The Scourge of Pirates

Chapter 340: Just wait to receive the bounty...

Chapter 340, you just wait to receive the bounty...

The mighty scenes in front of them all showed the power of the blue ghost Tori and the red ghost Broki.

That purely armed collision is information that has never been revealed in the original work.

But Maude had already expected it.

Being able to use the horror skill of [Baguo] that directly penetrates the goldfish island-eating monster, Maude doesn't believe it at all if he can't be armed with domineering.

Seeing it with his own eyes at the moment, just as he had thought before.

Only in this way can he have the value of making him come from far away.

"Pull over."

There was light in Maude's eyes.

The urge to fight is not only for the two potential huge gains, but also for the experience and experience that can be obtained when fighting the two giants.

No matter what, it is precious.

Hearing Maude's words, even without Cavendish's instructions, the helmsman of the handsome pirate group subconsciously hit the rudder and let the White Horse approach the shore.

"Wait for me here."

Maude jumped off the boat and headed straight to the center of the island.

Bailey lay on Maude's shoulders, from beginning to end, his eyes never left Dongli and Broki who were fighting in the middle of the island.

Just watching the battle scene of the two giants, his little brain suddenly came up with an unrealistic idea.

[If only I could become that big too. 】

If he tells Maude this idea.

Then Maude would definitely encourage him to try to implement the idea.

With this as a prerequisite, Devil Fruit often does not disappoint.

With Maude disembarking, Cavendish, Jaya, and Philo followed closely.

As for the other members of the handsome pirate group, when they saw Dongli and Broki's momentum with their own eyes, they had no intention of disembarking.

Fortunately, Maude and Cavendish didn't say anything, so they could stay on the boat with peace of mind.

"To fight that kind of monster..."

"I hope Captain Cavendish won't mess around."

The crew of the handsome pirate group silently looked at the figures of Maude who were gradually sinking into the dense forest.

Within the dense forest.

Maude walked through quickly.

With the aid of seeing, hearing and color, Maude can easily perceive the aura hidden in the dark of the dense forest.

But right now he has no time to deal with this group of people.

"Maud, my white horse Cavendish will help you defeat these two giants in the brightest way!"

Cavendish suddenly pulled out the famous sword Durandall.

Maude was startled when he heard the words.

When he was about to say something, he saw Cavendish using a speed that was almost the same as that of the person in the sickle, and his figure disappeared in front of his eyes.

"You just wait to receive the bounty..."

Maude vaguely heard the last words that Cavendish left behind.

"What does this guy want to do?"

Maude's face was dark.

Jia Ya smiled and said: "Xiao Ka seems to believe that you came to the Little Garden to get the bounty of the blue ghost and the red ghost, so you are so active."

"Come on, hope he won't be killed by giants."

Maude sighed helplessly.

Through Jaya’s reminder, he probably understood Cavendish’s motives.

It's just that this guy doesn't know anything in his heart.

In this level of battle, you can't skillfully use armed colors and dare to join the fun.

It's because you didn't die fast enough.

Maude shook his head slightly, stepped on his feet, and ran forward.

On the flat ground in the center of the small garden.

The fierce battle continues, but it is almost over.

This time, the well-matched Dongli and Broki still have no winners.

Without the intervention of external factors, although they did not leave room in the duel, and their moves were directed at the opponent's vitals, they played hundreds of games and thousands of games, often without even a single injury.

In the final analysis, they know each other too much.

Therefore, even if they fight for another hundred years, it will be difficult for them to tell the outcome.

But even though they know this, they will continue to fight.

This is the will of Albuff.

Once the battle begins, it cannot be stopped.

The way to end can only be until one party falls.

"It seems we still cannot tell the winner today."

Wearing a pointed helmet, Broki took his axe and took a step back.

Just now, his deliberate one-axe lore was seen by Dongli, and Dongli took advantage of the momentum to fight back.

But he also saw through Dongli's attack in an instant, and made an evasive response in time, without being hit by the steel sword.

Both sides missed the opportunity to cut the other side, and once again let the battle end in a tie.

"Ghahaha, although there is no winner or loser, it has been a long time since I was so happy."

