The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 114: I took the exam once.

Upgrading the villa's power grid and computing cluster, and installing a cooling system, Pang Xuelin must not be able to do it himself like last time.

He thought about it, and still called his dad.

In this regard, Dad's connections are much wider than Pang Xuelin's.

After listening to Pang Xuelin's request, Pang Yongnian agreed and said that he would call Pang Xuelin when he found a suitable candidate. He would not ask Pang Xuelin what he wanted to do in the basement of the villa to build a data center.

上次 Since attending the award ceremony of Pang Xuelin last time in Paris, the couple for the first time have a clearer understanding of Pang Xuelin's influence and academic status.

Not to mention, my son made another big move in Paris. During this period of time, the media was tiring up a series of reports, which caused Pang Yongnian and his wife's aesthetic fatigue.

Therefore, regarding some of his son's actions, Pang Yongnian felt that he didn't need to ask at all and just did it.

Uh ...

Qi Qixin's transfer procedures were handled quickly.

On the second afternoon, Pang Xuelin had just finished his class and returned to the office. Qi Xin was holding a pile of things to find him to report.

"Professor Pang, you will be my boss next. Afterwards, you will eat under your hands. If you do not do well, don't deduct my salary!"

Qi Qixin looked pitiful, but from the smile in her mouth, she was quite happy to be able to work next to Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "Sister Xue, don't pretend. I'm not unfamiliar with your working ability. My next job and life can be a lot of trouble for you. By the way, your workstation is outside. This Duan is okay for now. You should familiarize yourself with the position first and help me make arrangements for work. "

Qi Xin smiled with a smile and said, "It's got orders, but I'll have to report to the Ponzi Geometry Report Preparatory Group later. Dean Liu said that there are not enough staff, so let me temporarily help you, my brother, what's the matter? Or just send me a WeChat! "

行 "Okay, I see, you go first!"

Pang Xuelin was not surprised. During this period, the institutes successively held two internationally influential lectures. This Ponzi geometry special report was even more sensational than the last BSD conjecture report.

The number of staff in the Yanshuyuan was severely inadequate, and Qi Xin was naturally pulled out.

The news of the current report meeting has been released through the official website of Jiangcheng University. It is scheduled to run from December 20 to December 23 for a total of four days.

Although the time was unfortunately placed on Christmas Eve, the tickets for the lecture were still looted by mathematicians from various countries.

As for the top mathematicians, naturally there is no need to worry about the problem of no votes, Jiang University sent an invitation letter to these people.

What surprised Pang Xuelin was that this time, Perelman, the otaku man, actually responded, and he was ready to come and talk to Pang Xuelin.

As for the new one of Mochizuki, I am also sure to attend this report.

Seeing Qi Xin's figure disappearing in the office, Pang Xuelin shook his head and began to write a paper on Ponzi geometry and ABC conjecture.

This time, it is not as simple as the last BSD conjecture. Although the research on the Ponzi geometry theory framework has been completed, there are still many concepts that need to be explained in detail in the paper.

Pang Xuelin estimated that it would take at least 10 days and a half months to get the thesis finished.

As soon as he entered the working state, Pang Xuelin had no concept of time. It was not until a call from Xu Xingguo, director of the State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials of Jiangda University, that he was released from working state.

"Professor Pang, are you free these two days?"

"Professor Xu, what's wrong?"

Pang Xuelin froze slightly.

Xu Xingguo smiled: "Your material science examination questions have been almost prepared. In addition, Lao Li, the experimental materials, and the project team's manpower are ready for you. When you come over, we will take the professional course exams. Passed, and then directly into the experimental process? "

Pang Xuelin froze for a while, then remembered that there was a lot of things waiting for him at the School of Materials.

He thought for a while and said, "Professor Xu, then tomorrow, I will go to you tomorrow."

Xu Xing State Road: "Okay, then I'll wait for you in the office tomorrow."

Uh ...

一 In the early morning of the next day, Pang Xuelin drove directly to the State Key Laboratory of Silicon Materials on Yuquan Road Campus.

As soon as he entered the experimental building, Pang Xuelin became the focus of passers-by.

Many people greeted Pang Xuelin one after another.

"Professor Pang!"

"Professor Pang!"

"Professor Pang!"

Uh ...

Xi Pang Xuelin could only nod and smile, his face was almost laughing, and he could still hear the voice of passersby.

"What did Pang Shen come to our laboratory?"

"Haven't you heard of it? Pang Shen is preparing to graduate in material science!"

"I'm going, this top-ranked big cow, run us to graduate school? Is this full?"

"Who knows, maybe people don't think mathematics is so challenging, run over to build a trumpet!"

"Sure enough, the world of God is difficult for ordinary people to understand ..."

Uh ...

Xu Pang Xuelin was a little speechless and could not help but speed up and came outside Xu Xingguo's office.

Bang bang ——

"Come in!"

Xuan Pang Xuelin pushed in, and to his surprise, in Xu Xingguo's office, in addition to Xu Xing, four people gathered.

Seeing Pang Xuelin come in, the four eyes suddenly focused on Pang Xuelin.

Xu Xingguo got up and introduced: "Professor Pang is here, let me introduce you. These are the teachers who participated in the assessment today. This is Professor Li Jianbin of the School of Chemical Engineering. He is mainly responsible for the assessment of the four basic chemistry courses, which are organic chemistry. ~ ~ Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry; This is Professor Tao Hong of our college, who is mainly responsible for assessing polymer chemistry, materials chemistry, and solid chemistry; This is Professor Chu Shilin of the School of Physics, responsible for university physics , Material physics, material mechanics, structural mechanics assessment; you do n’t need to introduce this, you also know, Professor Li Changqing is responsible for the assessment of material structure and properties, material thermodynamics and dynamics, material field theory and tensor; as for me, Will be directly responsible for the assessment of courses in materials science, crystal growth, solid phase transition and performance effects, dislocation theory and material strengthening, photonic materials science, energy materials science, semiconductor physics, and application of electron microscopes to materials science ... "

"Professor Li!"

"Professor Tao, hello hello!"

"Professor Chu, hello!"

"Professor Changqing, I have to trouble you again this time!"

Uh ...

Xi Pang Xuelin shook hands with the four of them one by one. The four senior professors of Jiangda University did not dare to neglect and responded friendly.

庞 In the field of materials science, Pang Xuelin may only be a little transparent, but in the mathematical world, this person who has written his name into the history of mathematics has a far cry from each other's academic status!

Xu Xingguo laughed: "Professor Pang, Professor Li Jianbin, Professor Tao Hong and Professor Chu Shilin are responsible for the assessment of the basic courses at the undergraduate level. There are eleven professional basic courses. You only need to select eight of them to complete the assessment. Professor Li Changqing and I Subjects, if you can pass five courses, we can directly grant you a master's degree, and if you pass eight courses, we can directly award you a doctorate! Look at how you plan to choose. "

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Professor Xu, since you have already prepared these subjects, then don't waste it, I will take all the exams at once!"