The Rise Of The Tamer Family

v2 ~: Finish this testimonial

After finishing the book, there are a lot of things I want to tell you, but in the end, I found that I couldn't say a word.

Apologize first.

This book of mine has many shortcomings, but those who can read it are undoubtedly those who really like this book.

Here, I apologize to you, my food and clothing parents, that I did not write a work that satisfied you.

At the same time, I would also like to thank you, because it is you who have allowed me to persist until now.

There have been difficulties and pains along the way. Before the end, I wanted to complain about my grievances, but when the book was over, I found that all the pains and difficulties in my mind had disappeared.

All that remains is that little memory...

Everyone's monthly passes, rewards, and support are the memories I have left behind.

Maybe because of my double-opening, I don't have a deep memory of this book, and I don't have time to memorize it.

But your support is still fresh in my memory.

Maybe some of you are no longer on this book, but I still remember you, it's you who gave me, a novice, the courage to write.

It's you who gave me, a novice, the experience of finishing this book.

It's you guys who let me, a novice, know that I can make money with my own stories.

You are my parents, and you are my nobles.

To be honest, there is still a lot to say, but I don’t know how to describe it, so let’s stop here.

Finally, please support my new book. I will try my best to write works that make everyone more satisfied. If everyone is not satisfied, I will continue to improve myself. One day, we will meet in the mountains and rivers.


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