The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 993: Mouth and secret

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When King Navarre Jean Albre learned of the death of his brother-in-law Caesar Pogia, he did not have an immediate attack, but was relieved. His wife, Queen Catherine, was very happy.

In fact, when Jean Albre accepted Caesar Borgia, it was also very contradictory. Because, he knew very well that his acceptance of Caesar Borgia would definitely make the current Pope Julius II unhappy. However, when his sister Charlotte defended her husband, he had to take the couple first.

For Jean Albre, the life and death of his sister is very important. As for the brother-in-law ... At the beginning, it was also a marriage of interests. He didn't care about the life and death of Caesar Pogia. Moreover, Caesar Borgia is also a hot potato, which is very hot. As for Queen Catherine, she had long regarded Caesar Borgia as trouble. It was only in the face of Jean Albre's sister Charlotte that he didn't get rid of it.

However, Jean Albre and Queen Catherine were actually ready to secretly sell Caesar Borgia to Julius II. However, Julius II had already handed over the responsibility of killing Caesar Borgia to his son-in-law Marin, and he did not contact the Navarre Kingdom, so the couple waited in vain. After all, if you sell Caesar Borgia, the Kingdom of Navarra will certainly gain a lot of benefits. After all, as a pope, he would definitely not be shabby.

However, the husband and wife waited for nothing. They did not wait for the news of Julius II, but the news of the death of Caesar Pogia ...

"Finally dead ..." Jean Albre breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, this scourge is finally dead. Later, Navarra is also safe!" Queen Catherine said.

"Unfortunately we have no good ..." Jean Albre was a bit sorry.

"Don't be sorry, your brother-in-law is dead, you can't do nothing ..." Queen Catherine reminded.

"Yes, I want to pretend ..."

Then, let Albre pretend to be angry, and send a large group of people to search for the assassin. But the leading officers have long been secretly ordered to do it, don't take it seriously ...


Then, the Navala Kingdom officers and soldiers, divided into several directions, began to search around Pamplona. However, their search speed is very slow, and it is clear that they want to let the killer go.

Of course, these Navarre officers and soldiers also took advantage of the opportunity to search for wealth in the surrounding villages. In addition to the manor under the name of the big aristocracy, those small villages with no background are unlucky. These Navarra officers and soldiers who came to search for assassins nominally entered the homes of the people and turned over the boxes. When they saw what was valuable, they walked along. They called it "this is the evidence". If he dares to resist, he will arrest him in the name of "suspect" and then ask his family to take the money to "bail" ...

In this way, by searching for assassins, these officers made a fortune. Of course, they dare not go too far. After all, if it is too much, the king will punish them. Therefore, these generals who took advantage of the opportunity to make money only sought for money, did not kill lives, and did not molest women.

This is the characteristic army of this era such as bandits. Whether in Europe or the East. Of course, the Ming Dynasty was much better. This is because the Ming Dynasty is now in a period of prosperity, social stability, and strict laws. Those military officers did not dare to mess up. But by the end of the Ming Dynasty, the officers and soldiers were very arrogant. It is a common thing to kill Liang Gonggong. Zuo Liangyu's officers and soldiers, who killed the people, are no softer than Qing soldiers.

As for Europe, most of the military is mercenaries. The mercenaries serve as soldiers just for money and looting the people, almost forming a habit. And this habit has been retained until the 19th century. For example, the Anglo-French coalition looting the Old Summer Palace is a "fine tradition" left by European mercenaries ...


Although the officers and soldiers searching for the assassin were in a hurry, a few days later, they still chased the body of the assassin ...

The bodies of seven England dart masters were found near the coast of the Bay of Biscay on the northern border of Navarra Kingdom. Obviously, these seven England dart masters are planning to arrive at the beach and leave by boat. However, before arriving at the beach, he was silenced ...

Obviously, this is Marlin's Beihai Chamber of Commerce. But in fact, the spies under Kohler did not want to kill these dart masters at first. However, by chance, a head of the North Sea Chamber of Navala Spy from East Friesland accidentally heard the conversation of this group of English dart masters. In this era, Frisian and English can communicate and after reporting, Kohler instructed people to kill and kill.

What did these guys talk about? It turned out that these 7 people were all the remnants of the Tudor dynasty. They are talking about how to continue to devote themselves to the great cause of rebelling against Edward after getting the money back to China. He also intends to follow the method of assassination of Caesar Borgia and assassinate important officials under Edward ...

The darts movement was originally developed by Henry VII. Henry VII was relatively weak, and pulling the English longbow was a bit difficult. As a result, he engaged in a darts game that was less laborious. As the loyal loyalists of the Tudor dynasty, "there is a good one, but the next will be very stern." So, these 7 people actively practice dart throwing techniques, intending to please the above. But after they practiced darts, Henry VII was killed ...

So these people went underground and secretly planned to restore the Tudor dynasty. Then, it happened that an Italian killer organization called "Assassin's Creed" went to England to hire dart masters at high prices. These people were conspiring to lack funds, so they were called to come to Italy and then to the Kingdom of Navarre ...

Originally, they could safely return to England with money. However, an inadvertent conversation was heard by the employer, and they were sadly reminded. When he was about to run out of the northern border of the Kingdom of Navarre, the head of the North Sea Chamber of Commerce in Navarre poisoned the wine for them and poisoned all seven people on the northern border of Navarre ... …

Why did Kohler order poison to kill these people? Nonsense, Edward is now an ally of Marin, and Edward Margaret, daughter of Edward, even has a marriage contract with Marlin's son Caesar. These people want to assassinate important officials under Edward ~ ~ Isn't it just to mess up England? That is where the little master Caesar will rule in the future, how can Xiao Xiao be destroyed? Therefore, the sad ending of these people is destined ...

Moreover, Kohler has also left a "secret letter" on the leaders of the seven England dart masters ...

This so-called "secret letter" was written by Kohler in the name of the leader of "Assassin's Creed" Altaïr. In the letter, "Atel" told the leader that deposits paid by various forces such as Italy, Denmark and France had been paid and let them go to the "old place". As for the remaining half of the pay, you have to wait until the assassination is completed. At the end of the letter, "Atel" also wished these dart players to successfully restore the Tudor dynasty ...

In the letter, "Ater" secretly paid out the Italian side, who were the descendants of several bishops' families who had been poisoned by Caesar Borgia, but not the Tirovere family. Obviously, this is for the Pope. As for the beginning of the French forces, it was not mentioned. On the other side of Denmark, everyone knows that the Christian crown prince almost died under "Cantrera". If it hadn't been too much and just vomited, Prince Christian had already hung up. Therefore, you can guess the Danish royal family without thinking ...

However, all of this is false, and Kohler faked the news. But after the "secret letter" fell into the hands of King Navarre Jean Albre, the Navarreans believed the words in the secret letter. Because the statement in the letter is very reasonable, making it impossible to refute.

what? You said that the person who killed the mouth would not deliberately leave such a flaw in the secret letter? This is easy. Because, this "secret letter" is hidden in the socks of the assassin's chief, and the person who lost his mouth should not pay attention. The mercenaries have always been veterans of copying homes and touching corpses, and it is not surprising to find this letter. The smell of the foot in the letter further confirmed its rationality ...

{Old Railway, please remember the New Bayi Chinese Network}