The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 3: Trial day

"Pang, wake up, Pang, wake up soon!"

Pang Xuelin opened his eyes stupidly, looking at the bearded foreigner in front of him, an inexplicable memory poured into his mind, and Pang Xuelin subconsciously said: "G ... Grant?"

"Thank you Lord, Pang, you finally woke up!"

Grant covered his chest with his right hand, then moved his index and middle fingers together and pointed towards the sky.

Pang Xuelin is a little strange. What gesture is this? Should n’t you draw a cross on your chest when praying to God?

"Grant, we ... where are we?"

Xi Pang Xuelin shook his head, combing a sudden extra memory in his head, faint.

"We're on Judgment Day! Pang, don't you get sleepy! From last night to now, you've been sleeping for almost 16 hours, and we all thought you were in trouble."

Trial ... What is the date of the trial?

Pang Xuelin fought a chill, and the memory infused in his mind seemed to be activated instantly.

Plane Plane: Three Body World

Identity: Pang Xuelin, 28 years old, mathematician, cryptographer, core member of the adventist trisomy organization, resident trial date.

Mission: Survive in this world for more than seven days, steal all information about Trisomy Civilization in the computer system of Judgment Day. (Note: At the time of entering the plane, the trial day steamer had applied to the Panama Canal Authority, and it is expected to pass the Panama Canal four days later.)

mission rewards:

First, the BSD conjecture proves the whole process.

Second, a technique of randomly drawing the standard plane is used as a reward.


Xi Pang Xuelin subconsciously swears in Chinese.

No wonder Grant's prayer gesture was so strange just now. The other party is a member of the Trisomic Organization of the Earth (ETO). The master in his mouth is real and belongs to the three-body civilization from Alpha Centauri.

He didn't expect that the first time he crossed, the system arranged for him such a difficult task.

庞 Pang Xuelin, the trilogy of "Three Body", has been seen for a long time. As a big Liu Fan, every detail of this novel is almost like a treasure.

Therefore, Pang Xuelin knows the difficulty of this story mission released by the system.

In the novel "Three-Body", the "Judgment Day" ship is also known as the Second Red Bank Base, which is the main base of the Adventists in the Three-Earth Organization (ETO).

审判 On the "Judgment Day" ship, there is a huge radio wave transmitting antenna, which can use the ability of the sun's reflection to amplify the power of radio waves, and connect with the three-body civilization of 4.5 light years away.

It stores important information about the ETO Adventists' contact with the three-body civilization, and it is also the main target of the United Earth Government's crackdown.

Xuan Pang Xuelin's crossing point was just a few days before the United Nations Planetary Defense Council assembled global forces to prepare for the strike on Judgment Day.

Twenty-four days later, the 60,000-ton ship will cross the Panama Canal.

During Operation Guzheng initiated by the Planetary Defense Council (PDC), the giant ship was cut into more than thirty pieces by flying blade materials, and all the people on board were dead.

Once Pang Xuelin took on this task, he had to find a way to obtain the trisomy civilization data stored in the Central Computer of "Judgment Day" within four days, and then escape from this huge ship.

Not to mention the danger of letting him steal the three-body civilization, Judgment Day is currently sailing on the Atlantic Ocean in a legal capacity, and will cross the Panama Canal four days later. There is no chance of docking during this period. How can he escape?

Xun Pang Xuelin was a bit entangled.

"Pang, are you okay?"

Bearded Grant was worried when he saw Pang Xuelin's unwilling spirit.

"Oh, I ... I'm fine!"

Xi Pang Xuelin looked at Grant, and relevant information emerged in his mind.

Grant, a German of Turkish origin, professor of astrophysics at the Technical University of Munich, is himself one of the core members of the ETO Adventists.

ETO Adventists, mainly composed of believers in species communism led by Mike Evans.

Because of the mass extinction caused by modern civilization, as well as various causes such as war and racial hatred, they have completely despaired of human nature, and have extreme hatred of humanity from the heart.

In a word of Mike Evans: "We don't know what an alien civilization looks like, but we know humans."

The goal of the Adventist is to help the three-body civilization destroy human civilization, and then let the three-body people destroy themselves!

In Pang Xuelin's view, this is a group of seemingly normal, actually extremely extreme neuropathy!

He is much more evil than the rescuers and survivors in the ETO.

Once this group of people finds that they want to steal the communication information of the three-body civilization, and then escape from the "Judgment Day", it will be a fatal situation waiting for him.

Grant said: "Pang, you're fine. Mainly, when you arrived on duty today, you didn't come and everyone didn't see you. Evans asked me to come over! If it's okay, I'll go first. Remember to report to the bridge later. "

"it is good!"

Xi Pang Xuelin nodded, and saw Grant disappear at the door of his cabin, and then he was relieved.

Xuan Pang Xuelin looked around. The cabin he was in was a single room with a toilet, and the area was about ten levels.

