantry could not beat the Scottish Knights even if they passed ... Therefore, the Scots were lying and killing James IV was basically the knight of the rebellion in Scotland. Because only a knight can kill a knight ...

This view of Edward was confirmed by most people after it was published. Indeed, the Gobrich Valley is too close to Edinburgh, and it is difficult for the English Cavaliers to cross the mountains and get there. The only soldiers who can cross mountains and hills are infantry from mountain people. But can the infantry beat the knight? In the eyes of people at the time, this was obviously impossible. Because, according to the survivors, only 50 people attacked James IV ’s team. Fair heads-up, only knights can defeat knights, this is the common sense of Europeans ...

It's just that everyone doesn't know that Malin's pervert has selected a group of powerful men from the German mountain people to form the most elite melee armies-Wolffang Commando. Because the Spike Commando is usually low-key, although they shine in the battle of Lübeck, they all use Spike, and they have a high degree of recognition. This team, however, did not use mace. Therefore, no one guessed that it would be the action of Marin's Spike Commando.


In accordance with Marin's suggestion, Edward was making great efforts at this time, strongly condemning the murderous act of murdering the king in Scotland, and calling on all countries to severely punish Scotland and execute the killers.

Moreover, despite the agreement with James IV on "inheriting the throne", Edward never mentioned the matter at this time. Because, if he mentions this matter at this time, it is easy to be suspected of being the murderer. Therefore, he was just clamoring to kill the murderer of the king, without mentioning the succession to the Scottish throne.

At the same time, England also began to act at this time. After all, spring cultivation is over, and England can free up troops to attack Scotland.

Moreover, the gathering of soldiers and horses in England this time was conducted in public, and the momentum was very loud. Edward ’s intention was to let countries know that I only started to gather soldiers after I learned of the murder of James IV, rather than being prepared ...

The difference between the gathering of soldiers and horses before the news and the gathering of soldiers and horses after the news is very big. If England had gathered soldiers early, other countries could see at a glance that James IV ’s death was related to England. Otherwise, how could you prepare soldiers in advance?

However, if the soldiers and horses were gathered after learning the news, Edward said that he did not know about it. Gathering soldiers and horses at this time, at most, expressed that Edward wanted to fish in muddy water, rather than premeditated.

In fact, Edward had already negotiated with Marin about the specific battle plan-England sent a large army and launched a large attack from the northern border to attack the southern part of Scotland and attract the attention of the Scots.

Later, Marin would use a fleet of ships to carry a legion of troops and land at the dock near Edinburgh from the sea. Then, a surprise attack on Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland ...

The large army of England on the border is sure to attract most of the troops in Scotland. At this time, tens of thousands of troops were recruited in Scotland. Moreover, facing the main force of the British army, they must send most of their troops to the southern border to block the British army.

Generally speaking ~ ~ in the mountainous south of Scotland, even if there are only a few thousand troops, there is a great possibility to block the British army. After all, the terrain advantage is not in vain. If it were not for terrain advantage, Scotland would have been destroyed by England.

But in this way, there will definitely be a vacancy in the rear of Scotland. At this time, a tens of thousands of Marin's legions suddenly landed near Edinburgh, which can definitely shock the opponent and make the enemy caught off guard.

As long as Edinburgh is captured, Scotland ’s resistance on the southern front will lose any meaning. After all, the Scottish Kings and most dignitaries live in Edinburgh. As long as the city of Edinburgh is broken, it means that the heart of the Kingdom of Scotland is destroyed. By then, the "life" of the Kingdom of Scotland will die ...

As soon as news of the fall of Edinburgh came, the frontline Scottish army must collapse. Because their resistance has lost meaning.

This is much more serious than the capture of James IV, because even if James IV was captured, according to European customs, it can still be redeemed. Moreover, the administrative organs of the Kingdom of Scotland have not been destroyed and can still function normally. Even if the king is killed, it's a big deal to choose a new chant.

However, if Edinburgh was breached, then the Scottish administration was completely destroyed. After that, no one would send supplies to the front of the Scottish Resistance Army, and no one would give orders to the army. By that time, the Scottish border guards must collapse and then surrender.

Then, the British army can capture those Scottish border troops, and drive straight into the city, arriving in Edinburgh, and officially annihilating Scotland.

Moreover, it does not matter if the Scottish defenders at the border continue to resist. Big deal, the British army took a boat from Newcastle to Edinburgh. Then, spread from the heart of Scotland, Edinburgh, to the surroundings of Scotland.

In short, this time Scotland is in danger ...