Dongli raised his head and laughed.

An invigorating battle expelled all the alcohol in his body.

This long-lost sense of refreshment made him extremely happy.


Broki clearly felt the same way.

This is thanks to the spirits "sent" from the little people.

After a while, Dongli and Broki suddenly stopped laughing and looked at the weedy flat ground in the same direction.

There, Cavendish stood holding a sword, looking up at Dongli and Broki, who were like hills in front of him.

"Here is another little bit."

"Good eyes."

Dongli and Brockey looked down at Cavendish who suddenly appeared, and their expressions were rather cold.

If the duel hadn't just ended, the addition of Cavendish hadn't affected their duel.

Otherwise, they have been harassed by humans recently, this will definitely be a direct shot, slap Cavendish dead.

"Go back, Broki."

Dongli could feel Cavendish's hostility.

But he was in a good mood now, too lazy to care about Cavendish, so he greeted Broki, and then turned and walked towards the huge sea king skeleton in the east.


Broki also turned around with a big laugh, and walked towards the huge sea king skeleton in the west.

The two giants went their separate ways, completely ignoring Cavendish's existence.

"How dare you ignore this young master!"

Cavendish looked cold and immediately put on an attacking starting position.

In front of Maude, he had no confidence in claiming to be his master.

But if he is in front of others, he not only has confidence, but also is narcissistic, wrong, and confident!

"Sword, stardust circulating!"

Cavendish’s long flowing hair was windless, and there seemed to be ghosts floating in his golden eyes, and he suddenly slashed towards Dongli and cut a spiral of sword energy surrounded by stardust sword light.

The spiral sword aura went away extremely quickly, and it slashed on Dongli's back in a blink of an eye.


The power contained in the sword aura oscillated, making Dongli groan and stagger forward two steps.

The slightly heavy steps caused the ground to vibrate slightly.

Cavendish didn't stop after a blow and killed him. Instead, he twisted his waist and moved towards Broki on the other side.

The spiral sword energy wrapped in star-point light slashed on Broki's back like this.

With the surging of the air, Brockey, like Dongli, was shocked by the power of the stardust circulation and staggered forward two steps.

Yu Wei dissipated, and the two giants who were hit almost at the same time slowly turned around, looking angrily at Cavendish, who had not forgotten to pose after the attack.

"It hurts a bit."

Dongli and Brockey rubbed their backs.

That trick of stardust flow, only caused them insignificant minor injuries.

And such minor injuries, in their 70,000 duels, I don't know how many times they have suffered.

Seeing Dongli and Broki as okay, Cavendish frowned.

He obviously underestimated the defense power of these two giants.

"I still want to solve your problem first before Maude rushes over..."

Cavendish realized that he thought things too simple.

To deal with this level of guys, it is very unrealistic to set a time limit for yourself.

Dongli and Brockey were not in the mood to listen to Cavendish muttering there.

A little angry, they suddenly waved their weapons and slashed at Cavendish.

The huge and heavy cold weapon smashed down with a mighty force, and the air seemed to be squeezed out of the empty rail.

Like a mountain booming and falling!

"So fast! No, it's the pressure that makes me dull..."

Cavendish's expression was shocked, and his figure retreated backward.


The long sword and great axe full of anger smashed into the plain.

That daunting and terrifying force suddenly shook the ground of the entire island.

The scattered shock wave swept up a large amount of dust and grass clippings, and instantly bombarded Cavendish who was receding backwards.

Almost in the next second, Cavendish's body smashed through the smoke and flew more than ten meters before landing heavily.

After landing, he rolled dozens of times before stopping.

"What a terrifying power..."

Cavendish couldn't pay attention to the image of becoming embarrassed. He stood up for the first time, looking in astonishment at Dongli and Broki, who had caused such a powerful slash.

Maude, who came to the plain from the dense forest, happened to see this scene.

"At the moment when the slash hits the ground, do you use a clever timing to release the armed color from the body? Or is it the most basic principle of the application of ‘hegemony’?"

Maude looked up at Dongli and Brockey, thoughtfully.

This trick,

He wants to master!

(End of this chapter)