In the "Judgment Day", where the living space is extremely compact, only Adventists have such a living environment. Others either live in double rooms or quadruple rooms.

He is one of the few top scientists in the Adventist group. He is mainly responsible for encrypted communication with the three-body civilization, so he enjoys a better treatment than others.

However, this difference in treatment and status is not obvious on the "Judgment Day".

For most of them, the "Judgment Day" is equivalent to their Noah's Ark, and is the spiritual pillar for their souls to reach the other side.

As long as you can enter the "Judgment Day", it is nothing to be a bit tired in life.

Uh ...

如何 How to complete the task next?

Pang Xuelin thought with his chin secretly.

First of all, do n’t worry about identity exposure for the time being. On the “Judgment Day”, all the elites of the ETO Adventists are assembled. Anyone who can enter the “Judgment Day” has experienced Tomoko (intelligent micro-particles, early three-body civilization Detectors launched on the earth are used to interfere with human particle collision experiments, to lock up basic scientific research on the earth, and also to obtain information. In the face of Tomoko, humans have no secrets) Repeated review without worrying about being mixed by spies .

Not to mention that he is responsible for the encrypted communication between the Adventists and the Three-Body Civilization, and is one of the few Adventists who have permission to view the data of the Three-Body Civilization.

Therefore, Yin Wensi should have 100% confidence in himself.

The biggest problem now is not from the inside of Judgment Day, but the upcoming trip to the Panama Canal.

Based on the plot in the novel, the Planetary Defense Council has decided to take action on Judgment Day.

However, their main goal is not to capture the Adventists, but to obtain the trisomy civilization data stored on the "Judgment Day" computer center.

In order to prevent the Adventists from destroying the data in the computer during the operation, the human side carefully planned the "Operation Guzheng".

That is, two pillars are erected on both sides of the Gallid Waterway of the Panama Canal, and many flying blade materials are pulled in parallel every half meter between the pillars. This nano-material is extremely strong, but only one tenth of the thickness of the hair. Not visible at all.

As the Judgment Day passes, it can be cut silently and silently.

In order to prevent someone from lying on the bed during the cutting and avoiding the cutting, the human side even set the time of day during the day. Most people are on the boat or standing or sitting.

This is almost a survival deadlock.

Xi Pang Xuelin frowned, and if it was allowed to enter the Panama Canal on the "Judgment Day", it would be almost impossible to survive the Guzheng operation smoothly.

It is now four days before Judgment Day crosses the Panama Canal.

You must act as soon as possible.

Xun pondered for a moment, Pang Xuelin stepped out of his cabin and went to the bridge based on the memory in his brain.

As soon as Xu entered the bridge, Pang Xuelin saw a 50-year-old, blond, tall man standing on the bridge and observing the direction of the Judgment Day.

This is the first time Pang Xuelin has met Yin Wensi!

Mike Evans, founder and worshiper of species communism, founder of Trisomy.

He can plant trees in Northwest China for three years in order to save some endangered birds.

He can live on a fishing boat for six months in order to investigate an endangered marine fish.

After getting the $ 4.5 billion legacy of his father, an oil tycoon, he put most of his money into saving endangered species on the planet, only to find that all this was nothing more than a slack job.

Alas, he was completely desperate for humans.

他 When he learned from Ye Wenjie's mouth that the trisomy civilization existed, his goal changed from saving endangered species to completely destroying human civilization.

He spent all his fortunes and set up a second Red Bank base on the "Judgment Day". UU reading books www.uukanshu. com

He promoted the development of the three-body movement of the earth and alienated powerful rebel forces within human beings.

If Ye Wenjie is the spiritual leader of the trisomy organization, then Evans is the actual controller of the trisomy organization and the spiritual leader of the adventist group.

"Pang, you're here. I heard you're not doing well. Are you all right now?"

Xi Pang Xuelin shook his head and said, "It's okay, but I'm a little tired. I slept a little longer."

Evans smiled, "Pang, but you are one of the few real geniuses in the Adventists. Before the Lord comes, you must take care of your body. After all, our battle has just begun!"

Evans has a mild eyes and speaks slowly. No one can see that this person has a great ideal to destroy human civilization.

Pang Xuelin groaned for a moment and said, "Evans, can you come out? I want to talk to you about something."

Evans said for a moment: "What's the matter?"

Xuan Pang Xuelin looked at the sailor, the captain, the mate and others who steered on the bridge and did not speak.

Evans understood what he meant, and said, "Okay, let's talk on the deck!"

I walked out of the bridge, and a fierce sea breeze struck the collars of the two men.

The sun was shining on the body in the afternoon, and there was not much burning.

"Say, what's wrong with me?"

Evans smiled at Pang Xuelin, the young mathematician who introduced it into ETO eight years ago.

数 After several years of investigation, the young man showed strong hatred for human civilization and high loyalty to the organization, making him one of the core scientists on the "Judgment Day" and the most trusted subordinate of Evans.